Lorenzo's face suddenly lost all color, and all the joy quickly faded, leaving only endless fear and regret.

His facial features were tightly wrinkled together, and his body suddenly stooped, as if he wanted to lie on the ground immediately and kiss Mu En's toes.

"Yes, I am the future Duke!"

"What you said... I just need to let her go... and I won't pursue her anymore... is that true?"

Lorenzo trembled as he spoke, and lowered his hands tremblingly. This man who was extremely famous in the Lower City was nothing more than a humble ant in front of the son of the Duke, who was above him. He seemed to be unable to even hold a knife. .

Seeing that the dangerous blade finally left the woman's neck, Moon finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course it's true. I swear on Campbell's honor that as long as you let her go, I will never -"

Mu En's oath was only half fulfilled.

Because I was interrupted.

There was a "Puff——" sound.

In the increasingly dark and icy night.

In the warm blood splashing everywhere.

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked blankly at the man who had a face full of fear just now. Suddenly his face became extremely ferocious, and he clenched the long knife in his hand again, and -

Stab into a woman's weak body.

Like a flower, broken from the middle.

"Do you think I will believe you? Do you think I will believe you hypocritical nobles?"

Lorenzo's eyes were filled with endless blood, he roared crazily, and then laughed:

"Young men, do you hear this? If we don't kill the Duke's son today, none of us will survive!"

91. You should use attack magic

The moon had already disappeared, and the sky was filled with dark clouds.

Mu En felt water stains falling on her face.

Is it raining?

He licked it subconsciously, and then his entire mouth was filled with the disgusting smell of rust.

Ah, right.

It didn't rain.

This isn't water either.

But blood.

...the blood of a woman who was about to die because of him.

Mu En lowered his gaze stiffly. The woman was lying on the ground helplessly, with red blood flowing out from under her body. Her body was spasming due to severe pain, but she couldn't even let out a cry of pain.

Because her already tattered vocal cords had already become completely hoarse from the calls just now.

She may have lost sight and hearing.

But she was still saying something with all her strength.

Mu En carefully observed the movements of her lips and found that she was actually saying:

"Run away."

Not "Help."

But "Run away."

"It's really... stupid."

Mu En suddenly laughed, every bone in his laughter was trembling and every muscle was twitching:

"We obviously don't even know each other's names, but you tell me to run away?

Even though he was about to die, he still gave up on me as a possible life-saving straw and asked me to run away?

Do you know who I am?

I've said it so loud, haven't you heard?

I am the son of Duke Campbell!

I am an honors student at Santa Maria College!

I am Teacher Mela's close disciple!

But you let me escape? "

Mu En raised her head, looked at the pair of eyes that were gradually congested with blood, lost their minds due to fear, and became crazy, and asked extremely seriously:

"Do you think it's ridiculous?"


That's ridiculous!


let me!

Want to kill someone!

The pure white short knife appeared in the hand, and the golden pattern drew a cold pattern in the deep night. Mu En's figure was wrapped in the cold wind of late autumn, and in an instant, it seemed to be panning, crossing the distance from life to death. .

Lorenzo was also roaring crazily at this moment: "Quick, kill him, be sure to kill him, kill him, I have a way for you to sneak out of Belleland, otherwise we will be completely finished!"

At this moment, the desperate madness that Mu En ignored was vividly displayed in this group of thugs.

They clenched the weapons in their hands and charged towards the aloof Duke's son without fear of death!


The long knife and the short blade touched, causing sparks to fly. Through the reflective blade, Mu En saw that his own eyes were as red as those of these gangsters.

But at this moment, Mu En felt extremely peaceful inside.

Like a lake.

But when he lowered his head, he found that under the lake...

Burning on fire!


Mu En roared.

Swinging the knife sharply.


Blood splattered.

The elite of the Red Fire Gang who first came into contact with Mu En looked at him with only half of the blade and half of his arm in shock.

Before she could express any pain, Mu En had already rushed into his arms and thrust the dagger into his chest.

The magic armor inside his clothes shone with blue magic lines, but this armor, which could withstand military magic and even crossbows, was instantly pierced by a short sword!

