The An who imprisoned him, drugged him, and even tried to break his arms and legs?

Am I dreaming?

"Master, you don't think I would do something that would hurt you, do you?"

An leaned close to his ear and exhaled the fragrance of orchid.

"Didn't I say that? I have changed, just like the master has changed.

I will never do anything that would hurt the master again.


An hugged him tightly. At this moment, Mu En could hear a hint of weak pleading from this girl who was always capable, calm, elegant and calm.

"Master, if you have time, you should go home and have a look."

The words were gentle, but they seemed to be the hardest hammer to smash his heart.

Gently hugged his softest place.

Mu En stared at the girl who rarely showed tenderness in front of him, and was dazed.

So, at that time, An's words were not a lie to trick him back?

She had really changed. She was no longer the sickly girl dominated by fanatical possessiveness.

Now she was more like a girl in love.

Mu En had no place to put his mischievous hands, and finally, he could only slowly hug the girl's slender waist.

He responded softly.


Mu En felt that body becoming softer and softer.

At this moment, the two hugged each other and felt each other's warmth.

It was quiet and beautiful.

But not long after, Mu En felt a small wet and hot thing playfully brushing across his chest, and at the same time, the pair of delicate hands began to become restless.

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

Mu En grabbed An's little hand and asked in fear.


An raised her head, and the excited blush on her cheeks became more and more intense, like a ripe peach, as if she could directly pinch the water.

She stared straight into Mu En's eyes, licked her lips playfully, and said something seductive:

"I haven't seen the young master for two whole months. The young master wouldn't think I could hold back.

I must replenish the young master's energy in time."

As she spoke, An leaned down again and licked Mu En's chest gently, like a kitten.

"Today... today is not possible, how about we change the time?"

After all, he just dated another girl during the day, although he only thought it was a date, but going to bed with another girl at night, even the top scumbag would not do such a beastly thing.

"Oh, the young master doesn't want to?"

An Mei's eyes were like silk, but she refused. She stood up and suddenly lifted the corner of the maid outfit that she didn't know when it was untied.

Revealing her fair skin, and...

"Even if I specially wear a hollow lace sexy underwear today, it won't work?"

"...A mere hollow lace sexy underwear can shake my will?"

Mu En swallowed hard and sneered:

"An, you look down on me too much."


An bit her lips and gently lifted her skirt coquettishly.

"What about stockings?"


"The young master's favorite black stockings."




Mu En couldn't help it, and pounced on her amid the girl's sweet laughter.

At this moment, the mysterious river crab beast from the endless void descended here and concealed all the information here with its supreme magical power.

Therefore, the remaining 5,000 words of description are not visible.

PS: Don't ask, asking is to correct your mistakes.

69. Father and Mother

When the morning light cast a pale white from the distant sky, the turbulent clouds and rain in the room finally stopped.

In the pink gauze curtain, An's little head rested on Mu En's chest, and the exposed skin was still shrouded in the faint blush left by passion.

Mu En's hand gently stroked the girl's soft long hair, feeling this rare tranquility and tenderness.

"How is the mansion?"

"It's still the same as usual, there is no change, but after the master and the others left, and the young master went to school, there were fewer people visiting."

"This is a good thing, quiet."


An responded softly, and then as if remembering something, he said:

"I have sent the young master's grades to the master and the lady, and I used the special channel of the Duke's Mansion. It should have been delivered. They will be very happy when they see it."

"... So fast?"

Mu En was slightly stunned. He didn't even have time to report the good news, but the Duke's Mansion already knew about the grades?

"The transcript was sent by the college. I thought it was a prank, but the college seal is really real."

"Is that so..."

"Very impressive, young master."

"It's just so-so."

"Young master, don't be too proud. You have to keep working hard."

"Nonsense, I've always been low-key."

"People who date two girls at the same time can't be considered low-key."

"...Misunderstanding, ahem, that's a misunderstanding."

Mu En smiled awkwardly and glanced at An's pretty face quietly.

When she found that her expression didn't change when she mentioned this, Mu En couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that An has really changed completely.

In the word "yandere", the word "sick" has been completely eliminated, and the only thing left is the shyness of a girl.

This made Mu En feel a lot happier.

If possible, who wouldn't want to have a capable and beautiful maid waiting for him to return home every day?

"Speaking of which, I don't even know what's going on with my parents."

Empire border, abyss battlefield.

Blood filled the sky.

Dead bodies littered the ground.

Amid the pungent stench, two huge armies stretching for who knows how many miles were facing each other.

On the human army side, the soldiers' armor had long been stained black with blood, but they still stood tall under the banner of the dragon-slaying sword and the bright crown.

Hundreds of thousands of people were silent.

Then, in the silence, deafening laughter suddenly broke out.

The man with a beard as fluffy as a lion's mane jumped out of the Chinese army's tent regardless of the dissuasion of his subordinates.

His cold eyes glanced at the dark demon army.

"Old ghost from the devil mountain, come out and have a fight with me!"

The demon army made a slight commotion, and then a figure as tall as a mountain slowly emerged from the smoke.

"Campbell, are you finally tired of living?" The voice of the Duke of the Magic Mountain echoed like a war drum.

"Hahaha, didn't you become a crown-wearer decades earlier than me? You are so arrogant, I will tell you with facts today, no matter how long a bastard lives, he is still just a bastard!"

"Asshole! Looking for death!"

The violent aura rose into the sky and directly tore apart the dense clouds in the sky.

Ron Campbell laughed heartily, without fear at all. A bright crown rose above his head, and a red lion figure emerged behind him.

He took a sudden step and faced the Demon Mountain, who was known for his physical body, with his bare hands.


The heaven and earth shook.

Invisible ripples spread, sweeping across the battlefield like a hurricane.

The huge force collided, tearing out bottomless cracks directly in the center of the battlefield.

In the diffuse smoke and dust, his eyes the size of the magic mountain millstone narrowed slightly.

In this attack, he actually failed to gain the upper hand.

what happened? Ron Campbell has only been in the coronation level for more than ten years, but he can compete with himself, a veteran powerhouse of nearly a century?

No, his state has not changed compared to last time. What makes him his aura?

Mo Shan's mind was slightly focused, what happened? What makes this Ron Campbell so excited?

Is it possible?

Have you already stepped into his trap?

No wonder this guy who has always been a coward suddenly appears!

Mo Shan was slightly startled, and his senses quickly swept around him.

But... nothing was found.

"Oh, it seems like you are very confused as to why I suddenly wanted to fight with you."

Long En moved his muscles and bones, as if he was still not satisfied with the blow just now. He looked excited, and the lion behind him became more and more majestic.

"In that case, I'll tell you!"

Mo Shan held his breath and listened quietly to the answer.

"My son, he passed eighty in the exam!"

Long En shouted loudly, and the roar like a lion echoed over and over again on this vast battlefield. At this moment, he seemed to wish that the whole world could hear his words.


When Mo Shan heard this, he fell silent.

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