Praise Nyarlathotep.

I finally survived——

"That person just now is the girl that my junior said before that he likes you?"

Senior Anna’s seemingly casual words fell into her ears.

The ecstasy froze for a moment.

Mu En turned her head stiffly. Unexpectedly, the senior sister had returned to her original position and was sipping red wine.

The drunkenness emerged, and Senior Anna's charming face was slightly red, giving her a unique charm.

But Mu En couldn't help but appreciate it.

Because in a daze, he seemed to be pushed onto the guillotine again, and the cold executioner was reading his charges loudly.

You scumbag should be killed!

"Yes, yes."

Now that things have happened, it is impossible to lie anymore.


Senior Anna changed her voice and continued to ask:

"Junior, do you like her too?"


Mu En seemed to see the guillotine flashing with cold light being suddenly raised and falling at any time, cutting the evil scumbag in two.


Mu En wiped the sweat from his forehead and hesitated.

What to do, what to do, how should I answer?

How should I respond...

"forget it."

During the hesitation, Senior Sister Anna suddenly took back what she just said:

"Anyway, it's too rude to ask this kind of question. I'm sorry, junior, just think I'm drunk."

Then, she whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

"It's just a pity that the girl is a little too strong and I can't collect her tears."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, unable to recover from this sudden change.

Senior Anna continued to smile at him:

"You owe me another favor, junior. You must fulfill your promise to me."


Mu En nodded dully.

At this moment, it was clear that all the crises had finally been resolved, but this time, Mu En could not be happy.

He looked at Senior Anna who seemed to not care about what happened just now. It was like there was something blocked in her chest and she was a little breathless.

Fortunately, after An's sudden attack, this embarrassing candlelight "dinner" for three people finally came to an end.

Sally put away the tableware with a look of reluctance. At the urging of her senior sister, Mu En rolled up her sleeves and started to help her. After all, she was a guest, and she couldn't have sex from start to finish.

But to help, it was just to wash the dishes with water. Sally was not willing to let him do other more complicated things. Even the job of washing the dishes was something that Mu En had to do with great difficulty.

There was silence for a moment in the dishwashing room where there were only two people.

Along with the rushing water, Mu En listened to the sound of chopping vegetables coming from the kitchen door, and couldn't help but raise the topic:

"Is your father still busy?"

"Dad has to prepare ingredients for tomorrow, so he may be busy until very late, but don't worry, Mr. Mu En, he has already eaten lunch."

"The chef is also very hardworking."




Silence again.

Ever since what happened just now, Sally has been like a defeated rooster, with no energy at all.

However, Mu En had no intention of going to comfort him.

Because compared to being ruthless, the tenderness that might rekindle her hope is more cruel.

Thinking of this, Mu En sighed and could only be more careful when cleaning.

But while washing, he suddenly felt a hand grabbing the corner of his clothes.

Looking back, it's Sally.

She was lowering her head, as if hesitating about something.

But from her knuckles that turned white, Mu En seemed to be able to see her gradually gathering determination.

No way……

Mu En suddenly had a bad idea.

But he didn't have time to say anything yet.

——"Classmate Mu En, I like you."

There is no foreshadowing.

There is no accumulation of emotion.

There is no rendering of any atmosphere either.

So suddenly.

It was only in a very casual place like the sink, Sally, that she confessed to him.


Mu En was confused for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "Classmate Sally, we... must have known each other not long ago."

No, it shouldn't be said that they just met each other, because it has been more than a month since she misunderstood him.

However, including this time, it was only the fourth time that he and Sally actually met and talked.

Sally's liking for him was so sudden that one couldn't help but wonder if she had some ulterior motive.

"Isn't it possible?"

Sally raised her head and looked up at Mu En.

Big drops of tears fell from her eyes, and they had already covered the lenses of her black-rimmed glasses with flowers.

"I know that I don't look as beautiful as Senior Anna, and that woman just now. I also know that I don't have a close relationship with Classmate Mu En. I didn't even have the courage to help Classmate Mu En just now, but I like Mu En. Classmate, can’t you?”


At this moment, looking at Sally with tears streaming down her face, Mu En suddenly felt a great sense of self-loathing.

What's going on with me? How can I doubt my sincere classmate Sally?

If it was all about her acting skills, she would have been able to compete for the Oscar for Best Actress!


Feel sorry. "

Mu En put down the plate in his hand, lowered his head and seriously refused:

"Sally, you are a good girl. You should be able to find a better half than me."

"But I only like Classmate Mu En."

"Feel sorry."

"Is this so..."

Sally staggered back and her face turned pale.

But just when Mu En sighed and was about to say a few more words of comfort, she suddenly took a few steps forward, grabbed Mu En's hand, and said with expectation.

"Classmate Mu En, think about it again, can't you?"


Anything to consider?

I like this kind of thing, you can change your mind just by thinking about it...


At this moment, seeing the tears in Sally's eyes and her pitiful pleading look, Mu En suddenly hesitated.


You see classmate Sally is so cute, so gentle, and so considerate.

Moreover, she also makes delicious snacks and delicacies.

Simply the perfect companion.

Why am I so eager to refuse? Wouldn't it be good to think about it again?

65. Glasses

In the dishwashing room, it was so quiet that only the sound of running water could be heard.

Tears kept falling from the corners of the girl's eyes, and her shy cheeks were like ripe apples.

When pear blossoms bring rain, I feel pity for them.

Looking at Sally like this, Mu En couldn't help but her heart beat a beat faster.

"Classmate Mu En, think about it again, can't you?"

Sally clasped her fingers and asked nervously again.

As if there were invisible ripples spreading, Mu En's thoughts couldn't help but waver.

Look how cute Sally is.

So virtuous.

She also makes delicious snacks and delicacies.

The figure is also top notch.

If they become partners, they will definitely be perfect.

So, why don't I just...


A crisp sound suddenly echoed.

Sally was startled. She subconsciously took a step back and looked at Mu En in surprise.

"What kind of scumbag am I?"

Mu En suddenly slapped herself awake, gritted her teeth and said, "Eating from the bowl and looking at the pot? No, even a scumbag must have principles."

What's the difference between a scumbag without principles and Neptune, who relies on his lower body to think?

Am I that vulgar creature who slanders other people's bodies?

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