Are you happy or not?

It's so cool!

Of course, he was cheated by a black-hearted profiteer and was thought to be a pervert by the elder sister.

However, this anger came and went quickly.

Because not far away, a thin figure wrapped in a black robe talked to the beautiful woman handing out flyers. Suddenly, he was like the ultimate injustice who had worked hard for ten years to save money to marry his girlfriend, but his girlfriend not only gave him a unique hat, but also took his money and ran away. He beat the ground and cried.

"My money! I didn't even have time to warm up my money, but he cheated me with flyers, that damn profiteer!"

Seeing this scene, Mu En felt relieved.

At least he didn't lose anything, but the person next to him seemed to have really given money.

Watching others lose money is really happier than making money yourselfjpg.

Mu En's mood improved immediately, humming a little song and walked into the luxurious building.

The decoration inside the building was more magnificent than Mu En had imagined. The crystal ceiling was inlaid with precious gems, casting soft light. The floor was so smooth that it could reflect people's shadows. Even the walls were covered with gold foil.


Mu En's eyes swept across the surroundings full of nouveau riche temperament. He did not feel shocked, but rather a little confused.

"This is not the usual style of those nobles in Belrand."

There was no time to think about it.

There were already quite a few people in the hall. Mu En, who had just walked in, looked very inconspicuous, but he was still not ignored. The professional waiter came up and asked respectfully:

"Hello, are you here to participate in the secret auction?"


"Can I see your invitation letter?"

Isn't it just a torn flyer? It was called so formally at this time.

Mu En's mouth twitched and handed over the wrinkled flyer.

The waiter pretended to check it, then tore the flyer into pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"The invitation is correct. Please follow me."

Following the waiter, we passed through the grand hall and a dark corridor, and came to a fork in the road.

To the left, we could hear the noise of people, while to the right, it was still quiet.

"Would you like to choose a regular seat or a hidden private room?"

"What's the difference between the two?"

"The private room has a better view, and you can see the auctioned goods more clearly, and it is more concealed." The waiter said respectfully.

"And there are special services."

"It feels... no difference."

For a warrior of Mu En's level, the difference in perspective is already difficult to affect the observation of a certain item.

But Mu En finally chose a private room. He was not curious about the so-called special services, but just felt that it was better to be cautious when going out, and there was no need to save money on such a small thing.


In the private room, Mu En sat on a soft sofa that was almost as spacious as the bed, and looked at the entire auction hall curiously through the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him.

The view from the private room is indeed excellent. The whole hall can be seen at a glance, while other people need to sit in seats that are close to each other like a movie theater.

According to the waiter, the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window is one-way glass, so there is no need to worry about being peeped by others.

But I always feel that the use of this one-way glass is not just to prevent others from peeping.

Just thinking about it, Mu En suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, the special service you reserved has arrived."

"Please come in."

The door of the private room was gently pushed open, and a woman wearing a miniskirt and a glamorous makeup, but still a beauty, walked in with a little nervousness, twisting her waist.

Mu En turned his head and looked at the sound. When he saw the woman's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Are you... the beautiful woman who handed out flyers?"


The glamorous woman was also stunned.

Although Mu En was wearing a black robe, she also recognized him by the style of the black robe and Mu En's body shape and tone.

It's the pervert who deliberately chatted up!

Why is he here?

How could he be in the private room?

You should know that the cost of two hours in this private room is five thousand Emile, which is her monthly income.

How could he, a pervert,...

At this moment, the thick makeup on the face of the charming woman could not hide the paleness. No matter how stupid she was, she realized that Mu En's identity was not simple.

I am afraid that my word "pervert" has offended someone who should not be offended.

However, Mu En did not care much about it. He had long been used to being called a pervert, and he did not take the woman's words just now to heart.

"Come, help me peel a banana."

Mu En waved to the woman and continued to lie back on the sofa decadently.

After all, he spent money, so he had to bear this bourgeois sin well.

The woman came over timidly, but she didn't take the banana on the table, but grabbed it with both hands...

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

Mu En stood up in horror, holding his crotch:

"Didn't I ask you to peel this banana! And is your place so cheap and good? You can get such good service for 5,000 yuan?"

If it were in Shangcheng District, a club with such decoration would cost 100,000 or 80,000 yuan to enter.

So Mu En didn't think that the beauty was here for that at first, and even if she was, she would probably have to pay more!

"I didn't have it originally."

The woman bit her lip: "This is my apology."

Although she has been here for a short time, she also knows the darkness here from some of her predecessors.

If it were an ordinary person, with the protection of the boss behind her, it would be nothing to be afraid of.

But for such a distinguished guest, if she cannot be forgiven, I am afraid that the boss will personally make her into a human vase and give it to the guest to please him.

Profits are paramount, which is the iron rule here.

"But there is no need to do this."

Mu En sighed, looking at her, he knew what she was thinking at the moment.

It's really strange, obviously covering up his appearance, why does it feel that his yellow-haired halo is still working, and everyone thinks that he will coerce the young lady to do something unspeakable?

He didn't say anything like "Miss, you don't want your boss to know that you have offended the guest" or the like of the Minotaur!

74. Tears of True Love

"Okay, I don't take that matter to heart at all, so you don't have to care about it."

Mu En pulled the seductive woman up and tucked her messy hair behind her ears.

Although the makeup was very heavy, Mu En could still tell that the woman was not very old, at most in her early twenties, which was the prime of her youth.

"Don't be so degrading when you go out."


The seductive woman was still a little hesitant.

In the black market where the glory of the empire cannot shine, this is the way for a weak person like her to survive.

Expecting unwarranted kindness from others will not end well, just like her "predecessors" who suddenly disappeared.

"Sir, do you think this is not enough? I...I am more open-minded. If you have other requirements or ways of playing, I can do it.

I can even-"


Mu En frowned and sternly interrupted the woman's self-promotion.

"I don't need it."


The woman's face turned pale. She thought Mu En was not going to forgive her. She clutched the hem of her skirt with both hands, a little at a loss.


Looking at her like this, Mu En knew that blindly refusing would only backfire, so he couldn't help but sigh:

"Forget it, since you insist on doing something, I can only..."


"Sir, are you comfortable?"

"Ah, comfortable, um, right there..."

Under the service of the charming woman, Mu En couldn't help but moan with pleasure.

"Yes, yes, come a little closer, harder, um, yes, it feels so good, your skills are great."

"Sir, you're too kind, after all, I do this kind of thing often."

The charming woman smiled charmingly, and then couldn't help but be a little dazed.

She didn't expect that what this man asked her to do was... just rubbing shoulders and beating back.

"Sir, is this really okay? After all, these are already included in the original service." The seductive woman still said a little anxiously. She rubbed very seriously. Even though her hands were already sore, she didn't dare to neglect it at all.

"Enough, I had too much fun last night, and I just happened to have some backache. It's great that you are good at doing these."

Mu En stood up and signaled the woman not to continue.

He stretched comfortably and felt a lot more relaxed.

"Okay, you go out first, the auction is about to start."


The seductive woman nodded softly.

She knew that during the auction, it was easy to involve some privacy, so most guests would not let outsiders stay around.

The meaning of their existence was just to allow guests to kill the boring time before the auction started.

"You can call me at any time if you need anything."

The seductive woman respectfully left, but just when she was about to turn around and leave, Mu En suddenly called her.

"Wait, this is for you."

"This is..."

The seductive woman looked at the heavy envelope that Mu En threw over, a little surprised.

"This is a tip."

"Tip, so much?"

Mu En didn't look back, holding his chin and looking out the window.

At this moment, the whole hall was dark, and then a spotlight came on, shining on the center.

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