Celcia's eyes narrowed slightly, the wind and snow were raging, and the smoke quickly dispersed, but the maid was no longer in the room.


Celecia looked at the broken window of the room, a hint of amusement suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"No, there is no escape."

"Whose territory do you think this is?"

"Damn it Moon Campbell!"

The maid... no, it should be the assassin codenamed No. 8. She is covering her broken arm with one hand, following the shadows in the corner of the mansion, and running away in embarrassment.

"Obviously it's just a little bit..."

"If I had known earlier, even if he was not the mission target, I should have killed him first!"

No. 8 was filled with unwillingness.

Anyone would be angry if a nearly perfect action fell short due to the sudden sabotage of an inconspicuous ant.

But fortunately...it's not over yet.

No. 8 lowered her eyes, listening to the sound of blood dripping to the ground, and feeling the severe pain caused by the missing limbs. At this moment, she actually felt a little bit lucky.

Yes, thankfully.

"Have I become afraid of death since Number Nine died?"

Number 8 laughed to himself.

But she quickly suppressed these unnecessary emotions and continued to focus on her escape that was still not over.

"I just thought I heard someone want to do something to my precious son?"

No. 8's escape suddenly stopped.

She had to stop because someone was standing in front of him.

A man as majestic as a lion.

"[Lion King], Ron Campbell?"

No. 8's face turned extremely pale in an instant.

"Oh? I didn't expect this guest to remember my name, which is not worth mentioning."

Ron Campbell smelled strongly of alcohol. He had just returned from the "battlefield" surrounded by greedy hyenas, holding an exquisite goblet in his hand.

But even if he was dressed in the exquisite attire of a noble, he could not hide the terrifying anger unleashed by this man.

That is the kind of hostility that can only be condensed by walking out of a real mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

"But, this guest, I remember the Campbell family didn't invite you, so why did you come uninvited?"

Ron Campbell still smiled gently, but his eyes were unusually cold, as if he was looking at a dead person.

“Tell me carefully, especially the part about what you want to do to my precious son.

I will definitely... wash it! Ear! Congratulations! listen! "

On the other side of the Duke's mansion, another figure dressed as a maid was also running away quickly.

She was the other Assassin No. 6 who ran away one step ahead when she saw something was wrong.

"Is this [The Lion King]? It's really scary. Fortunately, I chose a different direction."

Glancing at the terrifying aura blooming in the distance, she couldn't help showing a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Sorry No. 8, I can only ask you to help me make bait for now. I can't die yet."

"Your Majesty, the great King of Blight, may your soul return to the red earth forever."

After briefly praying for No. 8 in his heart, No. 6 suppressed the feeling of deficiency in his body and continued to escape out of the Duke's Palace as quickly as possible.

"It's really strange. As a professional assassin, shouldn't he commit suicide and apologize after a mission fails?"

No. 6's pupils shrank suddenly.

Her running steps suddenly stopped, and then like a fish swimming in the water, her body suddenly deflected in the air, avoiding the cold shadow that struck from an extremely tricky angle.


Ignoring the heat and pain left by the cold shadow on his cheek, No. 6 stared closely at the shadow not far away.

"Who? Haha, just an ordinary maid worth mentioning."

A girl in a black and white dress walked out of the shadows. The sudden lightning that pierced the sky outside the window reflected An's dignified profile.


No. 6, who was also wearing a maid outfit, smiled jokingly: "I have never seen such a scary maid."

No. 6 gently smeared it on his cheeks with his fingers, then put it in his mouth and sucked it. Soon, the strong smell of rust filled his entire mouth.

That blow just now, even if she reacted in time, she almost got her head cut off.

The opponent's strength is definitely not low!

But the strange thing is...she didn't feel any breath on the other party's body.

Like a pure ordinary person.

"There are still many people in the world that you have never seen, just like I have never seen such useless assassins like you." An's tone was full of regret.

"Obviously I released such important information, but I didn't expect that it would be trash like you who came."

"What...what do you mean?"

There was a chill in No. 6's heart unconsciously.

"What's the meaning?"

