Provided that……

Dating someone…

Not fucking three!


It's a magical word that will never be associated with romance.

The only three that match three are Wardrobe, Under the Bed, Bai Xue, Tauren, I was the one who came first, and Landlord!

When it comes to dating with San Zhan, it already feels like you are not far away from getting hit with a hatchet!


Senior sister, help me!

Mu En generally avoided Sally's continuous feeding, which was obviously deliberately close to her, while casting a pleading look at the senior sister who was the instigator.

But instead of saving him, senior Anna gave him a small pink fist.

Come on! That's probably what she meant.

Come on, damn it!

This Sally seemed to have become a different person ever since she found out that she and senior Anna were dating. This intense offensive had the tendency to melt straight men into young men with a love heart.

This is completely inconsistent with your personality, right? Is it worthy of your black-rimmed glasses and braids? Don't you know that transformation is prohibited here?

Anyway, Mu En feels a little overwhelmed.

Mu En moved his body without leaving a trace, and when Sally sat so close to him, he realized that under her loose uniform, she actually had an excellent figure that was not inferior to that of her senior sister.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy he became, especially in front of his senior sister who looked like she was watching the show.


Mu En once again blocked Sally's feeding and couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"I'm not a child anymore, I can eat by myself."

"This is my idea!" Sally said reluctantly.

"I have felt your thoughts!"


Sally finally gave up her attack and asked, tilting her head.

"Is that delicious?"


Mu En nodded vigorously.

Although he couldn't taste it at all because he was too nervous, at this moment, even if the food was really dark cuisine, he still had to smile and say the nice words.

"It's great that classmate Mu En likes me."

Sally looked very happy, as if this was the happiest thing for her.

Looking at the shy-faced Sally, Mu En winced slightly.

But he quickly suppressed the small guilt in his heart and pushed the tampered plate in front of Sally with a smile.

"I've been busy for so long, and Sally-san also wants to eat."


The cute eyes under Sally's black-rimmed glasses rolled, and her shy cheeks were so red under the candlelight that she could squeeze water out of her eyes.

"I want classmate Mu En... to feed me with my own hands."


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched, but until now, she could only hold the silver spoon with trembling hands, and put the fragrant food in front of Sally under her expectant eyes.

Sally swallowed it in one gulp, her face filled with happiness.

"It's so delicious. It's worthy of being fed by classmate Mu En."


Mu En responded, almost popping her eyes out.

What the hell, that food is packed with mustard!

Is this little girl so fierce?

Just as she was thinking about it, Sally opened her pink lips like a begging baby again.

I want more!



help me!

Mu En sent a distress signal to Anna again.

But senior Anna was concentrating on fighting the steak and had no time to pay attention to this.

But the pink fist quietly rose again and was clenched.

come on!

Seeing how the senior didn't care at all and even wanted to fan the flames, Mu En felt a prick in her heart for no reason.

——Senior, if you are so open-minded, I will be sad.

Mu En, who understood that she was isolated and helpless, took a deep breath.

Don't panic.

Mu En, don’t panic.

Think on the bright side.

At least if the senior doesn't care about this kind of thing, wouldn't it be possible to avoid the legendary Shura Field?

In other words, as long as you complete the tasks assigned by the senior sister and deal with the little girl Sally well, everything will fall into place smoothly!

That’s right, a bright future is waiting for you!

It’s just a mere fate, see if I don’t crush it with my own hands——

The sound of wind chimes shaking sounded.

At this moment, Mu En seemed to really see endless light pouring into his sight.

But that wasn't his future, instead someone opened the restaurant's closed door.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

The figure in a maid uniform stood in a backlit position and looked into the restaurant.

As if she didn't immediately adapt to the dim light in the restaurant, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

at this moment.

At this moment when he saw the figure's face clearly.

The crisis alarm in Mu En's mind exploded with a buzzing sound.

Even though he had experienced countless deaths, the alarm had never been as strong as this one.

The terrifying chill was like countless needles piercing his soul.

After experiencing a brief period of confusion, shock, and fear, his consciousness was running wildly.

The scumbag soul hidden deep in his heart was completely aroused. Before those dignified eyes saw him, he lowered his head suddenly, and then hugged Anna's white thighs under the table.

"Senior, you really want to save me this time!"

63. Confrontation

The dazzling afternoon sun poured into the dim restaurant, making it so dazzling.

The autumn wind blew from behind the black and white maid skirt, bringing with it a chill, extinguishing the ambiguous candlelight. The candlelight dinner with a charming atmosphere seemed to have instantly turned into a cold execution ground.

In the blur, there seemed to be an inconspicuous white light flashing in the dim restaurant.

An didn't care. Her sight quickly adapted to the dim environment, and in an instant she took in the entire restaurant, not even the most inconspicuous corner.

There were only three people in the restaurant.

A coquettish bitch.

One looked very honest, but from her behavior and the good figure hidden in the loose uniform, she was a hidden coquettish bitch.

And another one...

A bald-headed old man?

Anna: "Oh? Is there a guest coming in?"

Sally: "No... Sorry, guest, we are temporarily closed here."

Bald-headed old man: "Ah, ah, ah."

Scanning these three people, An raised her willow-like thin eyebrows.

Young Master is not here?

No, both the breath and intuition point to this restaurant.

"Sorry, I'm not here for dinner."

Ann walked into the restaurant.

Her waist was straight, and every step she took was as precise as if it was measured with a ruler.

She had a dignified temperament, but when she walked in, she seemed to have the momentum of thousands of troops.

Anna was curiously looking at the maid who walked into the restaurant, and she was still holding back her smile when she glanced at the side.

But at this moment, as if facing the instinctive reaction of a beast entering her territory, she couldn't help but straighten her waist, narrowing her narrow eyes slightly.

On the other side, Sally seemed to feel something and became nervous.

"I'm here to find someone." An said.

"Is there a blond man here?"

"Oh? Looking for someone? But isn't it impolite to barge in like this?"

Anna didn't answer, but just took a sip of the red wine glass beside her, and her tender red lips suddenly seemed to be burning.

"At least, you should knock on the door first, right?"

"I think no one would knock on the door before entering a restaurant."

An's eyes swept over the three people again and smiled:

"Or are you doing something unspeakable?"

Anna also smiled: "What we are doing has nothing to do with you."

"It has nothing to do with you."

An thought for a while and took out a photo, "So, have you seen this person?"

In the photo, the blond man was sleeping soundly, so peacefully.

And from his exposed arms and the pectoral muscles that were half-covered from the quilt, the man seemed to be sleeping naked.

And being able to take such a defenseless photo of a man, it was no wonder that he was close to her.


Where did that photo come from!

At this moment.

Mu En, who had become a bald old man under the magic potion of senior sister Anna, had not yet remembered to think about why An appeared here, and he was sweating!

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