"So, I'm still sorry, classmate Sally, I can't promise you."

Mu En sincerely refused again, but this time his attitude was lower and his tone was softer.

Being rejected by the same person twice in just two minutes is an extremely cruel result for a girl who mustered up her courage, no matter how she thinks about it.

Mu En felt that she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a sack to wrap herself up and get beaten up.

Why do you think you are so handsome? If you were a little more ordinary, wouldn't this happen to you?

"Is this... like this?"

When Sally heard Mu En's final answer, she suddenly showed an extremely sad expression.

She took a deep breath, as if she wanted to hold back all the tears, but they kept flowing.

"No... it's none of Mu En's business. I just took it for granted."

Like a female loser in a TV series who couldn't accept the result of a failed confession, Sally forced out a smile that was uglier than crying and slowly backed away.

Then, he turned around and ran away.

But he almost ran into a soft embrace.

"Oh, look what I saw?"

Senior Anna appeared at the door at some point and looked at Mu En angrily:

"As expected of you, junior fellow student. In just a few minutes, you've already ruined another little girl?"

"If I agree, then I'll be called a scumbag." Mu En smiled bitterly, as if he had expected the senior sister's appearance.


Senior Anna nodded, then lowered her head, took out a handkerchief, and lovingly wiped the tears on Sally's face. During the wiping process, a glimmer of light flashed across her hand:

"Don't be angry, schoolgirl, we don't care about a scumbag."

"You still think of me as a scumbag, hey!"


Senior Anna didn't pay attention to Mu En's rebuttal. Instead, she noticed something while helping Sally wipe away her tears, and said slightly surprised:

"Sally, you look so cute, why do you have to cover it up with ugly black-rimmed glasses? Girls, you should pay attention to dressing up, maybe the result will be different for some scumbags. "

"Hey! Senior!"

"I know a shop that specializes in custom-made women's glasses. Do you want me to introduce it to you?"

With that said, Anna raised her hand to take Sally's black-rimmed glasses, trying to help her wipe the glasses that were completely stained by tears.


Sally suddenly grabbed her hand.

He lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"No, senior, I appreciate your kindness."


Anna looked at Sally's hand and frowned slightly.

But before she could say anything, Sally suddenly passed her, ran into the kitchen, and slammed the door.

Amidst the rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables, Sally whispered with a cry:

"Sorry, please don't pay attention to me and leave me alone for a while."

Soon after, there was uncontrollable crying from the door, which sounded extremely sad.

"Junior, you are really guilty."

Listening to the crying inside, Anna sighed and glanced meaningfully at Mu En.

Mu En was speechless and could only smile bitterly.

"Then how about we walk first?"

Mu En suggested tentatively.

Although it feels irresponsible to leave like this, staying here will only increase the embarrassment.

Might as well leave Sally alone.

"Okay." Anna also nodded.

Anyway, the purpose was achieved.

However, before preparing to leave, she couldn't help but take a deep look at the closed kitchen door.

"It feels...something's wrong."

Glancing at his wrist, he saw that the place where Sally had just grabbed her had a red handprint.



"Is classmate Sally's warrior cultivation very strong?"

"I don't know, she has always been very inconspicuous, but since she is also taking martial arts classes, she shouldn't be too weak."

"That's it..."

Ana withdrew her gaze and stopped thinking about it.

Because Sally’s sad look just now didn’t look like something her acting skills could achieve.

Most likely, I just think too much.

After Mu En and Anna left, Sally was still hiding in the kitchen crying.

The tears kept flowing, as if they would never dry up.

She was so sad.

Obviously I like Classmate Mu En so much, but in the end, why was she still rejected by him?

Is it because I don’t look good?

Also, compared to the previous woman in maid uniform and senior Anna, my appearance is not outstanding.

She's not pretty, doesn't know how to dress up, and she always wears ugly black-rimmed glasses.

Classmate Mu En will definitely not like me.

"Ah, right."

When Sally mentioned black-rimmed glasses, she seemed to think of something.

"I almost forgot, you have to take off your glasses when there are no other people around."

So, she took off the pair of black-rimmed glasses that were soaked with tears and almost completely blurred, making it difficult to see the road.

The crying stopped abruptly.

Like the spread of invisible darkness, the aura around her suddenly changed, becoming as cold as night.

She stared at herself through the sink, which had already been filled with water.

Staring at that...self with a strange smile as if it were a different person.

"Ah, why, it failed."

"Obviously the last spiritual suggestion was very successful, otherwise classmate Mu En would not have found this place accidentally."

"What a pity. After all, he is the son of a duke. If he can be controlled, he will definitely be of great help to the plan."


Sally was not disappointed, but instead grinned excitedly.

The smile was extremely weird, with the corners of his mouth almost reaching to his ears, like... a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

"This is really a mistake. I have been searching for so long with no results, and I almost got caught by the silver-haired woman..."

She stared at her hands, and when she thought of what she had felt when she touched those white hands just now, she couldn't help but clasped her hands together in emotion and prayed:

"Sure enough, great moon, are you guiding me?"

"In this case, I will definitely live up to expectations and bring your lost divine heir to you."

"You say so, Dad."

In the corner of the kitchen, a silent man kept raising the kitchen knife in his hand, and then dropped it again and again.

Like a machine, repeating an action.

On the chopping board in front of him, the twisted shadow struggled silently, and then was chopped into pieces like fish.

He grabbed a piece and put it in his mouth.


It was obviously just a shadow of nothingness, but it made a sound like flesh and bones being chewed.

After a moment, he grinned, showing his black teeth.


66. Hotel

"Senior's potion has become more powerful again."

"Right, that's an improved version that I'm proud of. Not only can it take effect instantly, but even people who want to change can do whatever they want, although relatively speaking, the duration is much shorter."

“It feels like it can be used for something really good.”

"Junior, it's not okay to be astringent."

"I didn't say I wanted to use it! Can't I become someone else and do good deeds without leaving my name?"

"Gee, just treat me as a junior, right?"

It was getting late, but the number of people on the street was gradually increasing.

After a day's work, in this era of little entertainment, most people still go out of their homes and enjoy the rare peace and prosperity on this street in the lower city.

From the river not far away, there was a roar of people and the screams of children, as if something was going on.

This is the most peaceful and beautiful time of the day, and it is also the time that Mu En looks forward to the most.

He was still flipping through the guidebook, quickly determining if there were any other places worth visiting.

Even though the senior sister didn't think it was a date, Mu En still looked forward to seeing her smiling like a flower under the sunset, her hair being blown gently by the breeze by the river.

That must be beautiful.

But just at this moment, the senior sister suddenly said goodbye.

"Then let's stop here today."


Mu En's hand while flipping through the guide was slightly stiff, she raised her head and said in astonishment:

"It's probably still early."

"It's already late, junior."

Anna flipped the tail of her hair and chuckled:

"I've had enough fun, and then I have some personal matters of my own."

"It's obvious that we didn't have much fun at all."

Mu En sighed.

This date, which he considered unilaterally, was not going well from the beginning.

He expected that today there would be sunshine, flowers, a romantic lunch or dinner, a charming sunset, a night full of stars, and at night, because the college was closed, he would blush and suggest that we should squeeze into the hotel together. girl......

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