An's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and her dignified face looked a little ferocious at the moment:

"You don't know what you mean? Don't you know how useless you are?"

"This has nothing to do with you, right? Aren't you the maid of the Duke's Palace?"

"Haha, maid, of course I am a maid, but, but, you are so... so disappointing."

An suddenly hugged his arms, lowered his head and moaned in pain, as if he was undergoing some severe torture.

"Obviously, it was just a little bit close. Celiacia, that bitch who was close to Master Mu En, could leave this world forever."

Under No. 6's horrified gaze, An gradually faded away from her seemingly eternally dignified face, gradually gasped, and then smiled ferociously...and devilishly.

"But you actually failed?"

"Forget it if it fails, it actually hurts Master Mu En."

"How... how could you hurt him? In this world, the only one who can hurt him is me!"


The thunder fell, covering up An's terrifying roar.

"Ah, no."

An put her hands on her face and wiped it down bit by bit.

Her demonic and ferocious expression was smoothed away bit by bit.

She was dignified and elegant again.

"As Master Mu En's personal maid, how can I be so rude?"

An Zhan put down his hands, folded his palms on his lower abdomen, and bowed respectfully to the trembling No. 6 in front of him.

"Then, let me give you a ride, distinguished guest."

Behind An, countless delicate knives as thin as cicada wings slowly floated up. The tip of the knife was facing No. 6, and each one shone with a cold light.

22. Dreams always reflect reality


The lights suddenly turned on, shining on Mu En.

The light was a bit bright, making it difficult to open your eyes. Unfortunately, Mu En couldn't use his hands to block the light because his hands were tightly tied to the chair.

There was some noise around, with countless pitch-black shadows sitting on the steps upwards, whispering to each other and pointing at Mu En.


At the source of the light, the majestic judge strikes the sacred gavel!


"As for the case of Moon Campbell being disrespectful to Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia, the trial is now officially open!"

"Now the attorney for the plaintiff, Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia, will prosecute the defendant!"


A new spotlight lit up, shining behind the wooden table with the defendant's attorney's name written on it. The plaintiff's lawyer Ariel Bugard stood up, pushed up her huge black-rimmed glasses, and began to make a severe accusation against the defendant Moon Campbell!

"Your Honor, please allow me to represent the plaintiff and read out the crime of Moon Campbell in court!"


"First of all, Moon Campbell is a complete beast. Relying on his status as a betrothed, he dared to invite Her Highness Celcia to dance with him without authorization, and even dared to touch Celcia's white and tender little hands at will. It’s so jealous... it’s so tarnishing Her Highness Celcia’s reputation!”

"Secondly, Moon Campbell is a complete beast! He actually dared to invite Her Highness Celcia to be alone with him in a closed room. It's so jealous... so disturbing!"

"Finally, Moon Campbell is a complete beast! When he was alone with Her Highness Celcia, breathing the same air with Her Highness Celcia, he was not satisfied. He actually drugged the black tea and treated Celcia Your Highness did something like that, which is so jealous... so hateful!"

"To sum up the lawsuit, Moon Campbell is a complete beast! On behalf of the plaintiff, I truly hope that your honor can sentence Moon Campbell to death!"

"Well, that's it."

The judge nodded expressionlessly:

"I have received the plaintiff's request, so what does the defendant have to say!"

"I protest!"

Mu En struggled fiercely and said:

"The plaintiff's lawyer obviously has personal emotions. She is avenging a private vendetta in public. She is avenging a private vendetta in public!"


The judge banged his gavel.

"Moon Campbell, now is not the time for you to speak. I am asking your attorney!"


The spotlight was turned on again, shining on Mu En's attorney.


As the defendant's attorney, Mr. Frog's eyes widened as he expressed his opinions rigorously!

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."

The judge nodded repeatedly: "That's it! Attorney for the defendant, do you also think that Moon Campbell is a beast?"

"I protest! Why is my attorney a frog, and your honor, you don't even understand what he is saying!"


"Moon Campbell, if you dare to disrupt the sacred court again, this judge will sentence you to your crime now!"

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