"Damn it!"

Lorenzo was so angry that his hair stood on end. He stuffed the metal container in his hand into the hands of his confidant next to him and said, "Hold it for me first. I'll go find that despicable guy and kill him!"


The confidant smiled, showing his big white teeth.

Lorenzo felt something was wrong, but he didn't think much in the chaos and rushed into the crowd with a knife!

With the addition of Lorenzo's powerful fighting force, the formation stabilized immediately. Although Lorenzo still failed to find the despicable guy, he opened up a path for his teammates.

On the side, the confidant kicked away a rat that wanted to attack, walked to Lorenzo, and said breathlessly:

"Boss, what should we do next?"

"What should we do? Of course, we should escort Gu Long well..."

As he was talking, Lorenzo suddenly stopped, stared at the confidant's hands, and said dully:

"Where is Gu Long's blood?"

"Gu Long's blood?"

The confidant looked confused: "Isn't it in your hands, boss?"

"Nonsense, I just gave it to you!"

Lorenzo grabbed the confidant's collar and shook it hard. Looking at the confidant's innocent expression, he seemed to think of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Oh no, I fell into a trap!"

He turned his head immediately, and through the gap in the crowd, he could vaguely see a thin figure coming out of the crowd like a loach, taking off the hood on his head, and running away!

Running fast!


Lorenzo's head buzzed, and he immediately turned around and chased after the crazy fleeing figure.

"Lorenzo, where are you running to!"

At this time, Shulzi led a group of thugs to catch up. The thugs were covered in blood, as if they had already lost their minds. They completely ignored the difference in personal strength and rushed towards Lorenzo fiercely.

"Damn it, get out of the way!"

The magic armor on Lorenzo's body emitted a blazing blue light, and his speed and strength were increased several times. He punched hard and shook off the thugs who blocked his way.

But just as he was about to take a step forward, the sense of crisis in his heart suddenly broke out, and the sound of the crossbow being strung up sounded. Sam and a group of subordinates once again aimed the magic crossbow in their hands at him.

"Lorenzo, hand over the ancient dragon's blood!"

"Damn it, the ancient dragon's blood is not in my hands! It was stolen!" Lorenzo roared.

"Do you think I would believe such a poor lie?" Sam sneered:

"How could such a powerful thief be able to steal things from you?"

"I also want to know where that guy came from, but he has indeed run away with the ancient dragon's blood!"

"Such a poor lie should be kept in hell and told to the devil in hell!"

Sam didn't believe it at all. The crossbow in his hand was already aimed at Lorenzo. He didn't believe that the magic armor was so powerful that it could block his crossbows one after another!

"Damn it!"

Lorenzo was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He could only whisper to himself:

"Please help me."

The next moment.

The airflow of the whole alley began to become chaotic.

It was as if an invisible force was gradually gathering, and then it suddenly exploded under the low chanting covered by the noise.

Accompanied by a loud bang, everyone subconsciously raised their heads.

The huge fireball rose into the sky, like a small sun, instantly illuminating the entire block.


Looking up at the fireball, Sam couldn't help but swear:

"Lorenzo, you bastard, you actually hired a magician? And you dared to let the magician's people use magic so blatantly? Aren't you afraid of recruiting the guards?"

"Don't worry, I spent some money, they will turn a blind eye."

When Lorenzo thought of the huge price he would pay to settle this matter later, he couldn't help but feel distressed, but he didn't have time to care about that now. He pointed his finger to one side and roared:

"Look at what that person has in his hand?"

In the darkness illuminated by the little sun, the running figure had nowhere to escape, and the metal container in the figure's hand, which was shining with a sharp luster, was naturally particularly eye-catching.

Everyone looked in the direction of Lorenzo's finger, and couldn't help but slap their thighs: Gu Long's heart blood was really abducted!

No, now is not the time to think about this.

Gu Long's heart blood ran away, we have to chase him!

The thugs, elites and rats who had just been frightened by the huge fireball went crazy again.

The crowd was in chaos, but before the people in front could take a step, the people behind rushed up. The alley was not wide, so many people started to push and shove.

This group of dangerous elements with weapons injured many people just by pushing and shoving, and they were already bloodthirsty, so there was no reason to talk, and they started fighting on the spot.

Blood splattered everywhere, and many people died on the spot.

"Damn it, why fight at this time, hurry up and chase him!"

Lorenzo grabbed his elites out of the melee and chased after the figure again. Because of his superior position, Sam, who was not affected by the melee, raised his crossbow in his hand, aimed at the figure, and shot continuously!

