"Did you take drugs?"

Ariel twitched her nose and smelled a different smell from this group of people.

However, even this group of thugs who had almost lost their minds found this place, so another person could not be absent.

On the roof, the notorious Rat King poked out half of his head, first glanced at Shulzi, sneered silently, and finally looked at Lorenzo and Ariel and said:

"Lorenzo, at this point, it is meaningless for us to fight again. After the end, we will split it 50-50, okay?"

The words had already excluded the thugs.

Lorenzo did not answer immediately, but looked up and looked at the rats on the roof.

Due to the geographical advantage at that time, these rats were actually the least damaged. It seemed that only a few people were lost, and the most important thing was that they seemed to have plenty of crossbows and bows and arrows in their hands.

Lorenzo gritted his teeth hard, as if he wanted to swallow the shame of a net loss of 50 million with his teeth.

But he still saw the situation clearly, and uttered the words through his teeth: "Okay."

"Haha, wouldn't it be better if you were so generous earlier?" Sam laughed unpleasantly.

The veins on Lorenzo's forehead jumped, and he tried not to look at Sam, but to move his eyes to Ariel.

He stared at the little thief in front of him who couldn't even tell the difference between men and women, his face was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip:

"Little thief, have you thought about how to die?"

"Oh, do you think you can defeat me?" Ariel said with some amusement.

"What else?"

Sam on the side sneered: "Little devil, don't you realize that we have driven you to the road of death?"

Ariel glanced around silently, surrounded by a solid wall, and behind her, it seemed that the edge of the city was already there.

Indeed, there was no way to escape.

But Ariel's smile hidden in the shadows became brighter and brighter:

"How do you know that I didn't come here on purpose?"

"What?" Lorenzo frowned in doubt. So many things happened tonight, which really made him a little nervous. He was afraid that this little thief would wave his hand and suddenly a well-known gang in the lower city would suddenly appear.

That would be fun.

However, Ariel naturally didn't know how to summon gangs. She stood on tiptoe, turned around happily, and swept her hands around:

"Look, this place."

"It's so quiet, so remote, and so far away from people."

"The most important thing is that this place... is far away from the bridge and any guard post."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Ariel's mouth cornered, revealing her signature unruly smile:

"Here, I can give full play to my strength!"

Ariel's eyes looked across the mist and looked at the tower bridge that was so far away that only a shadow could be seen vaguely.

Did you see that, you ungrateful kid?

The real essence of robbing robbing robbing is that your fists must be hard enough!

If you can't even beat them in a fist fight, why bother playing robbing robbing robbing!

"Hmph, arrogant little thief, I'm not going to..."

Lorenzo was about to express his disdain for Ariel's speech, but at this moment, he heard the sharp whistle again, like a ghost, echoing in the night.


He turned back and glared at the hyenas: "If you don't even recognize his mother, don't go crazy here, okay?"


Schulz, who had lost his mind due to drugs, seemed to be awakened by the whistle, and his eyes regained clarity with a strong fear.

"This is not the whistle of our hyena gang, this is..."

86. Damn it! (Seeking monthly tickets at the beginning of the month)

The whistle was like the scream of some strange creature, echoing in the night sky.

Compared to the erratic whistle used by the Hyena Gang to send messages, this whistle was louder and more murderous, more like a signal before the war.

"This... This is the guard!"

Shuerzi screamed in fear. The side effects of the drug made him feel the most fearful. This old man who always killed people without blinking an eye was pale at this moment.

The wild dogs wandering around the periphery had already noticed something was wrong and evacuated quickly. As his voice fell, footsteps and horse hooves suddenly sounded at the end of those roads.

The guards in black uniforms poured into the almost abandoned neighborhood on the edge of the city like a tide.

They erected large shields at every intersection, and half-man-high crossbow carts were pushed out. The sharp arrows flashed with cold light, which was also very clear in the dark night.


Suddenly, a dazzling light came on.

A magician in the guard team rubbed out a concentrated beam of light, clearly reflecting the elites, thugs, rats in the middle, and the face hidden under the black robe, which was disguised and extremely dull.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

Isn't this a perfect black-eating-black operation? Why is there a guard team?

"Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded!"

A guard with a big belly and a uniform that was obviously more than one level higher showed half of his fat face from behind a big shield. The voice amplified by magic instantly echoed throughout the block.

"Someone reported that you were engaged in illegal transactions, theft, robbery of other people's property, and even gathering for prostitution. Put down the stolen goods in your hands quickly, hold your head with both hands, and squat against the wall!"

"You have one minute to think about it. If you don't cooperate, we will take coercive measures. Repeat, we will take coercive measures!"


The heart-wrenching sound of the bow strings was heard, the half-man tall ballista was loaded, and the huge arrows were ready to go.