The fighting spirit was suffocating and wrapped around the short sword, highlighting the pure white blade and its special kind of holiness.

But within this holiness, there is absolute violence.

If Meira saw this scene, she would definitely cheer happily and feel heartfelt admiration for her work.

This was the real reason why she wanted to smelt the holy sword.

People like Mu En are not suitable for using something soft like a holy sword.

Because a real beast needs claws to exert its power!

Mu En seemed to have claws at this moment. The two short knives that he used for the first time seemed to be an extension of his arms, and he could use them at will.

He crushed the heart of the man in front of him and kicked him away. He waved two pure white short knives without any blood, as if drawing a perfect circle, facing more cold long knives.

For a moment, facing the siege of many people, Mu En did not lose the wind.

Even with the smelting of the moves, Mu En's double knives swung more and more agilely, and there was even a trend of gradually counter-pressure.


Mu En heard a roar.

In the corner of his eye, a figure suddenly crashed into the battlefield. The body was not too tall, but it brought him a mountain of pressure!

Lorenzo clenched the long knife and took a deep breath. There seemed to be a strange breath flowing around him. Mu En saw a few yellow leaves swirling around his body, and then they were instantly crushed into pieces.

This is...


Lorenzo shouted angrily, and all his fighting spirit was mobilized. Without any hesitation, he directly launched his strongest attack with the peak realm of the second level and the magic armor.

Martial Arts·Demon Splitting!

The long sword fell, but it was directly shattered in the terrifying force.

The bluestone floor in front of him suddenly exploded, and several invisible sharp breaths spread, as if a monster's giant claws swept through here, tearing everything in the range apart.

The besieged Mu En had no time to dodge.

He could only watch himself being swallowed by the terrifying wave.


The blue bricks exploded, and huge gullies appeared on the ground. Smoke and dust filled the air, blocking the view for a moment.

In the smoke and dust, some limbs were crushed and thrown out, mixed with some disgusting human body parts.

In order to ensure that he would hit the target, Lorenzo did not avoid his own people at all.

Although it looks a bit cruel, the result is always the most important!

Watching the falling limbs, Lorenzo couldn't help but reveal a hideous and wanton smile. Although he couldn't tell which one belonged to which, no one had been able to take my move head-on, so...

"Sure enough, in your eyes, is human life just a trivial thing?"

A mellow voice came out from the smoke and dust, and no emotional fluctuations could be heard.

Lorenzo's face suddenly stiffened, and he almost popped his eyes out.

How... is it possible?

A mere spoiled noble son, who is only a second-level, why can...

As the breeze blew by the river, the smoke and dust gradually spread, and the figure appeared in his sight again.

His expensive clothes were already tattered, and turned into pieces of rotten cloth draped over his body. There were several hideous wounds on his waist, abdomen and arms, and even the bones and internal organs could be seen clearly. It was obvious that he had been injured in the vital parts, but there was no blood flowing out of those wounds.

Instead...burning red flames!

As if Mu En didn't feel the pain of the wound, he gently touched the two still pure white short knives together, and the alchemical field formed by the arc spread out, completely isolating the smoke and the debris, and also completely isolating the breath of the withered king.


Mu En raised his eyes, and his eyes, as calm as a lake, fell on Lorenzo, who was trembling again because of fear.

"Mr. Lorenzo, do you care so little about your own death?" He asked softly, as if asking about a trivial matter.

But Lorenzo seemed to hear the whisper of the devil, and his face, which was mixed with anger and hideousness, spasmed violently. He roared desperately, gave orders desperately, and let his subordinates rush towards Mu En regardless of everything.

"Hurry! Come on!"

"Don't be afraid, he's just a spoiled nobleman, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"He must have used some precious potion or magic device, but the effect has passed, go kill him!"

"If he is left alive, not only you, but also your family will be implicated!"

"You have no way out!"

The elites of the Red Fire Gang, who were no less terrified than Lorenzo, looked at each other, and finally rushed towards Mu En, but Lorenzo quietly retreated in the chaos.

"In that case..."

Mu En lowered his eyes indifferently, lowered his body again, and shadowed!

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