In the gradually extinguished light, Sam saw that the figure blurred for a moment, not only dodged his crossbow, but also seemed to have an explosive magic on his buttocks, and swooped away for a long distance.

"Oh my god, he's running so fast!"

In the chaos, someone exclaimed.

"Can you locate him?"

Lorenzo stared at the figure getting farther and farther away and whispered again.

The breath floated, and blood gathered into a faint red thread, floating into the deep night.

Lorenzo looked gloomy, and suddenly inserted the knife into the sheath, gritted his teeth and said:


The brief light dissipated, and the night became darker.

The chaos and madness continued, and it was too early for dawn.

85. The top art of robbing robbing robbing

"Oh my god, I almost got shot in the ass!"

Ariel dodged the arrows shot from behind, while moving left and right in the complex streets of the lower city, trying to get rid of the pursuers behind her.

But those rats and thugs looked like they were bloodthirsty, and they would never give up no matter how Ariel ran.

They were more familiar with the streets of the lower city, so every time Ariel thought she was going to get rid of them, those guys would always catch up again from an unexpected shortcut.

"Sure enough, if there is a helper, it will be much easier, right?"

Ariel sighed lightly, and was a little annoyed with the ungrateful guy just now.

Although that guy looked like a noble young master who didn't mix well in the lower city, it was still okay to use him to attract attention at a critical moment.

As long as it can be successful, it's not impossible to give you two or three drops. Do I look like the kind of person who keeps it all to myself?

However, at this point, it doesn't matter to her whether there is help or not.

Ariel looked at the metal container in her hand, her eyes full of joy.

The ancient dragon's blood, got it!

Not a penny spent!

Is there anything in this world that is more fragrant than getting it for free?

Of course there is!

That is, you can still pretend after getting it for free!

Ariel suddenly clenched her five fingers, and a ruler-shaped giant sword wrapped in white bandages appeared in her hand. With a casual wave, the "wild dog" who rushed over from the street to sneak attack and rob the ancient dragon's blood suddenly wailed and was smashed into the wall next to her.

"Tsk, you want to play thieves at this level?"

Ariel curled her lips in disdain, and then became even more complacent.

What is professionalism? This is professionalism!

The timing is perfect.

The strategy is perfect.

The escape route is perfect.

Even the posture of pretending to be cool is perfect to the extreme.

It was even easier to take the ancient dragon's blood that countless people had robbed into his arms.

Although there was a flaw that he almost got shot in the butt due to the lack of a person to attract hatred, but is there a stronger thief than himself?


She has never failed in playing thieves since she was a child!

When she was still that insignificant illegitimate girl, she ate white bread by robbing the robbers who robbed the bakery, and robbed the robbers!

"What do you mean that the ancient dragon's blood is yours?"

At this moment, Ariel thought of the ignorant guy just now, and found it more and more funny.

I'm afraid that his noble young master who came from nowhere is now frightened by this scene and is hiding somewhere trembling!


Just when she was feeling proud, Ariel suddenly felt a chill approaching quickly.

With a sudden step of her toes on the ground, her figure instantly twisted strangely in the air in a posture that completely violated the laws of physics, easily dodging the knife light that burst out from the darkness.

"You are..."

Looking at the person coming, Ariel raised her eyebrows slightly:

"It's the guy named Lorenzo, you actually caught up with me?"

"Don't underestimate me, bastard!"

Lorenzo walked out of the darkness with a ferocious face.

He looked a little embarrassed, his face was covered with blood, but his posture was still upright, and the magic armor on his body was shining with a faint blue light, which looked very oppressive.

Behind him were his confidants who followed him panting, and less than half of the remaining Red Fire Gang elites.

"Little devil, are you ready to pay for what you did?"

Lorenzo clenched the long knife in his hand, and the blood on the blade continued to flow, showing the piercing murderous intent.

He had never been so embarrassed as tonight.

Therefore, his murderous intent had never been so strong as tonight.

If he didn't cut the little thief in front of him into pieces, it would be difficult to relieve his hatred!

"Wow, it's scary, but..."

Ariel tilted her head and looked in another direction, "These guys don't look bad either."

In the shadows stretched by the indifferent moonlight, the thugs with a strong smell of blood appeared one by one. Most of them were injured, but just like wild animals, the more serious the injuries, the more ferocious they were.

Shultz walked out of the mob, no longer having the elegant aristocratic figure. His beloved gold- and silver-inlaid staff had long since disappeared, and there was a half-broken arrow stuck in his shoulder, but he seemed unaware of it. His old eyes were fixed on Ariel, full of madness and hatred.

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