But it was this silence that made him gradually become serious.

——He was sure that it was not his illusion just now, that is to say, the opponent was definitely not weak to completely escape his perception.

Who was it?

The followers of the evil god, or the gangsters he offended during the day?

Mu En was more inclined to the former.

After all, those things had been coveting him for a long time, and it was not surprising that they attacked him at night.

Mu En reached out to turn off the light emitted by the magic props in the bathroom to prevent people outside from determining his position through the shadow.

Then he quietly got up, put on his clothes simply, and put on the space equipment.

But Mu En did not draw out the two short knives immediately, because the pure white blade with gold patterns was too conspicuous in the dark.

Coincidentally, at this time, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness.

He tiptoed to the bathroom door and gently opened a crack.

Just a glance, he understood that there was already a second person in the room besides him.

Because the pink gauze that was originally tied up on the bed has been completely released at this moment, and it flutters gently with the wind blowing from the window, like the skirt of a girl.

Mu En's eyes sank slightly.

Knowing that the other party is there, but unable to determine the other party's exact location, makes him more certain of his thoughts.

The gangsters who only know how to blackmail don't have this ability!

Those damn evil believers are too lingering, how do they know his whereabouts?

Could it be that they have always sent people to guard him at the entrance of the college?

However, Mu En didn't have time to think about it at this moment, but slowly opened the bathroom door and walked into the room.

At this moment, as the slightly cold wind blew across his back, he felt like a prey in the hunting ground.

And the hunter was hiding in the shadows, grinning at him.

"You want to treat me as a little lamb, aren't you afraid of breaking your teeth?"

Mu En tiptoed and groped along the corner of the wall.

There were not many places to hide in the room. He leaned against the wall to prevent being attacked. As he changed his position, his sight swept through the dark corners little by little.

The sofa, the curtains, and even the back of the vase...

were all gone.

As if he had disappeared out of thin air, in the whole room, Mu En could only hear his own breathing.

In the end... there was only the most conspicuous thing in the whole room, the pink gauze swaying, covering the big bed inside.

Is this... a provocation to me?

Mu En laughed angrily. He was not the same as he was a month ago. No matter what the purpose of this evil believer was, if he underestimated him...

I will press you to the ground and rub you hard.

Mu En restrained his breath and slowly approached.

At the same time, one hand had reached behind his back and pulled out half of the handle from the space device.

He bent his body, like a cheetah about to pounce on its prey, ready to go, and the remaining hand slowly opened the gauze curtain.

As the veil fluttered, he vaguely saw the hazy black shadow on the bed twisting, and then quickly pounced on him.

The chill behind him suddenly rose, and without any hesitation, Mu En drew his sword.

The pure white blade trembled, as if it had blocked some influence.

Then, the sharp knife light turned into a bright moon arc in the dark night and fell suddenly.


A voice of surprise came from the silent room.

The black shadow seemed to have encountered something he could not understand.

But the black shadow did not stop moving, but instead came towards the knife light, like a moth flying into the fire.

Watching it, it was about to be burned to ashes by the flames.

But the bright knife light suddenly shifted in the moment it illuminated the black shadow's face.

It was like a racing car driving at a speed of 200 miles per hour, and in order to avoid an old lady crossing the road, it had to make a sharp turn.

Mu En's figure instantly lost balance.

And the white and slender hand of the black shadow just happened to grab Mu En's collar, which he had no time to adjust.

The body turned over.

The world was spinning.

In an instant, the shadow pressed Mu En on the bed and sat on him.

The movements were so skillful that it seemed like they had practiced countless times.

The familiar fragrance of flowers came towards him.

The shadow lowered his head, and in the dim light, he revealed his dignified face that had been dyed red by excitement.

"Long time no see, Master~"



68. The girl's change


Looking at the dignified girl sitting on him, Mu En's mind couldn't turn around for a while.

Why is she here?

Didn't she leave?

No, now is not the time to think about this.

Because An now doesn't look dignified.


An's pretty face was slightly red at this moment, and she held Mu En tightly, and the excitement in her eyes was like flowing magma, as if it would overflow at any time.

"Why are you hiding from me?"


Looking at An, Mu En licked his dry lips.

Just kidding, how can I not hide?

If I don't hide, you will see me dating other girls, and then I will kill them all?

"What... what do you mean by hiding from you? I have no idea what you are talking about, An."

Mu En lied seriously:

"I just came out to buy things, and because it was too late to go back to the college, I chose to stay in a hotel. I didn't have any contact with any women all day today."


"I definitely didn't lie. If I lied, I would... I would... I would never get rid of the title of a scumbag in my life!"

"Haha, is that so?"

An narrowed his eyes and chuckled:

"Who are the two women I saw during the day?"

"Bai... Bai Tian?"

Cold sweat immediately flowed like a waterfall.

"What women? I don't know!"

"Master, don't you think..."

An bent down like a cat, leaned over to Mu En's ear, and said softly:

"I can't see through such a poor disguise."


An's gentle words echoed, but in Mu En's ears, they were no less than a thunderbolt that pierced the sky.


You call that poor?

You saw through the disguise that hundreds of people in the school didn't notice at once.

Who is the problem?

Mu En's eyes went dark.

It's over.

An actually found out a long time ago.

All is over!

"Master, you are really bad for dating other women behind my back."

An was getting closer and closer, and Mu En could feel the soft body gradually approaching his chest.

But he didn't have time to feel this beautiful touch.

Mu En felt that his body was trembling instinctively.

What to do?

Fight or escape?

The short knife was at hand. Judging from An's abnormality just now, this weapon made by Teacher Meila should be immune to the ability of the gods. At such a close distance, if I suddenly attacked, An would definitely not have room to react.


How could I swing the knife at An.

Or escape?

But I was already entangled by An, how could it be so easy to escape?

But if I don't escape, with An's temperament, if I find out that I have contact with other women, I might really break my limbs and lock myself up!

While Mu En was thinking quickly, An had already leaned forward completely.

Mu En's body gradually tensed up.

What will she do next?

Knock yourself out directly?

Or inject yourself with **?

Or even more violently, kill yourself on the spot...

"Master, I miss you so much."

But none of the things that Mu En imagined happened.

An just hugged Mu En, trying his best to fit every inch of his body, his nose swept across his chest, neck, and cheeks, greedily absorbing his breath.

"Master, I miss you so much." An murmured and repeated, as if he wanted to pour out all his thoughts during this period.


Mu En was a little dazed for a moment, because An's behavior at this moment was really beyond his expectation.

So gentle, is it really An?

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