The curtain opened.

Everything was quiet, and the small booth seemed to be the center of the world.

The darkness was even more profound.

In the foggy darkness, Mu En stared at the spotlights and whispered to himself:

"If a beautiful girl stays in a dark place for a long time, her skin will turn darker, but I prefer whiter skin."


The charming woman stared at Mu En's back, and suddenly her eyes became moist. She took a deep breath and bowed hard:

"...Thank you, sir. I will try my best."

She held the heavy envelope in her hand, as if holding a straw tightly.



"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this secret auction. I am the host of the auction. You can call me... Miss Fairy."

In the spotlight, a charming woman in a flesh-colored diamond dress slowly rose from the platform. Her figure was as hot as a devil. The tight dress outlined a curve that made people's blood boil. The low-cut V-neck almost revealed half of her roundness.

Accompanied by a seductive and tender voice, the woman who called herself Miss Fairy inadvertently wiped her white chest with her fingers, and instantly ignited the atmosphere of the entire auction hall.

"Haha, is this the usual routine of the auction?"

Mu En found a comfortable position and lay on the sofa sideways. His eyes were pure as if he was looking at a work of art. He was not at all moved by this.

After all, the afterglow of last night's madness had not yet dissipated. He was still in the sage mode. No matter how beautiful a woman was, she could not make him move at all.

Miss Fairy was naturally no match for a real fairy.

At this moment, he was just a ruthless auction machine. Apart from Gu Long's hard work, nothing could attract his interest.

"Enough of small talk, let's take a look at the first auction item today."

After telling a few dirty jokes and showing off her charming figure, which made a group of virgins bleed from their noses, Miss Fairy finally got to the point.

With a wave of her slender hand, a girl in equally revealing clothes came forward with a tray covered with red cloth.

After all, it was only the first auction item, so she didn't keep it a secret. After throwing a few seductive glances at the audience, she lifted the red cloth.

A pink teardrop-shaped gem appeared in everyone's sight.

"Gem, tears of true love!"

As the voice containing charm spread, Miss Fairy lifted the gold-inlaid gem box with her slender hands and walked around the entire booth. The lights gathered, reflecting the pink teardrop-shaped gem extremely brightly.

Special imaging magic projects the appearance of the gemstone onto a huge screen, allowing all viewers to clearly see every detail from all angles.

Tears of True Love?

Mu En stood up from the sofa with a start, staring at the pink gemstone in astonishment.

What a coincidence? He was cheated by a fake not long ago, and now it really comes?

"Tears of True Love, a true love gemstone that symbolizes pure love. It is said that as long as you give this gemstone to someone you like, you will win the heart of that person..."

"In addition to the symbolic meaning of the gemstone itself, the material of this gemstone is also top-notch. The entire teardrop shape has no traces of artificial carving, as if it were made by nature..."

After the fairy lady spent a full five minutes introducing the gemstone, she reported the reserve price.

"Starting price, 100,000!"


Hearing this price, Mu En was a little stunned again.

Even if it was a broken price, it wouldn't be so low. After all, when this Tear of True Love was the hottest in the aristocratic circle, a noble lord offered 10 million Emile for his lover.

Is it some special marketing method?

Mu En looked around, but found that the atmosphere in the venue was not as warm as he imagined.

Only a few voices were quoting the price without interest, and it took a long time to push the price to 300,000.

"Why is this..."

Mu En touched his chin and suddenly realized.

This is not a formal auction, but a black market auction.

Most of those who can come here are desperate people who wander around the lower city and live on the edge of a knife all day long.

For this group of people, a magic scroll that can blow up the enemy's family to the sky, or an alchemical weapon that can chop people like cutting vegetables, is much more valuable than this expensive gem that is useless except for its beauty.

After all, this is a magical world. Except for those nobles who are full of lard in their heads and are willing to spend money to please women, no one is willing to pay a high price for this ordinary gem that can't even fire lasers.

Mu En will naturally not be a sucker. He has all kinds of gems at home, but he has to buy such ordinary things? Not to mention pigeon eggs, he can even take out gems the size of goose eggs that can transform.

"Hey, wait."

But just when Mu En was about to continue lying and waiting for Gu Long's blood and blood, his mind suddenly flashed and he remembered something.

"I remember... Senior sister seems to like this True Love Tears very much."

After all, when they were dating before, they knew that 99% of it was fake, but Senior sister still refused to give up the possibility of 0.1%, and was attracted by the shouting of the bald old man.

But Senior sister Anna rarely showed interest in something in front of him!

"So if I give this to Senior sister, she will definitely be happy!"

Mu En's eyes lit up, and all the thoughts about stuffing lard in his head, only being able to please women, and being a sucker were instantly thrown behind him.

He decided that he would take this Tear of True Love!

"Listen, Ariel."

