"Huh? Isn't this the normal market price?"

Although there will definitely be a premium for something like Cologne's painstaking blood, which has a price but no market, it should not be so high that Lorenzo cannot accept it.

Shuerzi was wondering when suddenly a subordinate whispered something in his ear.

His expression suddenly became strange, and he put a fist to his mouth, as if he was trying to suppress a smile.

"Well...Mr. Lorenzo, you were defrauded of fifty million, and it's none of my business!"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you really want to buy it, just give me 50 million. Maybe I will consider it!"

Lorenzo's face turned red, but his eyes were still fierce.

Five drops can barely complete the Lord's mission, so it's not like he can't give it up.

But there is no need to negotiate the price.

He doesn't want others to mention him with the following words: Lorenzo is one of the most notorious villains in the lower city!

He cannot take the blame alone!

"No, I can't accept this price either!"

Shuerzi's smile gradually froze, and she looked at Lorenzo with cold eyes.

"I only brought twenty-five million."

"Then there's no need to talk!"

The two faced each other, and the atmosphere in this small alley suddenly felt as cold as ice.

The thugs with ferocious smiles and the elites of the Red Fire Gang clenched their weapons at the same time, and a bloody fight was about to break out at any time.

"Gaga, if you put it this way, ten drops doesn't seem to be enough."

But at this moment, the voice of a third person suddenly appeared, breaking the ice that had condensed in the atmosphere.

But everyone didn't feel much warmer, instead they felt even colder to the bone.

Because in the sharp drake's voice, they also heard the sound of the bowstring tightening, like a monster tearing at steel bars, which made people feel numb.

As a result, everyone's bodies tensed up subconsciously, and Lorenzo and Schulzi's expressions changed greatly, and they both looked in the direction of the sound.

On the roofs on both sides of the alley, a short dwarf-like figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

82. You too...

Cold sweat dripped from the tip of Lorenzo's nose.

Even Shuerzi couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

In the shadow of the roof, appearing together with the dwarf-like figure, were a dozen thin shadows.

These shadows were all dressed in black, and their auras were extremely inconspicuous. They were even much smaller in number than the elites of the Red Fire Gang behind Lorenzo.

But when they appeared, everyone in the alley, whether they were thugs licking blood from their knives or elites who didn't care about life and death, their bodies tensed up subconsciously, like wild beasts being hunted by hunters.

Looking up, the bowstrings in the hands of the shadows were stretched tightly by the mechanism. They could be activated at any time. The sharp and possibly poisonous arrow tips bloomed with a dead cold light under the indifferent moonlight.

There were a total of fifteen military magic repeating crossbows, which looked brand new. Although they were not many in number, they were high enough to shoot everyone in the alley into hedgehogs within thirty seconds!

"Rat Club? Sam Jade?"

Lorenzo stared at the dwarf-like figure, almost trembling with anger: "You want to get involved too?"

The Rat Society, compared to large gangs like the Red Fire Gang and thugs like the Hyena Gang, seems not to be well-known in the ears of ordinary people in Xiacheng District, but it is an organization that makes all the forces in the entire Xiacheng District extremely fearful. .

Because it is the black glove of those noble gentlemen, specially designed for those noble gentlemen who do not want to get their hands dirty to do all kinds of dirty work!

Logically speaking, they should not get involved casually in this matter.

Moreover, those magic repeating crossbows...

Lorenzo glanced at his confidant without trace. The confidant glanced at the numbers and blood stains on the repeating crossbows, his eyes were dark, and he nodded silently.

Damn it!

"Gaga, actually I really don't want to get involved, but things like Gu Long's blood are too attractive for people like us who can only break bread crumbs in the hands of old men."

Sam Jade, who was only 1.2 meters tall, poked out his ugly face from the shadows and grinned:

"I don't want to fight in the middle of the night. Mr. Lorenzo, how about you sell me five drops for twenty-five million?"

"You're dreaming!"

Lorenzo was so angry that his blood vessels almost burst.

You buy five drops for 25 million.

You also buy five drops for 25 million.

In the end, I didn’t have any money left, and I still lost fifty million!

This is the ultimate injustice, and it will become one of the urban legends in Belland!

"Really? What a shame."

Sam smashed his mouth and looked at Shuerzi:

"Then Mr. Schulzi, how about we join forces? The stolen Cologne blood will be split 50-50."


Shuerzi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little moved.

If you can steal it, why buy it?

And in the current situation, Lorenzo is at an absolute disadvantage. If he and the Mouse Society join forces, he will definitely be a winner...

"Shulzi, how dare you believe these insidious and cunning rats? Aren't you afraid of being bitten back and not even being able to get the five drops?"

