"If you have more friends, you can have a wider path, right? For people like us who stay in the dark all day long, the path is not wide enough, but it is easy to fall."


Mu En patted the waiter on the shoulder:

"Then I, the son of Duke Raymond, will make you my friend. Remember to give me a discount next time you come."


The waiter nodded like he was pecking at rice, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch on his face that he didn't dare to raise.

Son of Duke Raymond?

What a liar!

We just checked through our own intelligence channels and found that the son of the Duke, who is known as the model of nobility, has already returned to his fiefdom with Duke Raymond.

You should be more realistic when telling lies!

You said you are the son of Duke Campbell, which is more believable!

At the door of the auction.

The charming woman stood at the door, smiling brightly and bowing to every guest who came in and out, as if she was never tired.

When Mu En passed by her, she lowered her head and said in a low voice:

"Most of those people just went to the west."


Mu En nodded and left quickly without stopping.

Just as he took a step, he suddenly felt like he was being pulled by something.

Turning around, the voluptuous woman with heavy makeup grabbed the corners of his clothes. Her eyes were full of uneasiness like a deer, but she mustered up the courage and said:

"I will leave from here, and then use the money the guests gave me to study at the Rheinland Women's College. I want to become a teacher."


Mu En smiled and said, "That's good, come on."


Like the sun rising, flowers blooming, all the anxiety and fear fading away, the woman let go of her hands, her eyes filled with light, and she nodded vigorously:

"I will, guest."

Mu En walked leisurely on the black market road, as if taking a walk, and bought a pair of telescopes from a roadside stall that were said to be able to clearly see beautiful women taking a bath from a thousand meters away.

The black market is an underground space that is not known to be formed naturally or artificially. Although its scope is large, it is only as large as a few blocks.

Even if the terrain is complicated, it is almost impossible to escape the tracking of others here.

So after Lorenzo got the blood of Gulong, his first plan was to leave the black market. For him, the lower city of Bellande was his home court.

The other wild dogs who are greedy and want to take advantage of others probably think so too.

After all, fighting is prohibited in the black market. Once a fight breaks out here, it will undoubtedly be a slap in the face to the giant behind the black market. As long as you have some brains, you will not choose to do this.

So all Mu En had to do was to determine which passage in the black market they were leaving from, and then follow them slowly.

The possibility of losing track is very low, because there are only a few channels in the black market, and...

Mu En's eyes swept across the front not far away, and there were several sneaky figures, just like him, hanging on to the people in front of them from a distance and advancing furtively.

Want the mantis to stalk the cicada, with the oriole behind?

Mu En couldn't help but have a smirk on her lips.

I still don’t know who the real Huangque is.

In Xiacheng District, a group of heavily armed people hurriedly walked in the intricate alleys filled with sewage. The homeless man next to the garbage dump was awakened by the silence. He opened his cloudy eyes and glanced at the group of people. He suddenly woke up from his sleepy state. He quickly dug up the garbage pile next to him and buried himself.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Lorenzo felt the glances coming from behind him, like chewing gum that had been stepped on countless times, stuck to his body and could not be shaken off, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

He underestimated the greed of these wild dogs!

I originally thought that even if someone really wanted to take advantage of Gu Long's hard work, due to the reputation of the Red Fire Gang, not many would really dare to follow him.

But since just now, he has felt at least twenty prying eyes from different directions!

This is still the most brainless, truly cunning and difficult guy. He is still hanging further away, trying to be the oriole who takes advantage of the situation!

"It's okay, boss. No matter how disgusting those wild dogs are, they are just some stragglers. As long as they don't join forces, they pose no threat to us."

On the side, the confidant glanced around and comforted:

"But the possibility of those greedy guys joining forces is simply lower than Miss Sess being good!"

"Who is Miss Sess?"

"The top card of the Eyre Street kilns, who can fight more than twenty dock men in one night, is known as the lake monster on the banks of the ancient Rhine."

The confidants smacked her mouth, and replied: "Her waist is twisted, and she is more entangled than a giant python."

"Damn it, I told you to stop going to irregular places like that. I gave you so much money just to let you catch an infectious disease and come back to trick me?"

Lorenzo slapped his henchman on the head, making him angry.

"Hey, I should save the money for my sister's medical treatment." The confidant scratched his head and said nonchalantly.

"Sooner or later you will be dragged to death by your sick sister!"

Lorenzo gave his confidant a stern look, but being interrupted by him in this way, his hanging heart was indeed relieved a lot.

That's right, wild dogs are just wild dogs. As long as they don't take the initiative to form a pack, they will never become a wolf that can threaten him.