This is not the kind of gadget that mice have. This kind of ballistae is usually only found on sentries and city walls. It is so powerful that it can penetrate the hearts of Warcraft and walls several meters thick with one blow!

But this terrifying weapon was being rolled out at this moment, targeting little characters like them who only dared to be active in the Lower City!

Then everyone suddenly felt as absurd as a giant looking down at the little bug at his feet.

"What...what's going on?"

Lorenzo, who boasted that he had seen countless big scenes, was trembling when he spoke at this moment. He shouted angrily at his confidants:

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the guards are already in place? Why are they here? Why don't we get any news at all? And what are those fucking reasons? Forget about illegal trading, theft, and robbery. , and gather people for prostitution? Will prostitutes drag out such things? Didn’t we prostitute the precious daughter of any great nobleman at all? "

"I...I don't know either..."

The confidant looked pale and wiped away cold sweat, "I have indeed taken care of what I should take care of. The deputy governor of the guard assured me with a pat on his chest!"

"Are you sure? Look at the one who shouted just now. Does he look like the deputy governor you mentioned?"


The confidant cautiously poked his head out from behind the wall, and as expected, he saw the deputy governor who had just had a drink with him not long ago, discussing which was more delicious, a young woman or a young girl, standing behind a large shield, groveling to another bald middle-aged man. What are you talking about.

"Asshole, I'm going to tell you that you are a pedophile when I get back!" The confidant who felt that he had been deceived was furious.

"damn it!"

Lorenzo couldn't help but curse angrily.

Then there was another wordless silence.

The three gang leaders looked at each other again, each of them looking extremely ugly.

The atmosphere became awkward again.

I have been involved in the underworld for so long, and I have never encountered such a weird thing!

"Gotta go!"

The little eyes of Rat King Sam moved in a circle. He was the most familiar with those noble lords, so he was also the most keen to smell the unusual atmosphere in them.

He glanced at the metal container in Ariel's hand with a look of reluctance, and said with a sullen face:

"Hurry and leave. I'm afraid the target of those guards is not us at all, but some big shot has taken a fancy to Gu Long's hard work. All crimes are just a cover. Otherwise, it won't be the guards but the knights! Those The bulky ballista is just for show!"

Sam no longer hesitated, and retreated neatly with his men, fighting the guards waiting in the dark, and then the sound of fighting gradually faded away.

On the front, the countdown continued, counting from sixty to twenty-five point five. The ballista was not activated, and one minute seemed extremely long.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing the people from the Mouse Society leaving, Lorenzo gritted his teeth and said with unwillingness in his eyes.

"But, Gu Long's hard work..." The confidant was still hesitant.

"It's nothing to worry about. My life is important. I'll deal with the Lord's mission later!"

Although Lorenzo's heart was bleeding, he still firmly grasped the long knife in his hand, turned around and quickly disappeared into the darkness with the remaining half of the elite, breaking out from the obviously weaker flank.

As for the Hyena Gang...the thugs fled in all directions at the beginning, and Schulzi's exquisite top hat was left in a mess on the ground.

Ariel was left alone, shivering in the light that was stacked on top of each other, making it almost blinding.

"Why... why is this happening?"

Ariel's big, dazed eyes blinked and blinked, her mind filled with confusion:

"What went wrong? Why did the guards suddenly show up? I obviously chose such a remote place? Have those worms who only waste taxpayers ever been so reliable?"


Ariel heard the master's sigh:

"Give up, Ariel. I can only say that you and this ancient dragon are not destined to be together."

"I don't!"

Ariel screamed angrily, almost crushing the metal container in her hands to burst. She clenched her silver teeth and muttered to herself:

"This is something that has already been handed over to me. There is no possibility of handing it over again! Master, do you want me to break my 100% success rate in taking advantage of others?"

"But this is no longer a simple fight. The guards are obviously here for this thing. If you don't give up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape."

"It's not a simple fight between gangsters and gangsters..."

As if being struck by lightning, Ariel was shocked.

She thought of the past and the guy she looked down upon.

【I have other ways】

【Gu Long’s hard work must belong to me】

These two words that she scoffed at echoed in her ears again.

Ariel suddenly understood, everything made sense.

This is what the noble young master called his method!

This is not gangsterism. This is a large-scale illegal transaction case finally solved by the guard after working all night long. It is great justice and a painful blow to the underground forces in the lower city of Belland!

Ariel seemed to have seen that bastard wearing a banner amid the applause of the crowd, talking about how he led the guard team with courage, wit and courage, crushed the terrible conspiracy of the dark forces, and finally returned the ancient dragon's hard work to its original owner!

God damn, it's returned to its original owner, and it's finally in your hands, isn't it?

And it didn't cost a penny!

It didn't cost a penny!

Seeing others make money is even more painful than owing it yourself!


When Ariel thought of this, she couldn't help but feel sad, and couldn't help but kneel down, punching the ground with her fists in grief.

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