"The so-called key to being invincible in an auction is to be low-key."

"Each time you bid, it can't be too much higher than the previous bid, but it can't be too little, otherwise people will find out the problem."

"The price you offer should show that you have some interest in this thing, but it won't reveal the true value of this thing."

"Remember, only by keeping silent can you make a fortune."

In the ordinary seating area, Ariel was also wrapped in a black robe that concealed her breath. She closed her eyes and listened carefully to the teachings of her master in her mind.

As if she had absorbed all the wisdom from her predecessors and turned it into her own, Ariel suddenly opened her eyes, and a thunderous brilliance burst out from her clear eyes.

She raised the number plate in her hand, and immediately quoted a new price after the previous person quoted 300,000.

"300,000... and 1,000!"


After Ariel quoted, the person who quoted 300,000 not far away smacked his lips, or gave up the idea of ​​continuing to quote.

Seeing this, Ariel couldn't help but habitually draw a trace of unruly smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Don't let your guard down, it's not over yet."

"300,000... and 2,000!"

As soon as the master's warning sounded, someone in the corner on the other side of the seat raised the number plate of 50, and also only added a mere 1,000 chips.

Seeing this, Ariel couldn't help but narrow her eyes and looked over.

The person in the corner was also hiding in a black robe, but through the loose black robe, he could still see the thrilling arc on his chest.

Seeing this, Ariel immediately proudly straightened his chest.

Humph, not professional at all.

With such big breasts, can't others tell that you are a woman at a glance?

Look at me, in a black robe, how can you tell whether I am a man or a woman?

In a place like the black market, you can't show any flaws. Sometimes such a small carelessness may pay a huge price.

These are all bloody lessons.

However, at this moment, Ariel did not look down on the woman who made the offer.

Because the way she made the offer was obviously an old hand who was well versed in auctions.

More importantly, she may have discovered that this tear of true love, like the master, is not as simple as it seems!

"You don't have to worry too much about this."

The master's voice sounded in Ariel's mind again.

"That tear of true love may contain some special abilities. Even I am only slightly suspicious and cannot be completely sure. I think it would be a hundred or eighty years too early for these people to find the clues. If they don't, they will not put it in this auction for you to pick up.

That person probably just wants to take it and then sell it to those nobles at a high price."

"Then I'm relieved!"

Ariel nodded and raised the number plate in her hand again.

"Three hundred thousand... three thousand."

"Three hundred thousand... four thousand."

"Three hundred thousand... five thousand."

"Three hundred thousand..."

Only Ariel's No. 38 and the mysterious woman's No. 50 were left in the field. The two people's bids were heard one after another, as if they were competing.

But after a long time, the price was still rising like a snail of more than 300,000.

The fairy lady was speechless. She had hosted so many auctions, but she had never seen such an old lady buying vegetables. The others were impatient and booed.

But Ariel didn't care at all.

Because No. 50 had obviously begun to hesitate. As long as she persisted, the victory would definitely belong to her!

A gem containing some special mystery was bought for hundreds of thousands. This was not a big profit, but a blood profit!

Thinking of this, Ariel couldn't help but burst into tears.

Think about what kind of days she has been living recently.

The black market was closed, and learning ancient magic required a lot of money, so she had to tighten her belt every day. She only had two hundred Emile for a week's food!

Two hundred! She didn't even bother to pick it up when it fell on the ground before!

Not only that, she lost the two hundred food money twice in a row.

It was all because of that damn Moon Campbell!

She had to eat black bread for nearly ten days, and her breasts almost shrank from hunger.

Fortunately, the black market was opened in time.

The ancient magic scrolls and alchemical instruments that the master helped to forge, which had been hoarded for nearly two months, were quickly sold out through the black market.

After all, these things are always in greater supply than demand, and because of ancient magic, the quality will be much higher than those on the market, so this time she naturally made a lot of money.

Now that she has money, of course she has to come to the auction to see if there are any good things.

Although I was cheated of a little money by the woman in the black shop with flyers before coming here, it's not worth mentioning. As long as I can get this tear of true love, I can endure all the grievances!

"Three hundred and fifty thousand and two thousand!"


Hard work pays off. After Ariel shouted out this number with a determined tone, the mysterious number fifty seemed to have finally given up and stopped quoting.

Everything seemed to have been settled.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand and two thousand once."

"Three hundred and fifty thousand and two thousand twice."

The Fairy Lady's auction hammer struck very quickly. She no longer cared whether she could sell for tens of thousands more dollars. She just hoped that it would end quickly, otherwise the atmosphere she had worked so hard to mobilize would be completely cold.

Ariel clenched her fists and held her breath in the sound of the Fairy Lady's hammer, with eager anticipation in her eyes.

As long as she finished this job, not to mention having chicken legs for every meal, even eating a whole roast chicken for every meal would not be a problem at all!

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