Mu En touched her chin and laughed.

Compared with the invisible competition in the auction venue, after this auction is over, it is probably the real excitement.

"In this case, for the sake of safety, I can't directly take pictures of Gu Long's hard work."

Although money is not an issue, he is only one person after all, and it will definitely be very dangerous if so many people care about him.

It's really not worth risking your life for something that you can buy with money.

"But... I always feel a little bit unhappy when I see others picking up things."

Mu En suddenly smiled evilly.

Seeing others making money is simply more uncomfortable than me losing moneyJPG.

Well, we have to do something.

"Ten million! Guest No. 1 from the secret room bids 10 million!"

The charming voice of Miss Goblin, along with the magic loudspeaker, spread throughout the venue, making the atmosphere in the venue that was originally a little cold became lively again.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, secretly thinking that this No. 1 boss was so terrifying that he actually directly increased the price by 2.5 million!

That's two point five tears of true love!

They stared at the past with curious eyes, and began to wonder who the big boss was. He must be a big shot with such a reputation.

However, the dark one-way glass blocked all prying eyes, so they could only make limited guesses.

"Guest No. 1 bids 10 million, are there any more customers who want to add more?"

Miss Fairy looked around the audience, but found that the enthusiasm was only for a moment. In other words, this kind of enthusiasm was not caused by the product itself and was of no use at all.

On the contrary, most people were so swayed by this wealthy spirit that they didn't even dare to quote the price.

"Is that the end?"

The goblin lady bit her lip, somewhat unwillingly.

Although before the auction started, the boss had told Gu Long that his hard work should not be auctioned at a high price.

But for a professional auctioneer, the items sold were actually lower than the regular market price. This was something she couldn't bear. It was simply an insult to her career.

However, there is nothing to be done.

She knew that this auction was specially set up for a certain transaction. How could it be possible to attract truly powerful customers by handing out flyers on the street?

Have a heart.


The goblin lady sighed and raised the auction hammer in her hand.

"Then, once ten million times..."

"Ten million times..."

"Ten million three..."


Just when the final word was about to be finalized, a familiar voice that made her heart tremble, filled with the arrogance of an aristocrat and the arrogance of a rich man, echoed in the auction venue again.

"Number 88, quotation..."

77. Noble status

"Number eighty-eight!"

As soon as that voice came out, the entire auction hall fell silent again.

Although he only bought the useless gem once, the awesomeness and domineering he showed when he first appeared on the scene has already left a deep impression on many people.

So when he quoted again, the audience couldn't help but guess that he would quote a surprising price this time.

The fairy lady's beautiful eyes were shining again and again, and she secretly thought that she could really catch a big fish by handing out flyers?

So she also began to look forward to it...

"Quote No. 88..."

The voice was neither urgent nor slow, and the tone was full of the leisure and casualness of a high-ranking person. But when his words fell, thunder seemed to burst out!

"Ten one thousand!"

"No. 88, the quote is 10 million zero... Huh? 0,000?"

The Fairy Lady, who was about to heat up the atmosphere again with the awesome offer of No. 88, was suddenly stunned. She wondered if she was hearing hallucinations because she was too tired after hosting the auction for too long.

That No. 88 seemed to have quoted a very contemptible price in a very arrogant tone?

"one thousand?"

"It seems like it's really a thousand."

"That number eighty-eight only adds one thousand?"

"Absolutely, is there some kind of vegetable market sale today?"

The audience came to their senses and found that the number 88 they had been looking forward to for a long time was just an extra thousand because of coercion, and they suddenly booed.

In Box 1, Lorenzo was laughing so hard that he couldn't even straighten his waist.

"A thousand? Hahahaha, he just added a thousand?"

"Damn, I thought he would be so awesome, but he turned out to be a country bumpkin who has never seen the world?"

"No wonder you spend a lot of money to buy a useless piece of stone!"

"Quick, bid quickly, give me one million more, and humiliate him severely!"

"Quotation No. 1, eleven million!!"


As the new bids appeared in Box No. 1, the entire auction audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

What is awesome.

This is called awesomeness!

Adding one million at a time is not comparable to your weak chicken adding a thousand at a time!

But before everyone could recover from the shock, No. 88 calmly reported a new price:

"Eleven one thousand."


Lorenzo sneered disdainfully and commanded his confidants:

"Add it, just add it to one million, I want to see how long this country bumpkin can bear this humiliation?"

"Twelve million!"

"Twelve one thousand."

"Thirteen million!"

"Thirteen one thousand."


"Twenty million!"

"Twenty million...and one thousand."



As the auction prices continued to rise, everyone finally began to feel that something was wrong.

Why is it that while the price is being quoted, No. 88's voice remains so calm, but No. 1 starts to get angry?

Who is humiliating whom?

"No. 88 is deliberately raising the price!"

Someone comes to their senses!

In the private room, Lorenzo, who was not stupid, also understood what was wrong. He smashed the coffee table in front of him angrily and roared at Miss Goblin:

"Will your auction house just ignore this kind of malicious price increase?"

"Guest, please calm down. Guest No. 88 did not violate the rules."

Miss Goblin explained respectfully.

Although it is indeed unethical to intentionally raise the price by only adding one thousand at a time, no auction house would be stupid enough to prohibit intentionally raising the price, and she did not set a minimum price increase before the auction, so let alone one thousand, just add one yuan. , that is also in line with the rules.

"Aren't you afraid that he will actually take the photo but have no money?" Lorenzo said with a sneer.

If you really have enough money, how can you play like this?

He was obviously a nouveau riche country bumpkin who didn't have much money, and he was here to deliberately disgust him!

Just spent a million dollars to buy a piece of rubbish, do you think you are a person?


Miss Goblin hesitated. Indeed, the most fearful person at an auction is someone who just deliberately raises the price and accidentally auctions it off, but has no money to pay. Generally, regular auctions will verify the qualifications, so there will be no such thing. this problem.

But it is a black market after all...

"Guests please wait a moment, the auction will be suspended for three minutes."

After thinking about it, Miss Fairy paused the auction and winked at the audience.

After a while, there was a knock on Mu En's door.

"Please come in."

"This guest."

The waiter walked into the room and said respectfully:

“You are also asked to provide proof that you have sufficient assets to conduct the auction.”

"Oh? Aren't you holding a secret auction? Why, you still want to check the privacy of the guests?"

Mu En didn't even raise her eyelids and shook the red wine glass in her hand casually.

"I'm very sorry, but after all, this auction involves huge funds, and we must carry out necessary risk control."

The waiter bowed deeply:

"You don't need to reveal your identity as a guest, as long as you can prove that you have enough property."

"Property? I only have one million in cash on me."

"Then we can only ask the guests to go out temporarily." A cold light flashed in the waiter's eyes. If he had a million dollars, he would have wanted to be a gentleman. He really thought that I was a vegetarian...

"Is this enough?"

Mu En used two fingers to throw over a crystal card at random.

The waiter caught it steadily.

But when he saw the appearance of the crystal card clearly, his hands suddenly started to tremble unconsciously.

It was a black crystal card with golden tulips carved on it. It looked low-key yet luxurious.

As a professionally trained waiter, he recognized the origin of this card at first sight.

This is...the Sombra card issued by Imperial Bank!

This card is positioned among the top groups in the entire empire. Through the bearer account of the Imperial Bank, almost unlimited overdrafts can be made!

So far, Imperial Bank has only issued a hundred cards of this kind!

In other words, anyone who holds this card is definitely a small group of people standing at the top of the entire empire. They are the kind who can make the entire empire tremble with just one stamp of their feet.

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