He quickly realized that as An's personal maid, she could take any photo she wanted, even put him in a shameful position, and take a shameful play collection.

But the problem is, taking out such photos at this time is just...

"Oh, it looks like... he will be a scumbag. But unfortunately, I haven't seen him."

Anna looked at the photo, her tone did not change at all, and she was still smiling gently.

But Mu En felt that his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

What are you shaking for? You are so uncontrollable.

Mu En couldn't help but slap his thigh hard.

Senior Sister Anna didn't care about your intimacy with Sally just now, why would she care about such a small matter?

Isn't it just a photo of you sleeping? Senior Sister is so broad-minded, why would she care?


But Mu En's fierce behavior seemed to attract An's attention again.

"This... old man, you seem to be shaking all over, are you okay?"

"I... I'm cold, I'm cold."

Mu En pinched his throat and said hoarsely:

"When people get old, they are always afraid of cold."

"But you seem to have sweated a lot again."

"Hot! I'm hot again!"

Mu En pulled his collar hard and shouted: "This room is too small, it's easy to get hot."

"Really? Old man, you are so old, you should pay attention to your health."

"I will, I will!"

"But, speaking of it...

An lowered his eyes and glanced at Mu En's clothes, with some meaningful words:

"Old man, you are so old, but you dress quite young. "

The corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly stiffened.

The potion can change the appearance, but it can't change the clothes.

So at this moment, Mu En is still wearing a pure white shirt, and the silver-gray coat is decorated with a circle of golden tassels. It is hand-cut, and it is full of the romantic and showy of the upper-class aristocratic children. It is out of tune with a bald old man.

"This... I am younger in mentality, hahahaha..."

"That's right, it makes sense, but this old man..."

An shrugged his nose. The room was filled with a strong scent of perfume and another strange thing, covering up the smell of the young master, but...

"I always feel that you look like him."

"Is... is there?"

"Yes, the movements, expressions, and the frequency of shaking legs when afraid are... a bit similar. "

An, pressing forward step by step.

Step by step, it was like stepping on Mu En's heart.

Mu En's heart was hanging in his throat. He knew that if An caught him dating a woman outside... or two women...

He would die!

He would definitely die!

Even if he didn't die, he would be chained up by An and kept as a pet for the rest of his life!

That kind of thing, don't do it!

But now Mu En can't do anything.

Because the more he does, the more likely he is to be exposed.

The only thing he can do now is to pray, pray to An...

"Miss. "

Just when Mu En, the God of Heaven, the Jade Emperor, and even Nyarlathotep had been begging for help but failed to stop An from approaching step by step, suddenly, he felt a soft fragrance and soft jade wrapped around his arm.

Senior sister Anna came over and hugged Mu En's arm, just like a couple behaving intimately.

She looked at An, still with a gentle smile on her lips.

"Are you mistaken? If there is something wrong with your eyes, I can help you call a doctor."

She paused and said, "Look carefully, how could my boyfriend be the person in your photo?"

"Your... boyfriend?"

An glanced at the bald old man, then at Anna, and for the first time, there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

"Your taste is quite strong."

"Isn't there a saying that goes like this?"

Anna lifted a strand of hair behind her ear, charmingly:

"True love can transcend everything. ”

64. Confession

“True love can transcend everything…”

The music stopped at some point.

Senior Anna’s voice echoed in the narrow restaurant, so pleasant to the ears, like a spring flowing on smooth pebbles, making Mu En beside him feel dazed for a moment.

“Can true love transcend everything?”

An Ye chewed on this sentence again and again, and then showed a charming smile that made people confused and confused.

“What a coincidence, I think so too.”

“So no matter whether it is space, time, or anything else, it can’t divide my love, nor can it stop me from finding the one I love, right? "

She raised her hand and slowly reached out to Mu En.

Watching the slender white hand getting closer, Mu En's heart could not help but rise to his throat.

With An's sensitivity, as long as he could touch her, he could instantly eliminate the interference of the perfume he specially sprayed around him and confirm his identity.


At the moment when she was about to touch Mu En.

The hand was grabbed by another equally slender white hand.

"Didn't I say it? This is my boyfriend, you can't touch him casually."

Senior Anna's smile was also beautiful and charming, not inferior to An's.

She emphasized the word boyfriend, as if to emphasize some kind of ownership.

An's smile instantly restrained.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, bent her body, leaned over the dining table, and looked at senior Anna from a distance.

At this moment, the two soft and boneless little hands touched each other, and Mu En seemed to see a doomsday scene with dark clouds pressing down on the top of the head and lightning and thunder.

It was as if the two supreme beings had fought to the edge of the universe, and even the avenue was wiped out. Only Mu En, the little lamb, huddled aside and trembled.

Oh, and Sally, she seemed to be frightened. From the beginning, her face was pale and she couldn't say a word.

"I just want to confirm something, why so nervous?" An said.

"Oh, if the person you like is harassed and touched by other women, will you be so generous?" Anna responded.



The two were silent again.

But this silence was even more suffocating.

Mu En was soaked in cold sweat. He felt that all the metal in the restaurant began to hum softly. The knife and fork in his hand could not stop trembling, as if they would be transformed into a murderous weapon at any time under the power of the gods.

And Senior Sister Anna's other hand was also hidden in her sleeve, and there was a faint wave of magic.

What...what should I do? These two people seemed to be fighting at any time.

Should I run away or fight?

If I fight...who should I help?

Mu En swallowed his saliva and kept looking at the faces of Senior Sister An and Senior Sister Anna. He finally felt the difficult situation as if he was asked who to save first if his girlfriend and mother fell into the river.

It seemed that no matter who he helped...he would not be able to escape the fate of death.

Can't let them fight!

Mu En finally woke up, but just when he was ready to go all out, even if he didn't hesitate to expose his identity, he had to stop the two people...

"It seems that I was wrong."

In Mu En's slightly surprised eyes, An suddenly straightened up.

It was as if the sun was shining through the cracks in the dark clouds, and the scene of lightning and thunder disappeared in an instant.

The buzzing metal returned to calmness.

An's eyes swept deeply across Senior Sister Anna's face, as if to remember her, and then nodded slightly apologetically:

"Sorry, I bothered you."

"It's okay."

Senior Sister Anna also stretched her hand out of her sleeve and smiled calmly.

"I understand."

"Then, goodbye."


The two of them nodded and said goodbye to each other like strangers who met by chance.

It was as if the confrontation just now was just an illusion.

Then, An turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

Without looking back.

From beginning to end, he didn't look at Mu En again.

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but widen his eyes.


An just left like that?

Mu En waited for a few minutes, quietly poked his head out, and looked outside the restaurant.

The quiet street was empty.

An was indeed gone.

The Shura Field is over!

I'm still alive!

Mu En was filled with great joy.

Praise God.

Praise Tathagata.

Praise the Jade Emperor.

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