As long as he returns to the territory of the Red Fire Gang, no one will dare to snatch things from him again!

Lorenzo could not help but speed up his pace again.

At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew, like an invisible big hand waving, disturbing the increasingly thick fog in the night.

He heard a sharp whistle, like a ghost, floating in the dark alley.

81. Confrontation

Lorenzo's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He was very familiar with this whistle, so his face at this moment was as ugly as if he had stepped on something dirty on the road.

Only the group of guys called hyenas would use such an ugly sharp whistle to convey information.

In other words...

In the dark alley, there was a steady sound of footsteps.

As if he was going to an elegant banquet, the man in a sophisticated dress walked out of the darkness slowly.

"Mr. Lorenzo, it's a long night. Why are you so anxious? Why don't we sit down and have a chat?"

The man wore a top hat, held a gold-studded cane, was well-dressed, and had an elegant tone in his voice, sounding like a noble aristocrat.

But when he spoke, the golden front teeth that occasionally appeared instantly destroyed this elegant temperament, and the old face revealed under the moonlight showed the greed and madness of a hyena.

Behind him, the burly men walked out of the darkness in silence, holding blood-stained knives, guns, sticks and clubs in their hands, with unruly and ferocious eyes, staring at Lorenzo with a mocking smile, as if staring at a clown.

This is a group of thugs.

And in the entire downtown area, there was only a group of thugs who dared to grin at Lorenzo.

"Hyena Gang? Shultz?"

Looking at these thugs in front of him who usually burned countless stores and buried countless people in the river beach in order to collect protection fees, Lorenzo's forehead suddenly became blue with veins.

"Why are you here?"

"Wow, Mr. Lorenzo's words are strange. Is there any street in the entire downtown area that has a name written on it and belongs to a private person?"

Shuerzi held his cane tightly and smiled exaggeratedly:

"The night is long and I can't sleep. I have to go out for a walk and exercise."

"Walk? What a coincidence."

Lorenzo's eyes flashed coldly. As one of the big gangs in the downtown area, these people are much more difficult to deal with than the wild dogs that are still following him now!

But now, he calmed down:

"What do you want to do? Our Red Fire Gang and your Hyena Gang have always kept their distance from each other."

"Of course, I always think that Hyena and Red Fire are good friends, but since they are friends..."

Shuerzi stared at the metal container covered with runes in Lorenzo's hand, with greed in his eyes:

"If you have good things, you should always know how to share them, right?"

Is it really for the blood of the ancient dragon?

But how did he know?

Lorenzo's eyes became more gloomy, and he secretly hid the metal container behind him.

To contain an item like the ancient dragon's heart blood that contains violent energy, a very high-level space device is needed.

And that level of space device is much more precious than just ten drops of ancient dragon's heart blood. No one can afford it except some noble nobles.

So he can only hold it in his hand.

But if he holds it in his hand, he must face these blatant greed.

"Shu Erzi, you have to think clearly, my Red Fire Gang is not a soft persimmon that you can manipulate at will!"

The men behind Lorenzo drew out their weapons with a clang, and the cold light was sharp. Although there were not as many as the hyenas, these people were the elites he carefully selected, and naturally they would not be afraid of those thugs who were useless except for being fierce and fearless.

"Or do you want to fight with me?"

Lorenzo stared at Shu Erzi fiercely, like a beast grinding its teeth and sucking blood.

He knew that compared to those fierce thugs, the leader of the hyenas, Shulzi, was a villain who was full of insidiousness and meanness.

And this kind of person, although greedy, also cherishes his life very much.

So he would never do anything without confidence.

"It seems that Mr. Lorenzo has misunderstood me."

As expected, facing Lorenzo's desperate ferocity, the greed in Shulzi's eyes was quickly restrained, and he smiled again.

"In fact, I am not a person who advocates violence. I prefer to do business with people."


"Five drops, I buy five drops of ancient dragon blood in Mr. Lorenzo's hands."

Shulzi raised a hand and squinted and said:

"According to the normal market price, one drop is five million, five drops are twenty-five million, how about it?"

Behind him, a burly man came out with several sacks on his back, unzipped the sacks, and revealed the dark green large bills inside.

Schulz was well prepared, or rather, he had never thought of fighting to the death with Lorenzo from the beginning, but offered a price that Lorenzo could barely accept.

He wanted to force Lorenzo to accept this price, after all, he also needed Gu Long's efforts very much, and it really didn't matter if he spent a little money.

"Twenty-five million?"

But Lorenzo did not start to consider it as he expected, but his expression became even uglier, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"You want to buy five drops from me for a mere twenty-five million? Are you fooling a little kid?"

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