"One million and one million!"

"One hundred twenty!"

"One hundred and three!"

"two hundred!"

The eager and fierce bidding nearly tore off the roof of the entire auction venue, and the bidding price skyrocketed as if a bursting magic had been cast on the buttocks!

"Is there really Gu Long's hard work?"

Looking at the red liquid flowing in the crystal, Mu En couldn't help but gleam in his eyes.

Who said I have bad luck?

Isn't this good luck just coming?

However, Mu En was not in a hurry to bid. He knew very well that the current bidding was so joyful that he was probably carried away by the atmosphere of the scene and the preciousness of Gu Long's hard work itself.

Those who are truly capable of competing for Gu Long's hard work are probably still waiting indifferently.

Not urgent.

Mu En shook the red wine glass, sipped the expensive high-end red wine, and waited quietly for the storm to pass.

Only after the storm is over, those who are qualified to reach the other side will appear.

"The blood of ancient... Gu Long?"

Looking at the gorgeous liquid in the crystal, Ariel almost spit out the inferior coffee she received for free.

what's the situation?

Ancient what? Dragon what? What are you thinking about? Blood what?

Did I hear you correctly? This is something that should appear at an auction of this level?

Before, I was still playing with vulgar things like contraband, but the scene suddenly switched to such high-end treasures. Has the style of painting changed too quickly?

"Buy it, you must buy it!"

Master's voice sounded excitedly in my ears:

"Ariel, as long as you buy this, you will not only be able to perfectly advance to the third level of warrior realm, but your body will also be greatly strengthened!"

"I understand the truth, but..."

Ariel's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but look desperate when she heard that the price in her ears had risen to three million in an instant.

"But I don't have that much money."


The master was silent for a moment,

"Why don't you sell your Skyfire Great Sword?"

"...Get out of here."

"Gu Long's hard work?"

On the seat in the corner of the hall, a figure with a good figure that could not be concealed by a large black robe was playing with the number plate No. 50 and talking to himself doubtfully.

"Oh, I always feel a little weird."

"Since there are auction items of this level, why not release the news in advance to catch the big fish?"

"At least knowing that there is an auction item of Gu Long's blood, some really rich and powerful people may not be able to bear it."

She glanced around. With deliberate push, the fierce storm came and went quickly. When the price rose to about three million, most of the bidders had disappeared.

After all, the hierarchy is here, and few of these people are truly rich!

"Could it be that the boss behind the auction naively hopes that a golden bastard will suddenly appear among these poor women who can't even afford gems?"

"Or does the auction itself have another purpose?"

"How is this going!"

In another secret private room, a ferocious man roared angrily at the waiter:

"Didn't your boss agree to hand over Gu Long's blood to our Red Fire Gang? Why did he put it up for auction? This is a breach of contract, a naked breach of contract!"

"The boss said he did not breach the contract."

Even though the man sprayed saliva on his face, the waiter still explained politely:

"Gu Long's painstaking effort belongs to you, and the boss has no objection to this, but after all, it is Gu Long's painstaking effort. If you trade it through normal channels, it will be too easy to expose your flaws. After all, it is a special period, and the inspections above are very strict. So the boss can only use this method to deliver the goods to you."

"So the so-called delivery means just putting the things there and letting us go to the auction ourselves?"

Lorenzo laughed angrily.

"Anyway, just come to this auction, so what's the point of paying so much and giving so many benefits to your boss?!"

“Everything naturally makes sense.”

The waiter was always calm, as if wearing a cold mask.

"Before the auction started, we did not disclose any information about Gu Long's hard work, so everyone thought that this was just an ordinary black market auction. The items auctioned above were most likely the same as usual, but some were inconvenient. Contraband items circulating in the market.

Therefore, no one who comes here is here for Gu Long’s painstaking efforts, and naturally no one is specially prepared for Gu Long’s painstaking efforts.

Except, bring money and come here specifically to buy cologne... you. "

76. Make trouble


Lorenzo narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep look at the waiter, then turned his head and looked at the entire auction hall outside the one-way glass.

After a short period of excitement, the naked swimming spectators were receding, leaving only a few small boats that still had some leftovers, desperately chasing treasures that they could never catch.

The quotation came to five million, but for Gu Long Xinshui, this price was far from worthy.

According to the normal market price, five million would probably only buy a drop of cologne's hard work.

But here, there are ten drops.

And things like Gu Long's painstaking efforts are always priceless.

