"I bid 100 million!"

Lorenzo's mighty and domineering voice swept through the auction hall, like a real storm, making everyone's breathing stagnate and revealing a shocked look.

100 million!

That's 100 million!

If converted into paper money, 100 million can be piled up into a mountain!

Most people here have never seen how huge a number 100 million is in their lives. They know that the most common thing in the lower city of Belland is rats in the sewers, but even if all the rats are added together, there are probably not even 100 million.

Even Miss Fairy was stunned at this moment.

Of course, she hoped that the bid could be higher, higher.

But she didn't expect that Lorenzo would directly bid 100 million!

She has hosted countless auctions, but no item has ever been able to break the 100 million mark.

But now, this record has been broken!

Miss Fairy was trembling with excitement, but her beautiful eyes did not care about Lorenzo who had just shouted 100 million, but stared closely at the mysterious room 88.

Because she knew that Lorenzo's bid of 100 million was not because she, the auctioneer, was so tempting, but all thanks to No. 88!

When the note "Auction Continues" was handed over from the audience just now, she had a premonition that this person would not be simple, so she was also looking forward to whether No. 88 could continue to increase the bid.

Not only her, but everyone in the auction hall was looking at No. 88's room at the moment, waiting for his next round of bids.

"Actually, he directly bid 100 million?"

But after a long silence, the leisurely voice sounded again, with a touch of loss and regret, sighing:

"I really can't afford 100 million, you win, Mr. Lorenzo, the ancient dragon's blood belongs to you."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

No. 88 gave in!

In other words, the winner of this competition around the ancient dragon's blood is still No. 1, Lorenzo of the Red Fire Gang!

"As expected of Lorenzo, this domineering attitude is truly shocking."

"The Red Fire Gang's strength should not be underestimated for being able to take out 100 million in cash so easily."

"That mysterious No. 88, is he still no match for me after all?"

"Is that the end?"

The Fairy Lady also shook her head with regret, but soon with a charming smile on her face, she raised the auction hammer in her hand.

"I declare that the Ancient Dragon Blood will belong to the guest of No. 1 at a transaction price of 100 million!"


"Hahahaha, fight with me? You little brat, fight with me?"

In Room No. 1, after the dust settled, Lorenzo couldn't help but laugh wantonly with his hands on his waist, enjoying the astonishing eyes of everyone.

Although he couldn't see the inside of the room clearly due to the inky one-way glass, he could already imagine the look of the damned No. 88 being shocked by his domineering aura.

Fight with me, I have 100 million, do you have it?

How many do you have...

Doesn't the Ancient Dragon Blood still belong to me?

Are you angry?

Are you angry?

Are you angry that I humiliated you with 100 million in front of so many people?

"You are worthy of being Mr. Lorenzo."

But just when Lorenzo was so excited, No. 88 spoke again, with full of admiration in his tone:

"You actually offered 100 million directly. It seems that the more than 50 million I brought is far from enough."


Lorenzo's laughing expression froze suddenly.

Everyone's astonished eyes also changed.

Even the fairy lady who was thinking of saying something to compliment Lorenzo almost bit her tongue accidentally when she heard it.

What did he say?

How much money did he bring?

More than 50 million?

Wouldn't that mean...

"Alas, I wanted to give it a try, but now it seems that I am still too naive. Compared with a big shot like Mr. Lorenzo who can easily take out 100 million, I am a person who can only take out more than 50 million by tightening my belt, which is not worth mentioning at all.

There are indeed people who are better than you in this world, and there are heavens beyond heaven."

No. 88 said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Lorenzo, for letting me understand this truth."

Thank you for what?

Thank him for being a super sucker?


At this moment, the entire auction hall was silent.

But everything changed in this silence.

Everyone thought that this story was as exciting as a novel. When they looked at the No. 1 private room, they seemed to be watching the tragic female character in the novel who was cheated of money and sex, and they couldn't help but show real pity.

