Mu En said:

"There are too many people and too many eyes, it's not easy to pick up this loophole."

"It's a lie."

The figure raised his hand and pointed to the surroundings. Many shadows flashed by and said: "Look around, these people know better than anyone that it's not easy to pick up such a loophole, but have any of them given up? No, they all think they have to give it a try. If they succeed, isn't it a huge profit?"

"Oh? You mean..."

"So, my friend, I think you look familiar, I always feel like I've seen you somewhere..."

The figure rubbed his hands excitedly: "And your strength seems to be not weak. The realm of the late second stage can also kill people in places like the lower city. Do you want us to join forces and go Give him a good beating?"

"Looks familiar?"

Mu En smiled: "This kind of intuition is not reliable, and how do I know you are not lying to me?"

"We can make a contract."

The figure took out a golden paper, "The contract of the gods, once signed, cannot be violated. Let's join forces first, and then we can rely on our own abilities after we grab the blood of the ancient dragon. Isn't it fun?"

"Is that so? It's quite attractive."

Mu En nodded, but still refused:

"Sorry, but I still don't plan to make a move."

"Are you going to wait? Don't you see it? This kind of stalemate atmosphere must be broken by someone, otherwise it will be chaotic. , or do you want to rely on those cowards? "

The figure was so angry that he stomped his feet:

"When playing thieves, the most important thing is to control the timing. Be patient when you need to wait, and never hesitate when you need to act! Now the time has come, what are you waiting for?"

"Who said I was going to thieves."

Mu En smiled and said, "You are wrong."

"What do you mean you are wrong? You are not here to thieves, are you here to watch a big show? Then I recommend you to go a little further forward. The view in the fog by the river is actually not very good."

"It's not a big show either. I have other ways."

"Other ways?"

The figure paused, then Then he sneered disdainfully: "I understand, you plan to wait until the end, um, to be the last one, I have seen many people like you, without any courage, thinking of taking everything in the end, but in the end you get nothing."

As he said, the figure lowered his eyes, as if he had discovered something, and suddenly said: "So that's it, you are still a rookie who just came out to mix in the black market? Which noble son is looking for excitement? This makes sense, kid, a place like the black market is very dangerous without enough experience. I advise you to go home and lift the maid's skirt for fun."

The tone of the figure already carried the old-fashioned and earnest teachings of a senior.

However, Mu En didn't care, just lowered his head following the figure's gaze.

As the sleeves of his black robe fluttered in the breeze by the river, he could vaguely see the luxurious gold thread on the exquisite cuffs. Generally, those who mix in the lower city don't have such gorgeous sleeves.

It seems that I have to change my clothes first in the future.

Mu En hid his sleeves in his black robe and said with a smile:

"In that case, I will also advise this gentleman to give up."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because the ancient dragon's blood must be mine."


The figure was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"This kind of unprovoked arrogance reminds me of an annoying guy. Although that guy seems to have changed recently, he is still annoying."

"Forget it, since you think so, I won't persuade you. One more or one less person will not affect me much. You just watch here."

The figure waved his hand and turned around confidently, standing with his hands behind his back like a hidden strong man, looking down at the hazy city under the night:

"Just watch how I show my strength in this chaos, win the battle, and win the ancient dragon's blood, while you can only hide aside and bite your handkerchief, silently regretting! Hahahaha..."

As he said, the figure jumped into the mist by the river, as agile as a black fish.

"I always feel that this person..."

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing from his back, Mu En touched his chin and thought:

"Why is he so sissy?"

"Is he really a gay..."

Mu En shuddered, turned around and left in the opposite direction.

As Mu En said, he really wanted to be the yellow bird, but who said that the only way to be the yellow bird is to rob the thieves?

Mu En came to the bridge and took off his black robe.

This bridge is the largest tower bridge on the ancient Rhine River and a key hub connecting the upper and lower urban areas.

There are patrolmen on the bridge every day, riding horses and patrolling.

Mu En straightened his exquisite collar that was a little messy due to the black robe, and walked towards the direction where the horse hoof sound came from in the fog.

"Stop, this bridge is closed to traffic at night."

The patrolman riding on a tall horse looked down at Mu En from above.

But when he saw the expensive clothes on Mu En, his face changed immediately, he got off his horse, leaned over and said respectfully:

"Young Master, it's late at night, are you in any trouble?"

"I want to find your boss."

Mu En took out the family emblem and waved it in front of him:

"The one at the top."



In the alley, the confrontation was still going on.

The leaders of the three gangs stared at each other warily, but refused to take a step back.

The ancient dragon's blood was too tempting for them.

This is a God-given opportunity that no one wants to give up.

So, as time went by, they felt more and more eyes gathering around them.

