what did he say?

He said his son passed the exam at 80?

Is this something worth saying everywhere?

Or is it because my human language is not up to standard and I can't understand what he meant?

He was actually saying something outrageous.

For example, the son of Emperor Leopold is actually gay or something?

"Haha, eighty, that's eighty, and it's the basic introduction to magic course that the Campbell family is least good at. I even failed in it!"

Long En jumped up again and hit the Duke of the Magic Mountain like a meteor.

"Do you know how excited I am?"

"Do you know how happy I am?"

"Eighty! My son passed the exam at eighty!"

"My son passed the exam at 80!"

"My son passed the exam at 80!"

"My son passed the exam at 80!"

One punch.

One punch.

Another punch.

Long En seemed to have endless energy and kept pumping his fists.

It smashed the earth into a huge depression like a crater.


Facing Long En's increasingly turbulent offensive like a wave, Magic Mountain resisted in embarrassment, and then seemed to finally be unable to stand this damn repeater, roaring angrily:

"I know your son got eighty in the exam, but can't you say something else?"

"Anything else?"

Ron was stunned.

Think about it.

Keep throwing punches.

"My son passed the exam with distinction!"

"My son passed the exam with distinction!"

"Angry or not, my son can also pass the exam!"

"... Damn you!"

Like the little bull-headed demon who was talked about by Tang Monk until he foamed at the mouth, Mo Shan swore fiercely in his heart at this moment.

If I meet this guy's son in the future, he will be cut into pieces.

Tell your mother to take the exam at 80!

Campbell collar.

In the quiet country manor, the gentle woman was lying on a reclining chair, reading the letters that had been urgently delivered through the Campbell family's special channel.

This letter was exactly the same as the one Long received.

However, after reading it, Mu En's cheap mother, Nojas Campbell, was not as happy as Long En.

There was even a hint of worry on the brow that remained charming.

"It only took more than a month to go from three points to eighty points. Xiao Muen, did you eat well during this time?"

"I still prefer your carefree look before."

Noyasi looked at the clear sky through the dense grape leaves, caressed her bulging belly, and murmured pityingly:

"Did you hear that? Don't imitate your brother who suddenly changed in the future.

As long as we don't offend the royal family and the church, I, the Campbell family, won't be able to help you grow up happily. "

70. The girl’s determination

"I haven't been back for a long time."

Downtown area.

Some secret room.

Anna looked at the dusty instruments in the dim room and sighed softly.

"Hopefully, it can still be used."

She waved her hand, and a faint magic surged.

The breeze blew in from outside the door, picking up the dense dust, and then discharged it outdoors through the exhaust fan that was restarted.

Soon, the instrument that had not been used for a long time became spotless again.

Without too much emotion, Anna started to get busy.

She took out all kinds of strange materials, including the strange black branch she bought while shopping with Mu En during the day.

Start those precision instruments and operate them skillfully.

Decompose, smelt, extract, and blend.

As if she had practiced it countless times, Anna's every action was not unnecessary. It didn't take long for a brand new bottle of potion to appear in her hand.

Finally, she took out a small container the size of a knuckle and dripped the crystal liquid into the potion.

Ripples appeared on the surface of the potion, and the ice-blue liquid swayed slowly in the transparent container.

Anna stared at the potion, as if confirming something.

"There are still no changes to the potion. It's more like adding something unrelated to it."

Anna sighed softly, but she was not too disappointed.

She had expected this outcome, or had experienced it many times.

In fact, this bottle of potion, which was prepared through a complicated process, is not important. It is just to maximize a certain effect.

What really matters is that drop of crystal clear liquid.

"But you have to give it a try."

With that faint hope, Anna drank the potion in one gulp.

Then he rolled up his sleeves and quietly stared at the black scales that had grown out of nowhere on his arms.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

half an hour.

Two hours.

Anna seemed to have turned into a statue, silent, waiting for the dawn.

But when the clock struck midnight, Anna still saw only the darker night.

"As expected, is it still not possible?"

Her fingertips rubbed the cold scales, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Anna's mouth.

"What on earth am I expecting? Don't you already know it already? The so-called true love is just a false thing that deceives innocent children."

"It's better to place your hopes on those tangible things."

She casually threw the container with a little crystal liquid left into the trash can, as if she had cut off all thoughts.

He turned around and left, and then came to a shop that looked extremely old.

The shop sells some strange things. In the most conspicuous position, there are lifelike clay sculptures of beautiful girls, life-size mature models, and "Saint Girl Photo 3.0".

There are no other customers in the shop, and an old man is sleeping on the rocking chair behind the counter.

The old man is very old. Through the starlight outside the window, you can vaguely see the age spots on his skin.

He is like this shop, full of decay.

Anna glanced at the old man, took out a large stack of banknotes and put them on the counter. After a long silence, she finally said:

"It's the same old rule. Please help me transfer this money to the orphanage."

No answer.

The old man seemed to have fallen asleep.

Anna said nothing more, put down the money, and prepared to leave.

"Didn't you secretly go to see them yesterday? Why don't you give it to them yourself." When she was about to walk out of the store, the old voice suddenly sounded.

Anna paused and didn't look back.

"For someone like me, it's better not to have anything more to do with them."


The old man opened his cloudy eyes and stared at the figure that looked particularly lonely in the moonlight.

Such pity.

"Anna, if you keep closing your heart, you will never be redeemed."


Anna laughed at herself, then took another step and walked into the deep darkness.

"Who will bring redemption to a monster?"




Mu En was awakened by the dazzling sunlight through the gap in the curtains.

"Is it this time already?"

Mu En glanced at the clock subconsciously, and the strong sleepiness dissipated instantly.

In fact, after a night of fighting last night, he only successfully fell asleep in the morning, which was only a few hours from now.

To say that he had a full rest is naturally far from enough. After all, the fatigue last night was far more than fighting a hundred rounds with the enemy.

But, after all, there are still things to do today. A real man naturally cannot indulge in the gentle land forever.

Mu En moved his body slightly and found that his entire left half of the body was numb. He looked down and saw that even though An was sleeping soundly, she was still hugging him tightly like an octopus.

"She's so clingy."

Mu En smiled bitterly helplessly and gently pulled apart An's lying body.

But when he moved, the beautiful touch on his skin, combined with the endless spring light leaking out from the quilt, almost made Mu En move the quilt again.

Fortunately, Mu En quickly recited the meditation mantra several times and successfully suppressed the desire.

Just kidding, if it happens again, I really can't get out of bed for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, An Shaoyou slept particularly deeply. It seems that for her, a juicer, she was really tired last night.

After all, An now, in terms of physical strength, is still not as good as Mu En, who has practiced for more than two months and tempered in the mercury well.

"It is urgent to become stronger. Otherwise, before I am killed by the evil god, I will be squeezed dry by this little goblin."

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