It turned into incomparable anger.

It was like the face-changing that Mu En had seen in his previous life. He didn't even see the process of the expression changing.

In just a moment, he felt endless anger and hatred, rushing towards him.

"Boy, you are the one who played tricks tonight to attract the guards."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Mu En tried to put on a serious face and said, "I am just an ordinary nobleman passing by."

However, the trembling little finger still revealed a trace of panic in his heart at the moment.

How did this guy know.

"Hehe, nobleman..."

Loren glanced at his gorgeous clothes, as if he thought of something, and was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said:

"So, that No. 88 is also you!"

There are not so many coincidences in the world, just like this encounter.

It is impossible for that auction to really catch two big fish at once.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. I was just passing by!"




Passing by, what a passing by!"

Lorenzo laughed three times, but his expression was not smiling at all.

"Look at this."

He raised his hand, and a red thread like blood condensed was floating in his hand.

The thread continued and continued, and finally, the end stopped at Mu En's hand, as if looking for something, spinning non-stop.

Mu En was stunned, and then reacted immediately.

Damn, the container of the ancient dragon's heart blood was tampered with, so it can locate itself? I shouldn't have taken it out to play with just now!

"What is this? The red thread of the matchmaker? Is it a mistake? I'm not a gay!"

Mu En threw the red thread away in fear and turned to run.

But he stopped after running a few steps.

Because at the end of the alley, the elites of the Red Fire Gang holding blood-stained swords appeared from the darkness and blocked the way with a grin.

There are still people?

Mu En's eyes widened in surprise. After counting them carefully, he found that although these people were also injured, the overall number was not less than when the Red Fire Gang was surrounded by the guards!

Damn, those tax parasites are so useless that they can't kill any of them!

I must severely report you useless people when I get back!

But Mu En didn't have time to think about the extent of the corruption of the guards, because compared with the guards, his crisis was more serious!

At first, Lorenzo pretended not to know him, just to lead himself into this encirclement!

Now, in this alley, he has nowhere to escape!

"Boy, the ancient dragon's blood is in your hand, don't try to quibble, the function of the silk thread is to locate the ancient dragon's blood, there will be no mistake, hand it over, I will let you die more pain."

Lorenzo drew out the long sword again, with a chill.

"Dream on."

At this point, Mu En stopped pretending. While confirming the weak position through his peripheral vision and intending to break through, he sneered:

"I will do whatever I am told to do. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? And do you think you have me in your hands?"

It was just a group of gangsters in the downtown area. Mu En felt that he still had the possibility of escaping.

"Ha, you have guts. In that case, I will give you... oh no, to my dear No. 88, a small gift." Lorenzo suddenly laughed. This time, it was a real laugh, as if something pleasant was about to happen.


"Do you know where we are coming back from? The black market. Is there any place better than the black market to avoid the pursuit of the guards? However, it happened that I had a little unexpected gain there. Thinking that it might be useful, I took a little risk and secretly tied it up and brought it with me.

Ha, guess what? I didn't expect it to be useful so soon."

Lorenzo clapped his hands, and the two people who were not stained with blood lifted the sack up.

The person in the sack was still groaning, sobbing softly, but he didn't struggle much, like a pile of mud that had accepted his fate.

"What does this mean? Who is in there?"

Mu En's face darkened, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. Although he didn't know who was in the sack, the voice and the arc faintly revealed through the sack were like an invisible hand, holding his heart.

"Who is it? Hehe, you will know after you take a look?"

Lorenzo untied the rope tied to the mouth of the sack, and the curled up person in the sack slid out through the mouth of the sack.

It was a woman.

With messy black hair spread out, she faced Mu En, and the scarred face that was already horrible could vaguely see the traces of heavy makeup.

As if she felt the breeze blowing from the riverside, she tried hard to open her eyes, but the eyes squeezed by blood and swelling had long been unable to open, and she could only see a vague shadow through the gap.

"Sir... is that you?"

She couldn't see the person clearly, nor could she hear the voice clearly. She just felt the familiarity of the person standing not far away by intuition, so she tried to squeeze out this hoarse voice from her throat, as low as a mosquito, but it was still clearly transmitted to Mu En's ears: "Run... run away, these people... are looking for you... they... are very dangerous..."


Mu En's brain exploded with a buzzing sound.

Of course, he recognized this woman at a glance. She was the charming beauty he met by chance at the auction.