Although you look really handsome when you wave your hand and spend 100 million, but when you look back, you look really embarrassed when you lose 50 million!

"Fuck you!"

In the private room, Lorenzo suddenly lifted the sofa under his butt with one hand and smashed it hard on the glass in front of him.

The glass shattered instantly, and through the broken glass, the strange and pitying eyes looking at him made him even more furious.

At this moment, how could he not understand that he was being played hard!

That No. 88 didn't even think about taking pictures of Gu Long's hard work!

He just came to disgust me!

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

He looked at the private room of No. 88 with red eyes, wishing he could rush over and chop him into pieces right now!

He had never suffered such humiliation in his life!

"No, boss, you can't just do it here!"

Fearing that Lorenzo would be blinded by anger and do something terrible, his confidant quickly stepped forward and hugged his waist tightly to stop him.

"Get out of here!"

Lorenzo kicked his confidant, "I'm not that stupid!"

After all, this is the territory of the giants behind the black market, and he is not stupid enough to break the rules here.


Lorenzo lowered his head and looked at the ordinary seats.

Although it was very obscure, he was still keen to detect a bit of real greed from those eyes that were either pity or gloating.

"These wild dogs, dare to have evil thoughts about my things!"

Lorenzo took a deep breath and quickly suppressed all the anger.

To be able to get to such a position in the chaotic place of the lower city, he relied on more than just fierceness.

People who can't distinguish the importance of things will not live long in such a place.

"Revenge will be avenged later, send the ancient dragon's blood back first."

He walked out of the private room vigorously, ready to cash in the goods quickly and leave before the guys in the hall reacted.

Just before he stepped into the dark corridor, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the depths of the corridor.

The private room that made him itch was tightly closed, without any movement.

"Wait for me, this matter is not over yet."

Lorenzo's eyes flashed with cold light, and he turned around:

"Leave two people outside to watch, the others, go."



"Wow, so angry?"

When the sofa flew out of the private room, Mu En was also slightly startled.

God has pity, Mu En can be regarded as telling the truth.

He originally thought of stopping at around 50 or 60 million, after all, what if he accidentally bought the ancient dragon's blood, who knew that the boss of the Red Fire Gang was so unable to withstand the provocation that he actually raised it to 100 million in one breath.

"I thought he would rush over and chop me directly."

Seeing that Lorenzo did not come to seek revenge on him, but chose to leave directly, Mu En couldn't help but touch his chin in surprise.

Can we only say that he is worthy of being the boss of a gang? At this time, the mind is still very clear.

"So, next, a new good show is about to start?"

After Lorenzo left, many people in the hall also left quickly. Just looking at their anxious appearance, it is definitely not a farewell party for Lorenzo.

80. Yellow Bird

After the auction was completely over and everyone dispersed one after another, Mu En slowly walked out of the private room.

At this time, the waiter had already been waiting outside respectfully.

"Dear guest, this is the item you auctioned."

In the silver tray, the gold-inlaid gem box was faintly glowing with a layer of luxurious light. Mu En opened the gem box casually. The pink teardrop gem symbolizing true love lay quietly in the red lining. Even without the light, it was still dazzling.

"Very good."

Without checking the authenticity, Mu En believed that the auction house would not be stupid enough to do something in such a place, so he put the gem away casually.

But when he was about to pay, the waiter said respectfully:

"Guest, as an apology for your previous rude behavior, this gem will be given to you for free."

"Oh? Didn't you give me a 20% discount before?"

"But you didn't buy anything except this gem, did you?"

The waiter wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered:

"This is what our boss wants. He really wants to be friends with you, the guest."


Mu En raised his eyebrows.

He was not too surprised by the boss behind the auction.

He warned the waiter to keep it secret before, and not to let the fourth person know that the auction house had bought this big fish. The so-called three people who knew were him, the waiter, and the boss behind the waiter.

After all, it was the boss's territory, and this matter could not be concealed.

It was just that I didn't expect his reaction to be so fast.

"You gangsters, do you all like to make friends so much?"

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