Lorenzo sneered. He was not worried at all that these guys with their own evil intentions could join forces. If they were to join forces, as his confidant said, the chances of Miss Seuss becoming a good person were even lower.

Sure enough, Shuerzi looked at Sam with a cold light in her eyes.

"Mr. Sam, since you want to join forces, you have to show some sincerity."

"Sincerity, isn't my sincerity enough?"

Sam stroked the crossbow in his hand, as if stroking the skin of his lover.

"Not shooting you into a hedgehog right away is my greatest sincerity, isn't it?"


Shu Erzi clenched his cane, veins on the back of his hand throbbing, and murderous intent on his old face.

This damn group of rats really has no good intentions!

"Sam, do you think you can take us down?" Lorenzo suddenly asked coldly.

"Ha ha, isn't this obvious?"

Sam glanced at Lorenzo jokingly, shook the guy in his hand, and said sarcastically:

"Or do you think you can escape my big baby?"

Lorenzo suddenly calmed down, as if the anger and hysteria just now were all illusions of outsiders.

He suddenly opened the collar of his shirt, revealing the blue light that was slightly shining inside, and sneered:

"Looking at this, do you still have the confidence to say so?"

"This is--"

Sam's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed:

"Magic armor?"

Under Lorenzo's clothes, there was a layer of soft armor that was close to the skin. The blue light that symbolized the magic circuit was wandering on it. It was obviously soft armor, but it exuded the same fierceness as a sword.

This was Lorenzo's last resort, and it was also the reason why he only walked fast instead of running even though he knew that time was running out.

These armors that seemed to fit the skin but were extremely heavy would delay the pace, but once activated, they could greatly increase the combat power in a short time.

More importantly, it could defend against the attacks of those magic crossbows to a certain extent!

"Damn, how could you have such a thing!"

Sam, who sensed something was wrong, looked gloomy. He knew that when Lorenzo showed the magic armor, the advantage of his magic crossbow would be gone.

If they were to fight directly, he would definitely still have the advantage, after all, he still had the advantage of terrain, but there was also a Hyena Gang that was eyeing him covetously next to him!

Sam couldn't help but feel a little fortunate that in order to save precious magic arrows, he did not choose to sneak attack, otherwise this fight would definitely develop to an irreversible point.


"Damn it."


So in this gradually weird atmosphere, the three gang leaders in the lower city, who had gathered together because of the efforts of the ancient dragon, looked at each other.

Still on the verge of a fight.

But no one dared to really launch an attack, but instead fell into an extremely awkward balance.

Funny and ridiculous.



"Three forces? Who else except the Red Fire Gang?"

In the lower city, on the tower bridge on the ancient Rhine River, with a wide view from a high place, Mu En used the telescope in his hand to watch the development of the situation in the alley.

It was really difficult to remember who the other two forces were based on the records in the original book, but Mu En didn't care.

With his status, he didn't care where these monsters came from. He just needed to determine their location and make sure that the ancient dragon's blood was still in their hands.

"Then, it's time to do business."

Mu En was ready to leave.

As soon as he stood up, he found that there was a figure in a black robe crawling on another tower bridge not far away from him, also watching the development in the distance with a telescope, and muttering some inexplicable words.

"Fight, fight quickly!"

"I ran out in advance to tip off the news, how can I fish in troubled waters if you don't fight?"

"Damn it, you don't want to fight, right?"

"If you don't fight, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The figure threw the telescope in his hand and stood up angrily.

It seemed that the figure only noticed Mu En at the side at this time, turned his head and stared at Mu En for a long time, until Mu En's scalp was numb, thinking that he had run into some dead gay again, the person said kindly in a processed voice:

"Friend over there, are you also here to be a yellow bird?"

83. The beginning of chaos

"Yellow bird?"

Mu En looked at the figure not far away and couldn't help frowning.

The figure completely covered himself in a wide black robe, and no features could be seen, but Mu En still vaguely felt a sense of familiarity from him.

This feeling happened more than once, and it also appeared in that black shop before. It was really strange. I came to the black market by myself, and I met only acquaintances?

But Mu En quickly put this idea behind his mind, because the possibility of meeting acquaintances in such a place was too low. It was probably just his illusion. After all, intuition is really unreliable.


Mu En glanced at the chest of the figure:

"Sir, what do you mean by yellow bird?"

The figure suddenly trembled, and the hands hidden under the black robe clenched and loosened. For some reason, the tone was not as kind as before.

"Humph, you still want to play dumb, you are hiding here, aren't you just waiting for those guys to beat their brains out, and then go to pick up the leftovers."

"I am indeed waiting for them to fight, but I am not thinking of picking up the leftovers."

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