"The price..."

"Of course it's how much money you spend on the photo."

"Oh, your boss, is he so kind?"

According to the current auction progress, Lorenzo estimates that he can directly win the ancient dragon's hard work for about eight to nine million.

This was much lower than the price he had previously estimated.

He originally came to ask questions, but when he came to his senses, he found that he was the one who had taken advantage, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"The boss said that when doing business, you have to make friends. It just so happens that your Chihuo Gang, as one of the big gangs in Xiacheng District, is qualified to become his friend."

The waiter put one hand on his chest and saluted respectfully:

"Of course, whether you can seize this opportunity or not has nothing to do with us."

"Hmph, I, the Red Fire Gang, can't even swallow the meat put into my mouth."

Lorenzo sneered, then waved his hand, telling him to get out of here, "Then, please help me say hello to your boss, just tell me this, and I, the Red Fire Gang, will take over."

"Of course it is."

The waiter quietly left.

Lorenzo's confidant came up and said worriedly:

"Boss, there must be nothing fishy about this kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing."

"So what, can't we just continue? Do you dare not to fulfill the Lord's order? Without Gu Long's hard work, we can only continue to kidnap people. Why the hell are there so many people to kidnap for us? Next No matter how chaotic the city is, it will be at the feet of the emperor!"

Lorenzo picked up the red wine that the waiter had just brought in, glanced at the trademark, and couldn't help but sneered:

"The red wine produced by Locke Winery, hum, is indeed something that those big nobles will like."

"Is this rumor true that the giant behind the black market is actually a very powerful noble from Belland?" A confidant asked in surprise.

"Rumors? This is not a rumor. This is a tacit secret shared by all parties. If the black market was able to be preserved during the previous cleaning operations, even the mice on the street would not believe it if the boss did not have a prince in front of his title."

Lorenzo roughly knocked off the cork of the red wine, raised his head and drank a few sips, then slammed the bottle and cursed angrily:

"Damn, it's sour and astringent. I really don't know what's so good about this girly wine. I heard it sells for 200,000 yuan a bottle? Damn, 200,000 yuan can cover my waist and slim legs. The sexy woman with big breasts is tired of playing with her!”

He sat back on the sofa, looking up at the slowly rising prices in the hall, tapping his fingers on the armrests, with an uncertain expression, and continued:

"So, even if the boss really has some conspiracy or idea, we can't do anything about it. This time Gu Long's hard work must be won!"

"Don't worry, boss. As that person said, without letting out the news about Gu Long's hard work, the people who come to this auction are probably just some small fish and shrimps. What can they use to compete with our Red Fire Gang?"

"Hmph, that's true."

Lorenzo sneered disdainfully, and then slapped his confidant on the head:

"Why are you still standing there? That slutty woman is already banging the hammer! Hurry up and make a quote!"

"oh oh!"

The confidant quickly picked up the number plate, but as soon as he picked it up, he seemed a little unsure, so he turned around and asked:

"Then boss, how much should we pay?"

"Where were you called just now?"

"Seven and a half million."

"Seven and a half million..."

Lorenzo touched his chin and grinned:

“In that case, let’s do something exciting.

Give me a direct quotation of 10 million, so that those country bumpkins can learn a lot! "

"It feels... so cheap."

Looking at the prices quoted by the people in the audience one by one, Mu En couldn't help but have the illusion that it was a fake if it was so cheap.

I want to buy ten drops of cologne for just a few million dollars. How could such a good thing happen in the world?

Shouldn’t the items at auction be priced at a premium?

Unless there is some treasure that cannot even be identified at auction, how can you miss it?

"And if you think about it carefully, it is a bit strange that Gu Long's painstaking efforts appeared at an auction of this level without any warning."

The brief excitement passed, and Mu En gradually calmed down.

Among the previous auction items, the highest price was only the ten pairs of magic armors, which were sold for three million.

But the painstaking effort of Gu Long in front of him is still the same as the sky and the earth.

Even if the auction wants to highlight the red flowers, your green leaves are too cold.

Moreover, are you sure that the poor people in front of you, who are trembling even after paying hundreds of thousands of dollars, will appreciate it?

Mu En looked down the field. Through the special perspective of the private room, he could notice that there were many eyes spinning around the entire auction venue, chasing those who made bids.

Like a star-chasing paparazzi, he vows to get a glimpse of his true appearance under the disguise.

"It's truly a black market."

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