And the black crystal card has the most stringent confidentiality measures, and it is almost impossible to trace the card owner, not to mention this auction house, even the boss behind them...

So with this card, not to mention the mere tens of millions of ancient dragons' hard work, even this entire auction can be easily bought!

At that time, let alone asking him to eat vegetarian food, even eating shit...

"Do I have the qualifications?" Mu En asked lightly, and every word seemed to hit the waiter's heart hard.

"Yes, of course!"

The waiter's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat. The indifference that he had trained for a long time before had long been thrown away. He trembled all over and held the black crystal card in front of Mu En, squeezed out a professional smile and said:

"Sorry to bother the guests. As an apology, all the items purchased by the guests here can be discounted by 20%."

20% discount is not a small discount for a place like an auction. For example, if Mu En spent 100 million to bid for a certain treasure, he only had to pay 80 million, which was a full 20 million less.

This is the biggest discount that the waiter can make with his authority.

"Wow, it's quite sincere."

Mu En took back the crystal card, "But I don't care much about it, I just want to start the auction quickly."

"The auction will continue immediately, immediately!"

The waiter wiped his sweat and prepared to leave quickly.

He had to leave quickly and tell the top uncle sitting here, otherwise if he was neglected, he would be completely finished.

"By the way."

But at this moment, Mu En suddenly turned around.

He pointed a finger at his lips under the mask, and said with a kind smile:

"I don't want this to be known to a fourth person."

Mu En pointed at himself, then at the waiter, and finally at the back of the waiter.

"So, keep it secret, understand?"

78. Mighty

"The auction continues."

Three minutes later, when Miss Fairy restarted the auction on time and the auction didn't seem to have any dealings with No. 88, Lorenzo crushed the armrest of the sofa again.

"What's going on? Does that country bumpkin really have the money to continue?"

He looked at his confidant beside him:

"Can you check his identity?"

"I'm afraid not."

The confidant shook his head with a bitter face:

"After all, it's a black market auction, and no one will check their identity when they come in. Unless they can directly drag him out of the private room to see his face, it's basically impossible."


Lorenzo cursed, his face livid.

I thought I had picked up a big bargain and spent eight or nine million to bid for the ancient dragon's blood worth tens of millions, but I didn't expect that a troublemaker country bumpkin suddenly showed up and disrupted all his plans!

He also wanted to use the money he expected to save this time to buy a large number of new equipment to increase the strength of the Red Fire Gang!

"Have you watched the two groups of people before?" Lorenzo suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Watched them!"

The confidant was startled and said seriously:

"The manpower has been sent out, it must be foolproof!"

"That's good."

The grievances suffered here must be compensated elsewhere.

This is a black market where no one cares. Even if you spend money here, it doesn't mean that the things are yours!

"Boss, calm down. In fact, the current price is still far below the market price. We still make money. Those jumping clowns will not be able to jump for long!" The confidant comforted.

"Of course I know this, I just can't swallow this breath!"

Lorenzo sat back.

The estimated market price of ten drops of ancient dragon blood is about 50 million, and this kind of thing with a price but no market is generally overpriced. In order to be on the safe side, he brought a full 100 million this time!

And the current offer is only 20 million, no matter how you look at it, it is still a blood profit.

"Go on."

Lorenzo's cold eyes swept through the private room of No. 88, and sneered disdainfully.

I want to see where you get the qualifications to compete with my Red Fire Gang!


"Fifty million!"

"Fifty million... and one thousand."


More than ten minutes later, after dozens of rounds of "fierce" bidding, Lorenzo no longer looked down on the country bumpkin, and at this moment he couldn't sit still.

Fifty million!

It's already fifty million!

He's still bidding more than one thousand and one thousand with me!

I thought that if I continued to raise the price, No. 88 would give up.

But he actually followed all the way to a full fifty million!

There's no profit now, and seeing that No. 88's relaxed tone, he even has some left!

Who knows how much he will raise all the way?

"Does he really want to buy the ancient dragon's blood, and is not just deliberately raising the price?"

