Hum hum, damn Moon Campbell, you can't come back to disturb my good deeds now, can you?

"Three hundred thousand and two thousand third..."

"Number eighty-eight, five hundred thousand."

Just when the auction hammer was about to fall for the third time, a cold announcement spread through the entire auction hall through the special magic loudspeaker in the private room.

The voice was low and hoarse. It had obviously been specially processed, but it was full of aristocratic arrogance and tycoon-like awesomeness. Ariel felt as if she had been hit by a hammer, and her eyes suddenly went black.

"Five...five hundred thousand?"

Ariel almost didn't come back with a breath:

"Is this No. 88 crazy? Add hundreds of thousands at a time?"

"Fifty million! No. 88 bids half a million!"

Miss Goblin was stunned when she heard this, and her expression instantly became excited.

She looked towards the secret private room No. 88, with a special look in her beautiful eyes.

This is right, this is what an auction should be like.

If you don't go to the vegetable market to bargain with the old lady for the extra thousand, why are you here at my auction?

"Fifty thousand! Does anyone want to add more?"

"I...five hundred one thousand!"

Ariel's eyes were red and she almost bit her silver teeth before she called out this number.

It's okay, some people can still make half a million, it's just that it has changed from blood profit to big profit.

"Six hundred thousand."

But the voice sounded again, with such an understatement, as if what was thrown out was not 600,000, but 60 pieces of white paper to wipe the butt.

"Six hundred thousand...and one thousand." Ariel's face was twisted.

"Seven hundred thousand."

"Seven hundred one thousand." Ariel looked ferocious.

"Eight hundred thousand."

"Eight hundred thousand! Zero thousand!"

Ariel goes crazy!

I don't believe you can keep doing this!


Come again!

Tears of True Love is just an ordinary gemstone to you. I don’t believe you can be so prodigal and spend nearly a million dollars just to buy a piece of broken stone!

"Ha, that's really troublesome."

But at this moment, No. 88’s sigh came from the hidden box:

"Then just one million!"

one million!

The entire auction house suddenly burst into an uproar.

Even the fairy lady, who had experienced countless auctions, was a little wary.

This is not the kind of aristocratic auction where art is auctioned. A calligraphy and painting can easily be auctioned for hundreds of millions.

For many people here, one million may be all they have.

But now someone actually takes one million just to buy an ordinary gemstone?

Of course, there are people here who have heard the rumors about Tears of True Love, but this kind of ordinary gemstone without any special effect was only worth a little money during the hype period because it was said to symbolize true love. Now you can take it and sell it to those nobles. With millions of dollars, they will only elegantly make you spit and call you **!

" million? How is it possible..."

Ariel lay on the chair, holding her chest and gasping violently.


Ha ha.

It’s just a mere one million. If you help me up, I can still..."

"No, Ariel!"

This time, even the master couldn't sit still.

"Give up, we don't have that much money! There must be good things later, there's no need to hang yourself from this tree."

"Sell, let's keep selling! Sell for money!"

"We have nothing left to sell. If we continue to sell, we will have to sell..."

The master paused and said:

"The only option is to sell your Skyfire Great Sword. Are you willing to do so?"


Ariel looked at the gem that might contain a secret, with great reluctance on her face.

Make a lot of money, and then the opportunity to eat roast chicken is right in front of her, but she can only miss it. How can she be willing to do so?

"Damn it!"

But no matter how unwilling she is, no money means no money. In the end, with Miss Goblin’s third hammering sound, Ariel could only look at the secret private room where the mysterious No. 88 was with a look of sorrow and anger.

The dark one-way glass blocked all the scenes inside, but just looking at it, Ariel felt a raging fire ignite in her heart.

"who are you?

Why is this uncomfortable feeling so familiar to me? "

"Isn't this too wasteful?"

In the private room, Mu En, who had just spent one million in one breath, suddenly fell into deep guilt.

Although a mere one million is nothing to the Duke's Palace, using one million to buy a gift for a girl always feels like the kind of thing that a dandy nobleman would do with his lower body thinking.

