"Of course, whether you are a magician or a warrior, isn't the most basic knowledge of potions compulsory? Otherwise, would you dare to drink potions randomly when you are out? If the effect of the potion is weird, it can even turn you into a woman. What to do with the child?”

"Ahem... In short, it is a fact that your behavior has caused great harm to me, so..."

Mu En coughed twice and said in a loud voice:

"Money back!"

72. Auction


There was a brief silence in the air, and the shopkeeper retorted flatly:

"This is impossible!"

"Then do you believe it or not? I'm going to find someone to demolish your shabby shop!"

Mu En sneered.

"Or do you think I can't do it?"

"... Judging from the level of wealth that the guest has shown before, it should indeed be possible."

Why does the shop owner:

"But I really don't have any money now, and I can't refund it even if I want to."

"Are you going to have no money?"

Mu En didn't believe it.

How could such a dark store run out of money?

"Otherwise, I'll use other methods to compensate the customers." Seeing Mu En's expression of insisting on asking for an explanation, the shop owner seemed to not want to cause trouble, so he thought for a moment and said.

Mu En raised her eyebrows: "What can I do?"

"Customers coming to the black market must not be just to cause trouble for me."

The shopkeeper looked around, then approached Mu En, lowered his voice and said softly:

"If you want to find good things in this black market, intelligence is the top priority. It just so happens that I have always been relatively well-informed."


Mu En thought. He was really having a headache now and didn't know where to find Cologne's blood. If he could get relevant information from the shop owner, it would indeed be much more valuable than the mere 130,000 Emile.


Mu En also became interested and moved closer.

At this time, he asked about a faint fragrance, which was somewhat familiar, but it seemed to be disturbed by the black robe that could block the scent. He couldn't tell how it was familiar.

"Actually, this information was only known through my private channels. If the customer is not such a generous person, I generally would not tell it."

The shopkeeper took out a crumpled piece of paper. On the gilded paper, a red-eyed bat pattern could be vaguely seen.

There weren't many words on it, but it simply said something like "secret auction, everyone is sincerely invited to participate."

"This is……"

"Invitation card."

The shopkeeper said mysteriously:

"Soon, a secret auction will be held on the black market. This is the invitation letter to that auction, which can also be said to be the ticket."


Mu En's eyes lit up, "What good things will there be?"

"Well, I don't know the details, but the organizer of this auction is one of the biggest giants behind this black market. The things he brings out should be good."


Mu En touched her chin.

It does sound like an opportunity too good to miss.

"In that case, I want this."

With that said, Mu En reached for the invitation, only to find that the two slender fingers on the opposite side of the invitation were like iron pliers, refusing to let go.

"Don't want to? Then 130,000..."

"...Not really, it's just that the number of admissions to this auction is limited and very precious. I also spent a lot of effort to get it. I only have this one, and if you just take it away from me as a guest, am I losing too much?" ?”

"What do you want?"

"The customer wants to pay another 100,000 to 80,000 yuan?" The shop owner said tentatively, "Is it even 50,000 yuan?"

"you are dreaming!"

Mu En snatched the invitation from the shop owner with force and sneered:

"I haven't asked you for mental damages yet!"


"Nothing to worry about, I'm leaving first!"

Mu En carefully stuffed the invitation into her arms, fearing that this black-hearted mysterious shop owner might have some serious back-up plans, so she quickly rubbed oil on her soles and ran away.

As soon as he went out, Mu En's steps became much more relaxed.

Being able to get benefits from this black-hearted shop owner is even harder than snatching food from a tiger's mouth. It is simply a pleasure.

"The address on the invitation letter should be around here."

After Mu En left the mysterious shop, she directly followed the address on the invitation letter and came to a relatively prosperous area in the black market.

There were also many people covering their figures on both sides of the road, setting up stalls and selling some strange things.

According to Mu En's past experience, there will definitely be Xueduo's dusty treasures hidden in the roadside stalls. Unfortunately, he is neither the protagonist, nor does he have the white-bearded grandfather to guide him. Apart from a little money, he can buy anything. Outside, there is nothing.

Therefore, you can only be taken advantage of in places like auctions where the premiums are ridiculously high but there are no fakes.

"Hey, that's weird, is it really here?"

After finding the place, Mu En scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

Because the location pointed to by the invitation turned out to be a magnificently decorated and luxurious building that was obviously rare in the entire black market.

Isn't it a secret auction? Making it so conspicuous?

"Hello sir, please take one of this."

When Mu En was confused, a charming beauty wearing a sexy short skirt came over. She held a stack of papers in her arms and handed one to Mu En.

"Flyers? Sorry, I don't buy a house, drink milk tea, or find a young model in a club."

Mu En subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he caught a glimpse of the content on the flyer, he was suddenly stunned.

Why does the big bat on the flyer look so familiar?

"This... what is this?"

"It's a flyer for an auction."

The beauty explained: "After the previous cleansing operation, the entire black market has suffered a great blow, so in order to revitalize the black market economy, our boss specially opened this auction. Many of the items in the auction are the boss's own personal collections, which are definitely worth looking forward to!"

You are a black market, how can you revitalize the economy!

No, the point is not this, but...

"Limited places?"

"Huh? Ah, it can be considered limited places. After all, due to venue restrictions, only 500 people are allowed to participate at the same time." The beauty showed a trace of doubt about Mu En's question, but still answered with all her heart.

"Secret auction?"

"Eh? Sir, do you know the name of our auction? The boss said that since it is held in the black market, it is better to have a bit of mystery, so we did not announce the detailed auction items and gave it this strange name."


Mu En's hands began to tremble:


"Did you find it, sir?"

The beauty said proudly: "The boss said that since it is the first auction after the reopening of the black market, it must be serious, so every flyer is made like a real invitation. Do you see the big gold-plated words on it? It is really written with gold liquid."


"What's wrong, sir? Don't you want one? Although it is just a flyer, you still need it to enter the auction." The beauty still handed over a flyer.

"No... Sorry, I already have it."

"Got it?"

The beauty was stunned and looked at the "invitation" that Mu En took out with shaking hands.

Her face suddenly turned cold.

Since you have it, why didn't you say it earlier?

I wasted so much time.

Did you do it on purpose?

Anyway, you are just a lecher who wants to flirt with girls because you think you are pretty.

I have seen many people like you in the black market.

You dare to think about such things in the black market, but you probably haven't even touched a girl's hand on weekdays!


The beauty spat in a low voice, twisted her waist and left, leaving Mu En with a disdainful back.


In the disdainful back of the beauty.

Mu En was silent.





Then he was furious.


That black-hearted profiteer!

I was fooled by her again!

73. Apology

"That black-hearted profiteer!"

Every word that came out of her mouth sounded true, but when those words were put together, they were completely lies to deceive ghosts!

It was also because of the secretive atmosphere of the black market that she believed in the nonsense of "secret auction".

Mu En was so angry that he wanted to burn down the black shop.

But even though his teeth were creaking, Mu En didn't have time to bother the profiteer at this time, so he could only bite his teeth and swallow them temporarily.

Because the auction was about to start.

The enchanting beauty was so eager before, probably because she wanted to attract more people before the auction started.

From this, we can see how... simple it is to participate in this auction.

You don't even need to pay anything, and there is a sexy and enchanting big sister twisting her waist to beg you to participate.

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