Once something breaks out here, it is likely to be like a flame, gradually burning to higher places, and no one can be immune.

At that time, it will really be irreversible.

"Or... is there something more important that involves their energy, forcing them to not even have time to care about their own feet?"

Celecia suddenly recalled the evil invasion of the college not long ago. If we talk about these two things... no, if we say this is one thing in itself...

The horror of this incident may be far beyond her expectation.

"It's really interesting that the death of an earl's son actually caused so many troubles."

Celcia's slender fingers tapped on the window sill subconsciously, feeling the emptiness in her brain caused by overthinking, and she couldn't help but miss the coffee with a lot of sugar cubes in the student union room.

At least it gives her a lot of sugar and it tastes good.

But now there is no time to think so much.

Even if Bellande may really face any crisis now, there will always be someone taller to take care of it. Since her father hasn't said anything, it means she doesn't need the help of her daughter, who is still studying in the academy.

The most important thing for her now is to find the murderer of Tyke Rhodes. Otherwise, if the earl makes trouble, it will be a trouble for both the college and her.

"Let's end the conversation tonight, Viscount Gu En." Feeling that she could no longer collect any useful information, Celcia stood up and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Your Highness is leaving? Shall I see you off?"


Celecia rejected Viscount Gu En who was about to move with her eyes, opened the door curtain herself, and walked out.

Knowing that it was not in line with etiquette, but having been frightened to the point where his legs were weak, Viscount Gu En could only poke out his embarrassed face from the window of the carriage and squeeze out an ugly smile:

"Go slowly, Your Highness, and be careful on the road."

Selicia ignored him.

Go straight into the shadows.

The mist in the night stirred, and a man in a black windbreaker appeared in front of Celcia at some point.

The man's face was pale as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time. On the chest of his windbreaker, the strange badge shone coldly in the moonlight.

The pattern on the badge is a dagger-sharp finger gently placed in front of the black lips, which represents absolute silence.

The silent one.

Celcia recognized the man's identity at a glance and was not surprised by his arrival.

"The analysis results have come out."

When the man faced Celecia, he didn't show much respect. He said expressionlessly: "Those are indeed snake-man scales."

"So the person who killed Tyke Rhodes was really an evil believer who believed in the moon?"

"no doubt."

The man said: "The rumored heart-eating succubus is most likely a snake-man. Snake-people have an instinctive desire for the hearts of the opposite sex."

"Can I catch it?"

"It's difficult. In fact, we were planning to capture the heart-eating banshee half a year ago. But she was very cautious and she escaped several times. Moreover, she suddenly stopped her activities two months ago, which made The difficulty of our operations has further increased.”

"Two months?"

Celcia's eyes darkened slightly.

Maybe she was too sensitive, but this time... happened to be the day when the college started.

"So, there's still no progress in the end?"

"No, actually, we received this..."

The man suddenly took out a sealed metal box.

The box looked very heavy, with magic lines engraved on it, and Celecia recognized it as an extremely powerful sealing magic.

Seeing the man being so solemn, Selicia's expression couldn't help but become serious.

After complicated authentication, the box was finally opened, revealing...a letter inside.

Celecia's mouth froze, "What is this?"

"As your Highness sees it, this is a letter."

The man put on gloves made of mithril and picked up the envelope: "Five hours ago, it was delivered to the mailbox of one of our branches by a postman."

"……Any questions?"

“Problem one, that branch never sent any letter or received any letter.

Question two, there is still no clue about the sender. The postman has no memory of delivering the letter to that branch.

Question three, Your Highness will know after reading it. "

The man handed the letter over, and Celecia was silent for a moment. She still had a thin layer of frost on her hands before she took the envelope.


Nothing happened.

Celecia quickly scanned the contents.

Then her eyebrows raised subconsciously.

"This is actually a report letter? And the target of the report is..."

"Yes, this is exactly why I came to see His Highness." The man said: "As a student of Santa Maria, I think Your Highness should be able to deduce something. At least, we need to know whether this report letter is true. "

"It's really unreal. Wouldn't you know it once you find the person?"

Celecia thought for a moment, then suddenly raised her hand and hooked her fingers.

Suddenly there was the sound of flapping wings in the sky, and a white dove flew from nowhere and landed on her arm.

"Help me find someone." Celcia said coldly.

"Who?" Bai Ge said human words.

"Anna Kaberlin."

"Have we cast our bait?"