"No, I'm different. I don't want to date my senior, I just want to repay my kindness.

After all, to me, the value of senior sister’s patient teaching in that month has long exceeded a mere million. It is no exaggeration to describe it as priceless! "

Mu En persuaded herself and soon got rid of these feelings of guilt.

Look at those snakes, birds, and foxes. The reason for repaying a favor is omnipotent!

The auction continues.

However, the next exhibits did not interest Mu En much.

Because most of these auction items are contraband items that are difficult to circulate in the world.

For example, taking a banned drug can temporarily increase combat power by 50%, but the side effect is impotence.

It is a magic scroll that is powerful enough to blow up a square, but can only be detonated manually.

Although they were strange, these things actually sold very well, and the prices were so high that some people almost got into a fight on the spot.

The only thing that surprised Mu En was that among the auctioned items, there were actually 15 military magic crossbows and 10 sets of standard third-generation magic armor.

"These are dangerous things that would be considered as rebellion if they were found in the homes of nobles. They are actually circulating in the black market. Could it be that the people behind the black market are also involved with the military?"

Thinking of it this way, the identity of the so-called black market tycoon is a bit complicated.

Mu En touched his chin and continued to observe the movements below.

At this time, he suddenly found that the people who had bid for the crossbows and magic armor had secretly left the auction hall. After they left, some people followed them quietly. Judging from their dress, they were obviously not in the same group.

"This is..."

Mu En raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he remembered something, so he picked up the copper bell specially placed on the corner of the table and shook it.

A voluptuous woman with heavy makeup pushed the door open and said respectfully:

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

"Will your auction house guarantee the personal safety of guests?" Mu En asked.

"Of course, as long as they are in the venue, we will resolutely protect the guests."

"Inside the venue?"

Mu En understood, so he chuckled:

"Can you do me a favor?"


The woman was stunned for a moment and nodded vigorously:

"Please say."

"Go to the door of the auction house."

"Then... at the door?"

"Then stay there."

Mu En said:

"Do what you usually do there now, just help me remember the direction of those who leave early next time, don't worry about anything else."

75. Undercurrent

After throwing out the military crossbow and magic armor, which are beheading-level banned items, the atmosphere of the normal auction has been successfully pushed to the climax.

Many people who had been disappointed in the previous bidding, stared at the fairy lady on the stage with red eyes, just like an unsatisfied beast, as if thinking about showing off their masculinity again in the next round of auctions.

Seeing this, the fairy lady's smile became more charming and moving. She clapped her hands gently, and a new round of goods was sent up.

But this time, the one who sent the goods was not a glamorous girl in revealing clothes as before, but a burly man in black heavy armor.

The burly man held a cylindrical metal container in his hand, which was covered with mysterious runes, as if sealing something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next is one of the finale of this auction-"

The fairy lady's jade hand gently brushed over the metal container, and those mysterious runes lighted slightly, and then there was a sound of mechanical friction.

The metal container slowly opened, revealing a dark seam first.

Instantly, everyone present felt a terrifying sense of oppression, as if a huge and ferocious monster had escaped from the metal container and roared at everyone.

"This is..."

In the private room, Mu En was also forced by the suffocating pressure, and his whole body could not help but cling to the sofa, and his forehead soon oozes out fine cold sweat.

Through the window, he seemed to see the monster looking down at him like an ant.

But when he suddenly realized, there was no monster at all, only the inconspicuous metal container slowly opened, revealing the artificially carved crystal inside.

In the crystal, red liquid flows, like amber glittering in the sun, beautiful and breathtaking.

"What is this? I believe that you who are knowledgeable can recognize it at a glance, so I won't go into details."

Looking at the dull eyes of many viewers, Miss Fairy smiled slightly.

When the boss took this out, wasn't she as surprised as them?

"——Ten drops of ancient dragon blood, starting price is one million, auction starts now!"

As the fairy lady finished speaking, the entire auction hall was silent for a moment.

Just like the moment before the storm.

Then, the thunder roared as promised!

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