Lorenzo's mind turned rapidly, and the more angry he was, the calmer he became.

We have come to this point, Gu Long's hard work must not be lost!

He stood up, removed the voice disguise of the private room, and said seriously to the private room No. 88 in his real voice:

"Mr. No. 88, how about making friends? I am Lorenzo from the Red Fire Gang in the Lower City. This Gu Long's hard work is very important to me. I hope you can bear the pain and give it up. I will definitely repay you in the future."

"Red Fire Gang?"


As soon as he said this, the drowsy audience who had been hypnotized by their plain and unpretentious offers became noisy again.

"He will actually come to this auction in person?"

You must know that the Red Fire Gang is a large and prestigious gang in the entire lower city of Belland. It controls more than a dozen large and small docks along the Gulain River. It also holds several smuggling routes in its hands and makes countless money.

As the boss of the Red Fire Gang, Lorenzo is even more famous for his ruthlessness, cunning and viciousness. It is said that his tentacles have reached out to those gentlemen. Not long ago, a baron said something that offended him, and the next day the baron said something that offended him. The baron's mistress was stripped naked and hanged under the bridge.

It can be said that Lorenzo's notoriety has reached a level that can stop children from crying at night. Anyone who hangs out in the lower city will basically give him face!

Therefore, his words could not help but be a signal of goodwill, and also contained a hint of threat.

But the premise is that you live in Xiacheng District.

In the private room, Mu En was slightly stunned when she heard the name.



I have a bit of an impression of the Red Fire Gang. They seemed to be a cannon fodder gang that was wiped out by the protagonist Ariel in just two chapters after appearing in the original book.

Is it awesome?

"I'm sorry, I, the son of Duke Raymond, don't want to be friends with you." Mu En spoke, her processed deep voice echoed, still so indifferent.

It was as if he really was the son of a duke.

But this time the audience was not shocked, but instead let out low sneers.

Lorenzo was even more angry and laughed.

Son of Duke Raymond?


If you were the son of a duke, I would be a prince!

Check out the place!

Where is this? It’s the black market in Xiacheng District!

It's a place where even those noble nobles would find it dirty even if they set foot in it!

Would the son of a dignified Duke come to a place like this?

Are you kidding me?

"So, this gentleman is insisting on going against me?"

Lorenzo gritted his teeth and stared at the private room No. 88. If the dark one-way glass hadn't blocked his sight, he might have killed someone with his eyes now.

"Contrary? Where do these words come from? I am just making a normal bid. Does it mean that there are restrictions on the bids in this auction?"

Saying that, Mu En looked at Miss Fairy:

"Have it?"

"Of course not. All the actions of Mr. No. 88 are in compliance with the rules of our auction house."

The goblin lady smiled charmingly.

She didn't care if the two would fight afterwards, after all, no matter what, the fire would never burn the auction house.

As a professional auctioneer, she only cares about the turnover of this item.

Fifty million! Can it go any higher?

Thinking of this, her eyes looking towards Private Room No. 88 were so coquettish that water seemed to drip from her eyes.

Come on, big brother No. 88!

"See, even the goblin lady said so."

Mu En said lightly: "Mr. Lorenzo, you can't take pictures of the products, just because you are not good at it. How can you blame me?"


As Mu En's seemingly casual words fell.

The place suddenly became quiet.

It was as if he had a premonition that a storm was coming.

Everyone did not dare to take a breath, but looked at private room No. 88 with reverence.

No one in the lower city dares to say that about Lorenzo!

"He...said I...can't do it?"

Sure enough, in the private room No. 1, Lorenzo looked ferocious, his eyes were red, and he looked like his anger had swallowed up his sanity.

It was like some sensitive nerve had been touched.

"I hate it when people tell me I can't do it!"

"Today I will tell you personally whether I can do it or not!"

He snatched the number plate from his henchman's hand, and his rich voice swept the entire auction room in an instant.

"I'll bid one hundred million!"

79. Ending

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