Miss Siren smiled, twisting the non-existent skirt with both hands, and performing the etiquette of a noble lady.

But this etiquette is not elegant, but more charming.

"As for these two gems... Anyway, whether they are real or fake, the result is the same, right? Why not choose one and treat it as my little gift."

"What do you mean?"

The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes and slowly stepped back.

"Oh, are you angry? It seems that the method of making a little joke to narrow the distance is not very feasible."

Miss Siren crushed the two fake gems casually, and changed her posture, one hand behind her back and one hand in front of her, like a gentleman inviting a beautiful lady to dance at a ball.

She uttered the name that made the shopkeeper's breath stagnate:

"Then I won't keep you in suspense, join us, Anna Kaberlin, you belong to our side."

"What-how do you know..."

The shopkeeper's beautiful face under the hood showed a rare panic when his real name was called out.

Countless thoughts flooded into her mind, making her eyes, which would make people obsessed with them, reveal extremely complex emotions.





Then these emotions mixed together, like a tide, gradually faded away.

Only the helplessness and sadness that had been expected were left.

"Is that so..."

She seemed to have figured something out, and whispered in a low voice: "You, did you still come here?"

"It seems that you have understood who we are, and you have known that this day would come, so it's easy to say."

Miss Banshee still stretched out her hand and asked with a smile:

"So, what's your answer."


Without any hesitation. The shop owner, or Anna, flatly refused:

"I won't join you."


Miss Siren still maintained her charming smile:

"We...are the same kind, aren't we?"

"You and I are not the same kind."


Miss Siren tilted her head, as if she was puzzled by Anna's words:

"Then who do you think you are the same kind as? Don't you think you are...a human?"

At this point, it seemed that she had heard the funniest joke in the world. Miss Siren covered her stomach and laughed.

"Human? Human! You still think you are a human? Do you dare to roll up your sleeves and look at the miracles left by the great moon on your arms and say such things?

Or do you still retain this innocence and think you can turn back into a dirty and lowly human? Ah, yes, judging from your desire for the tears of true love, you are indeed so naive."

"..."Anna was silent.

"It seems that I am not enough to convince you. If so, there is nothing I can do."

Miss Siren suddenly stopped laughing and gradually stood up.

At this moment, Anna felt as if a dangerous cobra was standing up in front of her.

"Your status is extremely noble, even far superior to mine. I shouldn't have used such a disrespectful method."

The enchantress slowly pulled out two crescent-shaped scimitars from behind her, and a sharp chill rose from her body.

"But time is running out. In order to return you to the embrace of the great moon and complete the final ceremony before that moment, I can only... use some dangerous means."

"Don't blame me, honorable heir of God."

The delicate pink tongue of the enchantress licked the blade flashing with cold light, stared at Anna, whose face was gradually becoming solemn, and chuckled:

"Next, I will take away everything you have."

90. Folding flowers (a long chapter asking for monthly tickets)

"Is this the taste of power? It's really wonderful."

In the dark alley on the edge of the lower city, Mu En took a brisk step, playing with the metal container in his hand, and couldn't help but smile happily.

After a careful calculation, he didn't spend a penny on this trip to the black market except for the tip for the enchanting woman.

But even so, he still got the tears of true love and the blood of the ancient dragon.

Is there any more profitable way to get something for free in the world?

Is this the son of the Duke? Love it.

Let's not talk about other places for now, but at least in the lower city, with Mu En's identity, he can really turn his hand to make clouds and rain, and stamp his feet, and the whole city will shake.

"It seems that I have to come here often in the future, especially the black market, which is a good place."

Although the black market seems to have some accounts to settle...

But forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let that profiteer go for now.

I'll beat her up later!

Thinking of this, Mu En's steps became lighter.

It's actually the second half of the night.

The bright lights in the distance seem to have dimmed a lot, and it seems that the action of the guards over there is also coming to an end.

At this time, it is definitely impossible to go back to the college.