The wandering wild dogs have gathered around, ready to attack, waiting for the three most ferocious wolves in the lower city to decide the winner, and then have a gluttonous feast on their corpses.

Under such high pressure, everyone in the alley gripped their weapons tightly and tightened the strings in their minds.

"That does not work……"

Lorenzo, who was the most anxious, thought quickly, knowing that the most disadvantageous thing if this continued was himself, who held the blood of Cologne.

He began to think about whether to join forces with the Rat Society and first deal with the hyena gang, the thugs blocking the way.

After all, the Hyena Gang is currently the weakest party, and between himself and the Rat Club, as long as the Hyena Gang does not exist, almost no one can do anything to the other.

At worst, five drops of cologne's blood were given to the mouse. Compared to not getting a drop and being blamed by the Lord, this was already the most bearable outcome.

For the sake of the eternal life promised by the Lord, what grievances can a man not bear?

Thinking this, Lorenzo turned to look at Sam:

"Sam, why not us..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, and Lorenzo's expression changed instantly.

He heard the sound of the bow string playing, so clear in this silent night!

Before his brain had time to think, he felt a tingling sensation in his arm.

The sharp arrows penetrated the air and directly collided fiercely with the magic armor on his body, causing sparks to emit.

Although it only left a tiny scratch, it was enough to fill Lorenzo's brain with rage.

He immediately pulled out his long knife and pointed it at the dwarf-like figure. His eyes were red and he roared:

"Sam, you scumbag!"

"No, it's not me..."

Sam also changed color instantly.

"I didn't give the order..."

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something flying towards him.

He subconsciously dodged sideways, and the flying thing directly hit the subordinate next to him, causing blood to flow freely.

That was actually a mace!

In the entire lower city, apart from vulgar thugs like the Hyena Gang, who else would use a worthless weapon like a mace?


Sam roared, "Are you looking for death?"

"I don't!"

Just as Shuerzi showed a hint of doubt, he saw a figure suddenly emerge from the elite behind Lorenzo, and slashed hard at him with a big knife in his hand.

Shuerzi was counting down the hairs on his head. Although he was old, he had been hanging out in the lower city for so long. He immediately reacted and backed away, while blocking with the cane in his hand.

Seeing a clear mark cut by a broadsword on his beloved gold and silver staff, his sanity was instantly swallowed up by the roar.


The roar echoed through the night sky.

Although the three people instinctively sensed something was wrong at this moment, the depressing atmosphere and tight pressure made it unnecessary for them to give orders.

Like a gunpowder keg, as long as the fuse is lit, it will explode naturally!

Seeing the boss of their family being attacked, the elites, thugs and rats, whose strings had collapsed to the point of almost breaking, couldn't bear it any longer. They waved the swords and weapons in their hands and pulled the trigger!

The scene suddenly became chaotic!

The light of the sword, the shadow of the arrow, the splattering of blood, and the roar of the thugs suddenly turned this quiet alley into a lively place.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong!"

After killing a thug who rushed towards him with a knife, Lorenzo finally calmed down. He realized that someone wanted to disturb this muddy water, because he didn't even know the person who rushed out from his side just now!

But when he looked for the figure again, he couldn't even find a ghost figure. It was too chaotic. And in the chaos, there was suddenly an erratic voice, and he didn't know where it came from.

"Chongya! Whoever steals Gu Long's heart and blood belongs to him!"

Lorenzo's expression changed, he hid the metal container in his arms, and wanted to use the cover of his subordinates to escape quickly, but another voice shouted beside him.

"Lorenzo is here!"

PS: There have been a few updates recently, but it’s not because I’m slacking off on coding, it’s because I have to do another leveling next month, so I’m saving the manuscript.

So, there are only two days left, and there will be an update next month.

84. Little thief

"Lorenzo is here!"

This roar was like lighting a torch in the dark night, attracting all eyes.

"Fuck, Lorenzo, why don't you give me Cologne's blood!"

After a round of continuous shooting, Sam quickly replenished arrows under the cover of his subordinates while roaring at Lorenzo.

If it has reached this point, then there is no need to worry about anything else. Let’s get the ancient dragon’s blood first.


On the other side, Shuerzi knocked an elite member of the Red Fire Gang to death with his cane. With a ferocious look on his face, as if he was murderous, he also led the thugs to rush over!

No matter who caused the initial hatred, after the melee began, Lorenzo was still vaguely under siege due to the influence of Gu Long's blood.

Even some wild dogs who were unwilling to be left alone rushed over at this moment. What made him even more angry was that from just now, the erratic shadow had been spinning in the crowd around him.

In just one minute, he was hit by several clubs, even mixed with despicable moves such as crotch kicks. If the magic armor was not strong enough, he would definitely lose something!

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