It was obviously late autumn, but in this pure night, there seemed to be heavy snow falling, and an ethereal and inexplicable BGM playing.

"Why, why is this, why everything I do recently is not going well, whether I am picking up the slack or catching the wrong, and it is not working... Damn it, Moon Campbell!"

"Why are you mentioning him?" Master asked doubtfully, "This matter has nothing to do with him."

"I have no idea……"

With tears in her eyes, Ariel looked up to the sky with grief and anger, and shouted:

“Although it has nothing to do with him, I just want to scold him for no reason.

-Damn it Moon Campbell! "

87. Top-notch prostitution (please vote for me)

"Master Campbell, the matter has been resolved."

In the carriage filled with a faint fragrance, Mu En raised her eyes and looked at the bald middle-aged man who had just returned from outside.

There were still night dewdrops on the man's sparse Mediterranean, and the dark circles under his eyes were extremely thick, as if he hadn't slept for a long time.

But he was still in high spirits.

——You had to cheer up. When his subordinates suddenly came to report that the son of Duke Campbell suddenly reported that there were illegal transactions and gang fights in the lower city, he almost squirted water on the face of another distinguished guest who was receiving him. .

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat. Fortunately, it didn't really spray out, otherwise his life would really be in danger.

But this was enough to frighten him. He thought it was because he had not handled the previous incident well, and as a result, Mr. Campbell had a grudge and wanted to mess with him on purpose.

You must know that illegal transactions, gang fights, and if a duke's son is endangered, if this kind of thing is brought up, he will definitely not get any good results.

Fortunately, fortunately, these things did not happen.

"Viscount Gu En, are you okay? You don't seem to have much rest."

Looking at Viscount Gu En who seemed to be about to die suddenly at any moment, Mu En couldn't help but said with some worry:

"I'm bothering you late at night, am I bothering you?"

"No trouble, no trouble. This is to serve the people of Belland. Why is it troublesome?"

Viscount Gu En smiled and wiped the sweat that seemed to never be wiped off his forehead, and took out a box from behind.

The metal container that Mu En was familiar with was lying quietly in it, and the mysterious runes on the surface of the container were like golden tadpoles, swimming back and forth.

"Master Mu En, this is your thing. We have helped you recover it from those gangsters." Viscount Gu En handed over the box respectfully.


Mu En took the box with a smile and gently rubbed the metal container with her palm. The mechanism sounded and the container opened a gap.

In an instant, terrifying pressure swept over him. Mu En couldn't help but take a deep breath and suddenly closed the container again.

"It's indeed something I lost. I'm really troubling Viscount Gu En."

"Master Campbell's words are obvious. How can this be said to be troublesome? This is my duty. Rather, you helped me discover the evil deeds hidden in the darkness. I have to thank you, Master Campbell."

"Viscount Gu En is really a responsible administrator. With an officer like you in Xiacheng District, things will definitely get better and better."

"Young Master Campbell is ridiculous. You are able to come to my lower city late at night to show sympathy for the people, and you can stand up fearlessly in the face of evil forces. You are worthy of the title of heir to the Duke."

"There's nothing there, I'm just wandering around in the middle of the night."

"The young master is so humble. Your deeds are quite a topic of conversation even at the banquets of the great masters."

"Hey, I don't like those gentlemen who only talk empty words. I prefer Viscount Gu En, a down-to-earth man of action!"

Mu En patted Viscount Gu En's shoulder vigorously and praised him.

"Keep working hard, you will definitely have a bright future."

"Haha, then I hope Young Master Mu En can help me put in a few nice words in front of those great masters?" Viscount Gu En looked happy.


Mu En casually put the metal container back into the space device, stood up, and stepped out of the carriage.

"Master Campbell, do you want me to find someone to escort you?" Viscount Gu En chased him down and asked.

"Need not."

"That's it, then Master Campbell, walk slowly." Viscount Gu En saluted respectfully.

"I won't send it."

Mu En waved her hand and walked into the night.

Watching his back gradually disappear, the smile on Viscount Gu En's face suddenly disappeared, he mumbled something unknown, and his face looked a little ferocious.

But he immediately slapped his face, and the smile returned to his extremely tired face.

He hunched his waist and lowered his posture even lower than when he faced Mu En before, and quickly returned to the carriage.

The carriage was not empty. There was a silver-white girl sitting where Mu En was sitting just now.

The girl flipped through a pile of information, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she was thinking about something.

Viscount Gu En did not dare to disturb him, so he lowered his breathing and waited quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the girl finally seemed to find someone in front of her. She raised her eyes and asked:

"Is everything settled?"

"Of course... of course, it's just a bunch of damn rats and bugs in the lower city. It's really shameful to have delayed Her Royal Highness the Princess for so much time."

"Oh, so according to what you want, those rats and bedbugs should be executed?"


Cold sweat broke out on his forehead again. Under the girl's silent pressure, Viscount Gu En felt a few more strands of hair falling in front of his eyes.

