The palm returned with blood.

A pleasant but creepy sucking sound came from the vortex.

After a while, the dry palm appeared again.

This time, the palm was still burning with a strange red flame.

19. This is the way to survive!

Looking at the dry palm burning with enchanting flames, the maid's eyes were calm. She stretched out her right hand - the hand holding the dagger, and placed it in front of the dry palm.

The five fingers of the dry palm gradually tightened and slowly grasped the maid's right wrist.


The enchanting flames jumped up, and the stench of burning flesh and blood filled the whole room.

The maid's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She seemed to be enduring some extreme pain.

But there was a fanatical emotion brewing in her eyes, like a believer, witnessing the advent of a miracle!

After a while, the dry palm let go of the maid's wrist and retracted into the black hole-like vortex.

The terrifying breath disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

But the enchanting flames still remained, burning fiercely on the maid's right hand, along with the dagger!

"Evil priest?"

Celica's voice returned to this world again, with unspeakable anger:

"How dare you, rats from the sewers, appear in front of me?"

"Rats? To the noble princess, we are indeed just rats."

The maid raised her eyes, and the flames and Cecilia's pale face were reflected in her cold eyes.

Her expression was sarcastic:

"But, noble princess, you will be killed by lowly rats soon."

The maid disappeared again.

Then she appeared in front of Cecilia.

The flaming dagger, at a tricky angle, mercilessly stabbed Cecilia's heart.

"Humph, dream!"

Cecilia snorted coldly, and a more terrifying chill burst out from her delicate body, and everything around her was instantly torn into pieces by the extreme cold and storm.

But it was only a moment.

In such a short moment, it couldn't even affect the maid who was already close at hand, but only slightly shifted the dagger in her hand.

Because the next moment, the chill suddenly disappeared.

That's right, it disappeared without a sign, suddenly, and caught people off guard.

Celicia was stunned for a moment, but soon came to her senses, and she looked at the flame burning in the maid's right hand.

"Sure enough, is this a power that specifically restrains me?"

Celicia's ice comes from the blessing of the gods. It is different from ordinary frost magic and represents the power of rules.

Freeze everything.

This is the content of the rules.

So in theory, she can even freeze the flames directly!

But this power has temporarily stopped working, and she can't even condense the ice sword she is using.

Because another law that completely restrains her is burning on the maid's right hand and dagger!

"But do you think you can kill me like this?"

Celicia quickly calmed down.

Her strength is not just because of the gift of the gods!

Before the maid's second attack, she suddenly moved forward, not retreating but advancing!

Her five slender fingers were put together into a palm, and there was a sharp fighting spirit in the palm, which slapped the maid's chest fiercely!

"I almost forgot that your highness's martial arts should not be underestimated, but unfortunately..."

The maid did not dodge, but directly slapped with Cecilia.

The fighting spirit confrontation fell into a brief stalemate.

The fierce wind pressure blew the maid's neatly trimmed ear-length hair.

She still looked indifferent.

"It's a pity that because you usually use ice swords, you, who are good at swordsmanship, don't carry an ordinary long sword for self-defense.

And because of your overconfidence, you even disdain to carry a defensive magic device with you."


Cecilia was still indifferent, but the depths of her eyes flashed unnoticeably.


The fighting spirit in the maid's palm suddenly reversed and absorbed Cecilia's palm.

Taking Celia's blow caused her to suffer a lot of injuries instantly, but it was also because of this that Celia had nowhere to escape!

"So I think I can still kill you."

The maid's right hand had been raised in advance. She held the dagger in reverse and aimed at the vital point to ensure the accuracy, strength, and one-shot kill of this blow.

The god of death raised his sickle again.

This time, it was a desperate situation.


"Fuck, what am I thinking about?"

Mu En, who was shrinking in the corner, suddenly slapped himself hard to wake himself up from the thought that was irresistible but absolutely shouldn't have.

It's hard to imagine that he just wanted Celia to die!

For his own selfish desires, let Celia be killed by the assassin!

"Indeed, if Celia died, no one would hold me responsible for violating the princess, and I could live for the time being."

"But, after doing that to a pure girl, I actually wanted to take her life?"

"What kind of invincible, shameless scum am I? Celia is innocent!"

Moon punched the ground hard, and the intense pain made him calm down a lot.

It was precisely because of this that the sense of self-blame gradually rose and occupied his entire heart.

That's right, from beginning to end, from beginning to end, Celia was innocent, and Celia did not make any mistakes.

She was invited to this room only because of Mu En's cowardice, was drugged because of Mu En's meanness, and was deprived of her purity because of Mu En's stupidity.

Now, she might lose her life here because of Mu En's carelessness.

She shouldn't have been like this. She could have met the person she loved and lived a happy life like in the original book.

She shouldn't have died here!

"No, I can't watch Celia die. I have to help her!"

Mu En clenched his fists, and a trace of determination appeared in his eyes.

But when he raised his head and looked at the battle between Celia and the assassin, the determination quickly dissipated.

"How can I help?"

He couldn't even see the assassin's movements clearly.

He didn't have the blessing of the gods either.

He recognized the assassin's [Prayer], which was a kind of existence called the evil priest in the original book, and the way to obtain power from the evil god in the form of sacrifice.

That was not the level of power he should be exposed to now.

He is the spoiled son of the Duke, and the yellow-haired villain whose only role is to pave the way for the protagonist.

He is also an ordinary freshman at the St. Mary Magic Academy, and he has been wasting most of his time this year. The only magic he can think of at the moment is the useless lighting spell.

He can't help Celia at all.

"Perhaps, if I don't make trouble, it will be the best help to her?"

Just like some female protagonists in TV dramas who have no ability but make more trouble with a kind heart, he is the best choice to watch now.

"Celia will definitely win, definitely! She is so strong that she doesn't need my help at all." Mu En muttered to himself, as if to convince himself.



Mu En suddenly heard a crisp sound from behind, like the sound of a door lock opening.

"It's almost over, you can go, Mu En Campbell."

The voice that appeared once, which seemed a little weak, sounded in Mu En's ears again.

20. My choice!


Mu En suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the door of the room.

The door would no longer give him the feeling of being closed off as before, and it seemed that it could really be opened directly.

Mu En subconsciously grasped the door handle and pressed hard.


The door opened.

Through the light and shadow of the door crack, he could see the bright corridor outside.

Mu En's eyes lit up with joy.

As long as the door opened, he could leave here!

However, he was not going to abandon Celia, he just wanted to ask for help from others!

Only by calling other people for help could he have a chance to save Celia!


Mu En suddenly stopped.

He found something wrong.

"The assassin's accomplice guarding the door should also know about this, but why did she let me go?"

"She just said... it's almost over?"

What... it's going to end?

Mu En turned around suddenly.

Then, he saw it.

——The maid held a burning dagger in her hand, like the god of death raising his scythe, about to fall, harvesting the soul that was still proud even in despair.

Forward is life.

Backward is death.

At this moment, it was as if time had stopped.

Indistinctly, Mu En heard the sound of pages turning, as if a story had reached a point, waiting for him to write on.

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