"Let's just find a hotel to stay for one night."

Mu En paid attention to both sides of the street, but found that all the hotels had closed signs because the movement in the lower city tonight was too loud, and even those couples' hotels that were originally open 24 hours a day were closed.

"Looks like I have to go uptown and find a place to live."

Mu En smiled bitterly, thinking that he would suffer the consequences if he did evil, and walked towards the Tower Bridge.

It was still some distance from the Tower Bridge, but the breeze from the river had already blown along the narrow streets, bringing a slight chill.

The moon hid in the clouds, and the world suddenly became much darker. The surrounding buildings seemed to have turned into dark shadows, piercing straight into the sky like the fingers of a demon.

Mu En suddenly stopped.

He casually put the container containing the ancient dragon's heart blood into his top-level space device, his eyes swept through the increasingly thick fog, and his expression gradually became solemn.

He smelled the smell of blood in the breeze.

Then, he heard footsteps.

More than one.

Shadowy figures appeared from the fog at the end of the alley.

As if they had just experienced a great battle, the footsteps of those people were very heavy, and their armor, which was shining with a faint blue light, was stained with blood.

The leader still had a ferocious look on his face, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and blood was dripping from the long knife he held tightly, as if he still had endless anger that he had not released in time.

Red Fire Gang?


Mu En's eyelids twitched slightly, and he cursed himself for being so unlucky? The lower city was so big, how could he encounter this?

However, his bad luck was something he had long been accustomed to, so he quickly calmed down.

He knew Lorenzo, but Lorenzo didn't know him.

He had finally escaped from the guards, and now he should be the most exhausted. He shouldn't be so stupid as to provoke a young master in gorgeous clothes at this time.

Mu En steadied his breathing, pretended not to see them, and walked forward silently.

Lorenzo and his group were also very silent, and didn't pay attention to Mu En beside them. It seemed that the things that happened before had made them extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

In the narrow alley, Mu En and Lorenzo and his group crossed each other.

Mu En observed them through his peripheral vision.

Compared with before, only about one-third of them were left, most of them were injured, and Lorenzo's confidant had a hand completely broken off, but he was still a man, gritting his teeth and saying nothing.

However, at the end of the team, Mu En found that there were two people without blood on their bodies, and it seemed that they had joined later. The two people were holding a sack in their hands, and there were living things twisting inside, making low sobbing sounds.


Mu En clenched his fists suddenly, and the corners of his eyes jumped unconsciously.

These guys, they are so miserable, and they still don't forget to kidnap people?

What a bunch of scum.

However, Mu En took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed his anger.

They are many people, so it's not advisable to be impulsive.

I'll report them again later. I don't believe that even if it's like this, those guards can't take them down!

Mu En turned his eyes back and didn't look away.

He was about to completely stagger with this group of people, so even his pace was slightly faster.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Just a few more steps and they can completely distance themselves from each other...

"Wait, that kid over there..."

In the silent night, the voice suddenly sounded, so clear.

Lorenzo suddenly spoke and called Mu En.

"Are you... calling me?"

Mu En turned his head and pulled a stiff smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Am I calling a ghost?"

Lorenzo also turned around, stuck the knife that had lost its sheath into the ground, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it slowly, and took a puff.

He was an old smoker, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't smoke a few packs of cigarettes a day, but tonight, this was just his first cigarette.

So he smoked very hard and seriously, and the white smoke with the stimulating smell of tobacco went around in his lungs, and finally slowly spread out from his mouth, nose, and even ears.

Combined with his still red eyes, he looked...

very angry.

The kind of anger that smoked.

"Boy, do you think... I'm a fool?" Lorenzo sucked the cigarette until only the butt was left, and spat it out.


Mu En was stunned for a moment, blinked and smiled: "What is this big brother talking about? Why don't I understand? Have we met before?"

"Huh, you're still pretending to be stupid."

Lorenzo also laughed, and then the smile collapsed in an instant.


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