Mu En sighed and got up and dressed quickly.

After An's yandereness was cured, he didn't have too many concerns. Anyway, he could go back to the Duke's Mansion at any time, so why should he linger on this temporary warmth?

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but look carefully at An's pretty face, which was still dignified even in sleep.

When the morbid desire faded, this face, so pure and beautiful, was really very moving.

"Be good, I will go back to see you often."

After touching An's pretty face, Mu En smiled gently, then tiptoed out of the room.


An suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the door that had just closed.


With a happy smile on her lips, she stroked her cheek, as if she was savoring the breath of Mu En, so nostalgic.

But the good aftertaste is always short-lived, and she also has some things to face.

She got up and walked to the mirror.

The traces of lovemaking still remained on her body in the mirror, like some kind of mark, which made her feel satisfied from the bottom of her heart.

But then, her pretty face turned cold.

Like ice gradually solidifying.

She thought back to yesterday.

At that time, the reason why she didn't take action was not because she didn't want to.

But because she felt a trace of dangerous breath. Although she didn't know the source, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't hurt the young master in that situation.

So, she chose to leave temporarily.

But that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about other women around the young master.

"It seems that I also need to become stronger."

An looked at her hands.

The power of the God-favored is very strong, but it is not invincible.

For example, she couldn't control the white knife of the young master last night.

However, as the young master becomes more and more outstanding, there must be some coquettish and slutty girls who are attracted to him, like insects attracted to light.

That is not allowed.

The second rule of the Campbell family's maid's cultivation is to always ensure that the environment where the master is located is clean and tidy!


"Just wait, Master."

An's pretty face once again showed a morbid enthusiasm and desire.

The metal in the whole room chirped together, as if it felt her resolute will.

"I will definitely get rid of those coquettish bugs around you!"

71. Give me back!

After leaving the hotel, Mu En had a simple lunch and followed the route in his memory to the river at the junction of the upper and lower city.

The token with the mouse pattern in his hand was slightly hot, which meant that the underground black market had indeed opened. After putting on the black robe and mask that concealed his figure and breath, Mu En jumped into the pipe by the river without any hesitation.

In the abandoned sewer pipe, the disgusting stench was much stronger than last time, as if countless corpses had rotted here.

At the end of the pipe, Mu En did not see the tall figure that seemed to be rotting last time.

In the shadow, another hoarse voice came out.

"Where's the thing?"


Mu En showed the token in his hand to the skinny and short figure in the corner, and still couldn't help asking curiously:

"Where's the gatekeeper before?"

"He's dead."

The skinny and short figure said, with no joy or sadness in his tone, as if he was describing the death of a mouse on the roadside.

"The thing is correct, go in."

Mu En didn't ask any more questions. After all, for those who live in the shadow of Belrand, it's normal to die suddenly on the street like a wild dog.

He quickly walked through the passage and walked into the black market.

Just at the moment he walked in, Mu En suddenly felt a sight from nowhere, sweeping across him.

Mu En felt a chill on his back, because even if it was just a sweep, Mu En instinctively felt the horror of the owner of that sight.

Even if it wasn't the crowned one, it was probably not far off.

Luckily, the owner of that sight didn't seem to be interested in exploring Mu En's identity. After just slightly sensing Mu En's realm, he quickly moved away.

"There was no such sight last time."

"In other words, it was the strong man who came to take charge after the black market reopened?"

"It seems that the previous cleansing operation has also had a great impact on the black market."

Mu En sighed a little and no longer cared.

From his standpoint, the damage to the black market is a good thing, after all, this land has produced so much darkness.

"You can buy anything" is a light-hearted statement, but I don't know how much blood and tears are buried behind it.

But Mu En is not so saintly that he relies on his identity to completely eliminate these darkness.

Because he knows he can't do it.

No one can even do it.

As long as Belrand is still the most prosperous city on the continent, these shadows that are gradually growing in the sun will never be eliminated.

Unless he grits his teeth and kills those evil nobles and brings the great socialist glory to this world.

Ah, I am also a noble, so it's okay.

"I just hope I can find the ancient dragon's blood as soon as possible."

Mu En sighed. This place made him feel a little uncomfortable instinctively, and he wanted to leave as soon as possible.


However, after entering the black market, Mu En did not immediately look for the ancient dragon's blood.

Instead, he came to a small shop.

There was a huge sheep-horned skull hanging on the shop's sign, which looked very conspicuous.


Looking at this store, Mu En couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He didn't forget how much he suffered because of the drugs he bought in this store!

It can be said that in that incident, the drug, no, it should be said that the aphrodisiac attached to the drug, was the culprit that caused the situation to get completely out of control!

So, we must ask for an explanation today!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of wind chimes, Mu En pushed open the door of the store.

"Oh, are there customers so early today?"

The owner of the store was still wrapped in a large black robe, with a hoarse voice, and it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. But with her inadvertent movements, the black robe would outline a thrilling arc.

She seemed to have just opened the door and was sorting out the goods on the shelf. After seeing Mu En coming in, she immediately revealed a hungry wolf look under her hood, like looking at a little lamb.

"Dear guest, do you want to see anything? We have everything in this shop."


Mu En looked at the shop owner with a hint of doubt.

This time was different from the last time. Looking at this mysterious shop owner, Mu En suddenly felt familiar.

Is it an illusion?


No, I can't be deceived by this unfounded illusion, and I can't feel familiar just because I see a woman with a good figure.

I'm here to ask for an explanation!

"I'm not here to buy anything."

Mu En spoke in a deep voice, and his voice became low and hoarse after special processing.

"Oh? Then the customer is here..."

As if he felt the bad breath from Mu En, the shop owner was obviously alert.

"Two months ago, I bought a bottle of ** from you."

"Two months ago..."

The shop owner fell into deep thought, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh, you were the big enemy... big customer at that time!"

"You just wanted to say big enemy, right!"

Mu En's forehead was throbbing with veins:

"I won't argue with you about the price for now, I just want to ask you, is the drug you sell decent?"

"Isn't it decent?"

The shopkeeper asked in confusion: "Isn't the drug effective? Can't it knock out elephants?"

"It's okay to knock out elephants."

After all, even Cecilia couldn't last two seconds in front of the drug.

"But the question is the gift you gave me, is that thing decent?"


The shopkeeper thought for a while, and then seemed to think of something, and said in shock: "Could it be that you really gave the drug to the elephant? And the gift together?"

As he said that, the shopkeeper looked at Mu En with some pity.

No wonder he was so angry.

I heard that the one for the elephant is more than one meter long.

Wouldn't it hit the stomach in one step?

Tsk tsk, it's a miracle that this man is still alive.

"No way!"

Mu En slammed the table in anger.

"I didn't give the medicine to the elephant, and your aphrodisiac is also very effective. I just want to ask, why did you give the aphrodisiac as a gift, and told me to use it together for better effect?"

"This... Isn't binding sales a common trick used by merchants? It was well received before."

"It is indeed well received by those old perverts with bad intentions, but I am not!"

Mu En said righteously: "I am a gentleman."

"... Gentlemen will not buy that kind of medicine, and I think you only need a little basic knowledge of potions to distinguish the effect of the medicine."

As he said that, the shopkeeper glanced at Mu En in disbelief:

"Customer, you don't have any knowledge of potions to this extent, do you?"

"Then... is that important?" Mu En blushed under his mask.

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