Cross out the last one, because it feels like this kind of thing will never happen to my senior sister. When I am with her, I am the only one who blushes with shame.

But these things Mu En was looking forward to, apart from the weather being okay, were real, and none of them happened.

It is full of twists, Shura fields, sudden confessions, and the girl's wandering murderous intention.

It’s really numb. Is there anything worse than this?

"It's not so urgent."

With the last glimmer of hope in mind, Mu En suggested:

"The guide says that there is a special spring not far away. As long as you are sincere, you can see your future true love in the reflection. It sounds interesting. Don't you want to try it, senior?"

"True love?"

The senior sister shifted her gaze, not knowing where it landed:

"Sorry, I never really believe in this kind of thing."

Her voice seemed to be blown by the wind, erratic and flying far away.

Mu En was in a trance for a while, and couldn't tell whether it was the spring water full of gimmicks or the word "true love" itself that she didn't believe in what her senior said.

"Then I'm leaving, junior. See you in the academy."

Anna smiled softly and said goodbye gently.

In the approaching evening breeze, she turned around, her skirt swaying, and walked into the endless stream of people.

Looking at her back, Mu En subconsciously opened her mouth, but could not say anything to save her.

"Goodbye, senior."

In the end, there were only empty goodbyes, crushed by the wind, and disappeared together into the rising dusk.

"Ahhh, it's true."

After Anna left, Mu En scratched his head irritably, tore up the wrinkled guidebook that had been read in just one day, and threw it into the trash can.

"In the end, I still couldn't repay my senior sister."

He sat on a bench for tourists to rest, raised his head, and looked at the darkening sky in the distance.

Originally, his original purpose was to buy something or do something for his senior sister.

Yes, this wasn't even a date in the first place.

Treating it as a date, at best, it's just his little scumbag's thoughts.

However, in the end, apart from letting the senior sister watch a few laughable farces, nothing was achieved.

On the contrary, the figure of the senior sister seemed to be hidden in the fog, making it increasingly difficult to see clearly.

"Senior, what are you thinking about?"

Amidst Mu En's murmur, fireworks rose, like countless stars that gathered together and then burst into space.

The crowd not far away became noisy, admiring this fleeting brilliance.

Mu En's figure seemed a little lonely.


Suddenly a cat meowed.

Mu En turned around and saw that the milky white kitten that the senior sister had rescued during the day had come back at some point. It was rubbing Mu En's hand and meowing.

Mu En picked it up and scratched its chin.

The kitten quickly raised its head, squinted its eyes, and purred comfortably.

"What a stupid kitten."

Seeing the silly look of the kitten, Mu En couldn't help laughing angrily:

"If you didn't come when senior was here, you would come over here after senior left."

"You're going to die of stupidity sooner or later!"

After watching the fireworks show alone, petting the cat alone, and rejecting the older sister who approached him on the roadside, it was getting late and Mu En didn't want to go back to the academy.

He found a hotel that looked quite luxurious and asked for a room with a private bath.

"Sorry, we only have one couple's suite now."

The young lady at the front desk said apologetically:

"There have been activities on the street recently and there are a lot of tourists. All other rooms have been booked."

"Is that so?"

Mu En thought about it and decided to get this room.

In a place like Xiacheng District, if all the luxury hotel rooms are booked, then I'm afraid other ordinary hotels are already full.

Although it always felt very desolate to have to live alone in a couple's suite after a failed date, in fact, after experiencing so much, Mu En now felt physically and mentally exhausted and could not care about so much.

"Please hold on to your keys."

The lady at the front desk respectfully handed over the key with both hands.


Mu En smiled and took the key, secretly saying that the service in this hotel was pretty good.

According to etiquette, after giving a small tip, Mu En went to her room under the guidance of another waiter without thinking too much.

After Mu En left, the front desk lady who had always maintained a perfect business smile suddenly fell down and looked to the side with a look of horror.

"Is this... okay?"

"Well, that's okay."

In the shadows, a dark figure said.