The Mediterranean Sea, which reflects the flawless moonlight, is even cooler.

"Forget it, the situation in Xiacheng District cannot be changed by you alone."

Celecia lowered her eyes indifferently, not wanting to waste too much time on this matter.

"It's that guy's behavior that surprised me."

When Mu En came to report to Justice, Celicia was discussing something with Viscount Gu En. At that time, she thought that Mu En was provoked by some shady guy and wanted to use her identity to teach others a lesson.

That's why he hides and waits to see what happens. If he goes too far, come out and stop him.

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to... have nothing to gain?

It's really interesting, not to mention that the guy actually came to the lower city for a stroll. This top-notch prostitution skill is something that a son of a duke who has never been short of money since he was a child can't do.

If he wanted Gu Long's hard work, there would be no such trouble. All he had to do was give an order and someone would find it specially for him.

"But judging from that guy's recent weird behavior, it doesn't seem to be inconsistent."

The corners of Celcia's mouth curled up slightly, and she couldn't help but shake her head in laughter, thinking that that guy was obviously the son of a duke and deliberately went to the lower city to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

But then she pushed these thoughts that had nothing to do with tonight's events out of her mind, and her face became cold again.

"Then Viscount Gu En, let's continue the topic we just talked about."

Celecia singled out a photo from the document she just read and placed it on the table in front of her. She also cut out the descriptions corresponding to the photos in the document and placed them next to the photos.

Those photos are very blurry, and only some vague shadows can be seen, and some are even just paintings like children's graffiti.

But every time Celcia clicked on those photos or drawings with her slender white fingers, Viscount Gu En's face turned a little pale.

"Heart-removing Banshee..."

"Shadow Butcher..."

"Sleepless man..."

"The lake monster of the ancient Rhine..."


88. Strange stories under the moon (fourth update)

Before reading this chapter, please go back and read the previously repeated chapter again. The error was posted and has been corrected.

I won't let you have more fireworks, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

"Heart-tripping Banshee... a beautiful witch who wanders around the lower city. It is said that on a bright moonlit night, she will use her beauty to seduce passers-by and drunkards, and then rip out the target's heart and eat it in a deserted place.

The Shadow Butcher... whose identity is unknown, is characterized by wearing a loose black raincoat and a bloody butcher knife in his hand...

The sleepless man...the weirdo wandering in the middle of the night...

The lake monster of the ancient Rhine River... is very popular around the docks. It is said that one person can fight with twenty fierce men at the same time. "

Celecia placed the urban legends in the Lower City that she had investigated overnight, the blurry photos, and the vague information one by one on the table in front of Viscount Gu En, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth. said:

"The urban rumors in the city are really incredible. I obviously just asked you to check for the Heart-Taking Banshee, but so many weird things suddenly appeared.

Viscount Gu En, your lower city seems to be more lively at night. "

"Is there any?"

Viscount Gu En wiped his sweat, but his body couldn't help but trembled:

"They're all just rumors. Most of them just come from vague rumors. They don't explain anything. Haha... they don't explain anything."

"Really? So the recent reports of missing persons in Xiacheng District are also rumors?"

Celecia threw another piece of information on the table, which contained reports on the increasing number of kidnappings, abductions, and even human trafficking in the lower city in the past month.


Looking at the information, Viscount Gu En's face instantly turned pale, and he could only force out an ugly smile:

"There is currently no actual evidence..."

"People are missing, and of course there is no evidence."

"There are so many people in Xiacheng District..."

"Viscount Gu En, are you trying to say that with so many people in Xiacheng District, it doesn't matter if a few are missing?"

Celcia's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"No, no, no... of course not. I just want to say that there are too many people and it will be difficult to investigate. Moreover, it has only been two days. Even if your highness is anxious, you won't be able to find anything in two days."

Viscount Gu En was already crying a little. Due to the terrible pressure radiating from the girl, he wished he could just kneel down.

Unfortunately, the space in the carriage was too small, and any slight movement on his part would be considered offensive.

"It's difficult, but you have to investigate, right?"

Celcia lowered her eyes, ignored the frightened man in front of her, and flipped through other information.

She didn't come here to ask questions, and she didn't bother to ask questions.

The chaotic situation in Xiacheng District involves many aspects, and it is not something that he, a mere viscount, can solve.

It would be better to say that he was able to sit in this position only because he was pushed up by the "benevolent and benevolent" elders above to take the blame.

Otherwise, how could he, a mere viscount, hold such an important position as the Consul of the Lower City?

"One or two, there's really nothing I can do to help."

Cecilia sighed and couldn't help rubbing her temple.

The son of the earl who died suddenly.

The strange and confusing urban rumors.

The frequent cases of missing people.

Now in the lower city, it seems that unimaginable darkness is gradually brewing, which makes her, the third princess of the empire who can mobilize many forces, feel quite difficult.

The most important thing is that in this matter, she feels that the high-level officials who really hold power in the empire seem to be a little too calm.

No matter how much they look down on the lower city, this is still Belland after all.

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