The sharp blade and the flame were reflected in Celia’s eyes.

Despair had completely enveloped her, and she was a little breathless.

Everything in her sight became very slow, as if the slow-motion button was pressed.

But Celia understood that it was not that time really slowed down, but that at the critical moment of life and death, her brain was working fast, causing her thinking to speed up.

In short, it was a revolving lantern.

“It’s so embarrassing that I would end up in such a place…”

“Damn Moon Campbell…”

Celia cursed the man she hated the most in her heart, but she had long lost the anger she had just now.

At this time, anger was meaningless.

“He should have escaped…”

“Well, he shouldn’t die here…”

Celia closed her eyes and calmly accepted the outcome of her death.


The sound of the blade piercing into the flesh sounded as expected.

Hot blood gushed out and splashed on Celia’s face.

Celia didn't feel any pain, on the contrary, she felt a familiar, warm breath surrounding her.


She opened her eyes in astonishment, and her sight just happened to bump into a pair of blue, clear, but now a little dim eyes.

Just like when he invited her to dance at the beginning of the banquet.

"Ahem, isn't it too early to give up now, my princess..."

Moon crawled on Celia, smiled miserably, and then coughed out a large mouthful of blood, dyeing Celia's pure white dress into a thrilling red.


Celia opened her eyes in disbelief, and the coldness in her eyes seemed to melt away, revealing the panic and confusion like a little girl that she had never shown in front of outsiders.

"Moon Campbell, why did you save me..."

"Why? Ahem... I want to know too."

Moon gasped with difficulty. The dagger representing death was piercing his lungs from behind. The flames that could even resist the laws of the gods were burning his body madly, bringing a pain that seemed to tear his consciousness apart.

"If I have to say... maybe... it was a momentary impulse."

"A momentary impulse? Who would be... impulsive at this time?"

Seeing that Cecilia obviously didn't believe it, Muon could only shake his head helplessly.

But in fact, he didn't lie. At that time, he could take a step out and stay away from death.

But when he looked back and saw the dagger raised and about to fall, all the thoughts in his mind disappeared.

Whether it was self-blame for Cecilia.

Whether it was regret for his weakness.

Whether it was fear of death.

Whether it was the desire to survive.

All disappeared.

He simply didn't want Celia to die, didn't want this character he once loved the most, this girl who appeared in front of him so vividly, truly, and beautifully, to die.

What's more, it was his own fault.

So, he chose to turn back.

So, he stood in front of the god of death.


The so-called obsession.

Maybe it was just his self-deception.

"It seems that I really have intermittent brain seizure syndrome, and I always get sick at critical moments."

Mu En couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Just like he once wanted to draw cards at two o'clock in the morning.

Then because he was too excited about the ten consecutive five yellows, he was hit and killed by a passing mud truck.

"Is it the same ending this time?"

Fortunately, after experiencing death once, it is not so scary.

"But before that, let me pretend to be cool for the last time, otherwise I will lose a lot..."

Thinking of this, Mu En endured the severe pain, forced himself to cheer up, and tried to make himself like a real son of the Duke, smiling elegantly and calmly at Celia.

"So now... am I like a man? My Highness."


Unfortunately, Mu En did not wait for Celia's answer.

Darkness engulfed his consciousness.



[Progress loading...]

[Arrogance progress: 50%]

[Jealousy progress: 99%]

[Greed progress: 0%]

[Lust progress: 0%]

[Laziness progress: 0%]

[Rage progress: 0%]

[Gluttony progress: -90%]



[Please continue to struggle]

[Mu En Campbell]

[My ■■■■]

In the depths of Mu En's consciousness, the black book trembled slightly.



Looking at Mu En who suddenly appeared and blocked the attack with his body, the maid's eyes burst into a man-eating rage.

Soon... it will succeed soon, why are you, Mu En Campbell, joining in the fun at this critical moment?

Our target is not you!

"Strange... Was I just in a trance?"

The maid pressed her forehead and instinctively felt something was wrong, but now she had no time to think about those things.

"Do you think you can stop me like this? Even if you block this, with the grace of the gods, Princess Celisia is just a lamb to be slaughtered!"

"At worst, I'll stab you again!"

The maid tightly grasped the dagger and pulled it out...


Why can't I pull it out?

The maid looked down strangely and looked at Mu En.

But she found that the place where she stabbed, the gorgeous dress, had a little golden light flashing, tightly stuck her dagger.

"It turns out that this dress is weird."

The maid sneered disdainfully.

As the son of the Duke, it is not strange to have something that can save his life, but even if it is a little strange... it is just a piece of clothing, how long can it stop me?

The maid mobilized all her strength, and as expected, she quickly pulled out the dagger.

But the pulled out dagger seemed a little strange...


The maid stared at the dagger dully.

The dagger over there flashed with cold light, still sharp.


"Where is my fire?"

I am so big, where is the holy fire given by the gods?

How come it is gone?

21. Shadows in the Deep

"It seems that you are in trouble."

The maid suddenly felt a little cold.

The coldness penetrated into the bone marrow.

She raised her head stiffly and looked forward.

Celia embraced the unconscious Muen, surrounded by howling snow and wind.

The killing intent was like a bursting dam, constantly gushing out of Celia.

"Do you need me to help you solve the problem?"

Celia raised her hand, her eyes as cold as iron.

"Solve--your problem."

The maid suddenly widened her eyes.

Without the flame of the King of Withering, the terrifying coldness instantly invaded her body.

The pure white frost, starting with the dagger, gradually spread to her body, and in a few breaths, it had frozen her entire arm.

"Damn it."

The maid suddenly looked ferocious.

She now understood that her assassination mission had failed under the life-threatening obstruction of Muen Campbell.

Although the sudden disappearance of the flame made her a little concerned, now was not the time to think about that kind of thing.

It is not suitable to stay here for long!

She gritted her teeth and used her only movable left hand to crush her frozen right hand directly!

At the same time, an egg-sized ball fell from her feet and exploded instantly.

White smoke that could cover her perception and vision instantly enveloped the room.

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