That's right, it was just a chance encounter.

The fate between them was probably that she rubbed his shoulders and back, and he gave her a tip to help her a little.

However, looking at this woman at this moment, the world seemed to be completely quiet, and only a sentence she once said was left, echoing in Mu En's ears.

"Sir, I want to be a teacher."


I gave her a lot of money.

She should have left the black market, the auction house, and applied to the Ancient Rhine Women's College, and finally became a teacher in the bright sunshine.

But why is she here?

Why is she in Lorenzo's hands.

"Boy, do you underestimate us rats in the lower city? Do you really think we can only be played by you?"

"What a pity."

Lorenzo pinched the woman's chin and looked at her face that was almost invisible.

"She's pretty. I didn't mean to be so rude, but she wouldn't say anything. If I hadn't marked Gu Long's blood in advance, you might have managed to run away."

"She doesn't know anything!"

Mu En came back to his senses and roared.

"She has nothing to do with me!"


Lorenzo was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion:

"But someone said that she only stayed in your room for more than ten minutes and took out a lot of money. If you didn't like her, how could you be so generous?"

Was it noticed by anyone at that time?

Mu En's hand trembled for a moment, and continued:

"I have money, isn't it? I can give money to anyone I want. If I'm happy, I can give a house to a beggar on the street!"

"Is that so? That's right. The thinking of rich people is sometimes so difficult to understand."

Lorenzo pulled the woman's hair and grabbed her. Her body swayed weakly, like a weed swaying in the wind.

She wailed in pain, but still whispered stupid things like "Run, run".

She was the one who was about to lose her beautiful life.

"It's so touching that it makes me sick. You just gave her some money like you were sending away a beggar, but she seemed to have a different feeling for you."

Lorenzo pointed the long knife at her neck and smiled grimly:

"Besides, I don't seem to have caught the wrong person, kid. You seem very angry now. Why, is this also your ridiculous kindness at work?"

"What do you want?"

Mu En took a deep breath, dispelled the inexplicable irritation, and forced himself to calm down:

"Do you want the ancient dragon's blood? I can give it to you. You. "

"Oh? For the woman you said you have nothing to do with her, can you hand her over so easily? "

"Human life is at stake, it's just Gu Long's hard work, in my eyes it's far less valuable than a human life. "

"Human life is at stake? Tsk tsk, you are indeed a rich and powerful nobleman, and only people like you can say such naive words.

But on the contrary, in my eyes, human life is the least valuable thing. "

The blade in Lorenzo's hand was getting closer and closer to the woman's neck, leaving a fine red mark on her fair neck.

If he just exerted a little more force, this already fragile life would immediately die.

But he had no intention of stopping, just staring at the boy in front of him, staring at the anger and helplessness in his eyes.

Looking at those, he seemed to have seen the most wonderful things in the world, and his heart was extremely happy, as if all the boredom accumulated since this night had disappeared.

"Stop! Stop!"

Looking at the blood dripping from the woman's white neck, it was as if a fire was burning in his chest. Mu En became angry and ferocious again:

"I order you to stop!"


Lorenzo laughed disdainfully, "Why do you order me?"

"Just this!"

At the critical moment, Mu En didn't care about so much. He took out his invincible family emblem again. The pattern of the dragon-slaying sword was like a sword hanging over everyone's head, which made Lorenzo's disdainful mouth stiffen immediately.

"I am the son of Duke Campbell, Mu En Campbell!"

Mu En said sternly:

"Lorenzo, I order you to let her go. As long as you let her go, I can pretend that this has never happened, but if you continue, I think you know very well that I can make you, the Red Fire Gang behind you, disappear from this world completely with just one word!"

"Cam... Campbell?"

Staring straight at the family emblem in Mu En's hand, Lorenzo's body suddenly trembled.

One of the required courses for those who are in the underground underworld is to know all the noble family crests, and no one in the world dares to pretend to be Campbell, so he knew at a glance that this was the real thing.

The man in front of him was actually the only son of the legendary Duke Campbell, Moon Campbell!

Lorenzo almost fainted.


What a lofty word.

The rats in the downtown area may not even see the instep of these two words after working hard all their lives.

But now the person who can represent these two words appeared in front of him, and he not only saw his instep, but also put nails on his soles and spit on them!

He actually provoked the son of a duke!

"Master... Campbell...? I... I thought... you were at most... the son of a viscount, but you are... a duke?"

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