Beside the black shadow, there seemed to be a figure like the owner of the hotel, huddled in the corner, shivering.

"You can open your business as normal."

The shadow patted the boss on the shoulder and said softly:

"But remember, don't bother me."


The boss nodded vigorously and swore with his eyes that no matter what noise he heard, he would never come closer to that room.

"very good."

The black shadow smiled with satisfaction, turned around and left, humming along the way and walking lightly.

In the black shadow's hand, the spare key to the room danced nimbly on the slender white fingertips.

Just as she was full of excitement and excitement.

67. Intruder

"It feels good."

After entering the room with the waiter, Mu En looked around casually.

A slightly sweet aroma floated in the air.

Although it was in the lower city, this hotel was considered luxurious. The bedding and sheets on the bed were obviously made of high-grade silk. The pink gauze on the top of the bed flowed down along the edge of the bed, like a girl's wedding dress, with a hazy beauty.

Even the floor was covered with soft pure wool carpets, which was obviously convenient for couples staying here to expand the battlefield.

It was just that the red candles, whips, and rich women's happy balls on one side of the wall looked a bit eye-catching.

Mu En's eyelids twitched, and he sent away the waiter who seemed a little nervous for some reason, walked around the whole room, and entered the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the obviously larger bathtub and the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror opposite the bathtub made his eyes twitch slightly.

It was indeed a couple's suite in a luxury hotel. The richer you are, the more you play.

But Mu En didn't care too much. After all, even if it was a couple's suite, for him who was still a single dog at the moment, it was nothing more than a bigger bed and a more spacious bathtub.

Isn't it better this way? You can turn over however you want at night.

Thinking of this, Mu En took off all his clothes and soaked in the hot water in the bathtub happily.

"Ah, comfortable."

Mu En couldn't help but moan comfortably.

After a day of fatigue, what else is there, a hot bath, which makes people more physically and mentally happy?

Not to mention, lying in such a large double bathtub.

Mu En hugged his head, lying in the bathtub, enjoying the gradual dissipation of fatigue, while thinking about tomorrow's actions.

In fact, what to do tomorrow is very simple, that is, to prepare the ancient dragon's blood that Teacher Meila mentioned.

It's just that I was in a hurry to keep the appointment before, so I didn't pay much attention. Now thinking back, this ancient dragon's blood seems to be a very remarkable thing.

"I remember that this thing seems to be a forbidden item."

Since the giant dragons collectively moved to the Dragon Island hidden deep in the sea, dragon-related things on this continent have become increasingly scarce.

Even if it is a real scale or claw, it can be sold at a sky-high price.

So basically, anything related to dragons has long been banned from sale on the market.

For example, the evil dragon blood that appeared before, just drop a drop on the potion, and it can be sold at a high price of over 100,000.

You should know that the so-called evil dragons are actually mostly from those sub-dragon species. Because of their impure blood and various attributes, they are called evil dragons.

They are far from real ancient dragons.

And the ancient dragon blood that Teacher Meila asked for must come from a real ancient dragon.

Mu En felt a headache instantly.

With the channels of the Duke's Mansion, it is not too difficult to get this kind of forbidden item.

But it will definitely take some time.

But Teacher Meila seems to be in a hurry.

"So, can we just try our luck in the black market?"

Think about it, the black market should have reopened by now.

And speaking of the black market...

"I seem to have a big account that I haven't settled yet."



As my body relaxed, I gradually felt sleepy.

And the soundproofing of this couple's suite seemed to be excellent, so Mu En didn't hear the annoying sounds that might come from next door.

It was just that in the drowsiness, because of the tempering of the mercury well, the senses were much sharper, and it seemed that I heard a slight sound of the door opening.

...Is it room service?

Wait, room service? Where is the room service?

I didn't call it, and this is a couple's suite. Wouldn't I be afraid of being beaten to death if I disturbed the tenants in the couple's suite?

Mu En was startled and woke up suddenly.

He held his breath and listened carefully to the sounds outside the bathroom.

It was very quiet.

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