Two figures, one tall and one short, stood on the empty and quiet street, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

The moon, which had just experienced a full moon, was still so round and bright, but there was a little dark shadow at the corner of the arc, making it less perfect.

But the two figures were still deeply immersed in the cold and lonely beauty of the moon, unable to extricate themselves.

Until the shorter figure asked this.

The taller figure said nothing, as if he was chewing something, crunching, crunching, and making a continuous sound.

"Ah, so, is it done?"

The shorter figure seemed to have received an answer, she raised her hands, as if to embrace the moon, her body outlined by a tight leather jacket with a beautiful curve, like a snake, enchanting and moving.

"Then... let's get started."

The shorter figure twisted, her tone solemn and fanatical, as if she was dancing a strange dance, or as if she was reciting a poem affectionately.

"Oh, moon, please shine on me."

"I will tear apart all the hypocrisy in this world and bring great truth to the world."

"I will watch your coming and bring supreme gospel to this world."

"I will forge your new divine body with coldness and death, and those blood and hatred will become the shining gems on your crown."

"I will live forever in your kingdom of God!"

The ceremony ended, and the shorter figure lowered his head again.

She had a charming face, and her every frown and smile was fascinating.

"Let's go."

She said:

"Let's go to welcome the return of the heir of God."

The taller figure smiled silently, and the big hand wrapped in a black raincoat grabbed a struggling and twisted shadow, tore off a piece, stuffed it into his mouth, crunching, crunching, and continued to chew.

"Delicious." He grinned and replied.

89. Miss Banshee

The remote urban area is still brightly lit.

A large number of guards, under the scolding and orders of their superiors, were divided into small teams and plunged into the sewage-filled and dirty alleys, aggressively catching the fleeing rats.

Of course, the effect was minimal.

Although few people were caught, in the eyes of the onlookers, this was already a grand performance.

At least the downtown area has not been so lively for a long time.

"Oh, even the guards are out. It seems that I was right to hold back and not take action."

In the shadow of the building in the distance, the shop owner, who was wrapped in a black robe and could not hide his beautiful figure, patted his majestic chest with lingering fear. The beautiful scenery was shaking, but unfortunately no one appreciated it.

"But it doesn't matter. I don't need Gu Long's blood that much anyway. Even if I really get it, I will just sell it to others at a high price, which may even cause trouble."

"It's a pity... I didn't find the guy who bought the Tear of True Love."

The shopkeeper lowered his eyes and scanned the surrounding area of ​​the city again. After finding nothing, he withdrew his sight in disappointment.

The Tear of True Love, that gem, is what she really needs.

Unfortunately, she is short of money and can't bid for it at a high price. She can only watch it become someone else's.

Even the mysterious No. 88 who bought it was not found. Unlike those gangs with all-powerful hands in the lower city, she is just one person after all.

"Forget it, even if I really get it, it's just a glimmer of hope."

The shopkeeper comforted himself, "And I have held this kind of meaningless hope too many times, and they all turned into disappointment, or even despair without exception."

Or it would be better if he gave up this idea.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

She has experienced such pain too many times.

There should be some time to enjoy my limited peaceful daily life, attend classes, conduct experiments, and flirt with an interesting guy. Perhaps for me now...

"This beautiful lady, is this the gold tear of true love or the silver tear of true love that you lost?"

A charming woman's voice suddenly came from the empty street.

The shopkeeper's pupils shrank slightly and he turned around suddenly.


"Oh, don't be so fierce, I'm just a kind person passing by."

In the depths, there was a crisp sound of footsteps, as sharp as a blade piercing metal.

It was the sound of at least ten-centimeter high heels stepping on stone slabs.

In the shadows, a woman with an extremely charming figure twisted her slender waist and walked out slowly.

She was wearing a close-fitting leather jacket, which outlined a devilish curve that could almost make any normal man bleed from the nose. On the chest of the leather jacket, there was an extremely low V-neck, even one that opened to the navel, revealing two and a half rounds of perfect roundness.

Her face was even more charming, with red eyeshadow and pink lips shining. Her smile seemed to be able to seduce the soul.

She showed the two teardrop-shaped pink gems in her hand and smiled tenderly:

"Look, you want the tears of true love, don't you want to choose one?"

The shopkeeper glanced casually, and his body subconsciously tensed up.

"Both are fake, why should I choose? And who are you?"

"Hehe, it's our first meeting, or rather, the first time we meet like this, my name... you can temporarily call me Miss Enchantress."

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