Like a phantom, Mu En threw herself at the crowd.

The differences in weapons and techniques are difficult to erase.

Mu En was in a stalemate just now because of the siege.

However, Lorenzo's action helped Mu En break the stalemate.

Like a tiger among wolves.

From one-to-many, it became a short-term one-to-two, one-to-three, or even one-on-one.

With the support of Shadow Step, Mu En flexibly pulled these Red Fire Gang elites, allowing them to maintain the situation of Calabash Baby saving Grandpa.

Blood continued to splatter, and the magic armor they relied on was of no use. When the magic power was used up, those armors were only slightly stronger, but that level of toughness, in the face of the absolute sharpness given by a great magician, Still as fragile as paper.

Mu En just instinctively swung the knife, swung the knife, and swung the knife again.

Killing, killing, killing again.

In the black book, the dagger fighting technique has already evolved to LV10, and has become a pure black font.

Mu En didn't know what this meant, but she felt that her moves were more ethereal than ever before.

Therefore, no one can stop him.

" is it possible? Why is he so strong?"

But at this moment, looking at Mu En who seemed to be in a deserted place, Lorenzo was not about to pop his eyes out, but he wanted to dig them out directly.

Are you telling me that this is the son of a pampered duke?

Why the hell do I feel like he's more skilled at killing than me?

Look at the sharpness of this knife that stabs vital parts. How can it be practiced without killing hundreds of people?

Lorenzo began to regret it.

Maybe he shouldn't have been so blinded by fear that he just started killing people.

Perhaps with hostages in hand, there would be more room for maneuver.

Maybe it would be better to just kneel down and beg for mercy.

Maybe... but not maybe.

He underestimated the strength of the Duke's son,

It was as if Mu En had underestimated the courage of these downtown rats.

Everything has happened.

And what has happened, not even the gods can change the outcome.

"It''s not over yet, I still have a trump card."

Seeing his men fall down one by one like wheat, Lorenzo whispered to himself with a pale face:

"Hurry... hurry up, I'll give you double, no, triple the money!"

"The distant wind spirit...the sleeping mother...the sleeping curse!"

As Lorenzo's whisper fell, Mu En heard the ethereal chanting, which finally reminded him that there was a magician hidden among Lorenzo's group.

The inconspicuous man was hiding at the very back, chanting magic quickly.

Just as Mu En was thinking about evading, the two of them suddenly rushed forward desperately, entangled in Mu En's footsteps.

Therefore, this move will definitely hit.

No matter how powerful you are, if you take this trick from me, you will become a lamb to be slaughtered!

In the corner of the magician's confident mouth, the powerful negative effect magic that can put the overlord-level monsters into sleep turned into dark green light and burst out in his hand, instantly blazing towards Mu En.

With a crackling sound, like water droplets hitting a glass cover, the magic hit the outside of the alchemy field, and then... nothing happened.

Everything is quiet.

"Ah, I almost forgot that the field also has this function."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head. After hacking the two people next to him to death, he used Shadow Step to directly come to the magician.

He stared into the magician's dull eyes and said seriously:

"You should use attack magic."

After that, he chopped off the magician's head with a knife.


In the late autumn night, insects chirped.

This may be the last sound of these tiny lives, because they will soon pass through their short lives and bury themselves in the footprints of winter.

Sand - sand -, their singing is deep and long, like an ethereal funeral song.

"Is there any cigarette?"

Mu En came to Lorenzo and patted him on the shoulder.

Like an old friend, chatting with a friendly expression.

But Lorenzo seemed to have seen some monster, and his whole body was trembling.

Glancing down the alley from the corner of his eye, there was no one standing except for him and the monster. He stepped back subconsciously, but stepped into the water.

The leather boots were instantly soaked, and the thick liquid flowed into the soles of the feet.

He knew that it was not a pool of water, but a pool of blood.

Now the whole alley is full of blood, blood that is almost forming a stream.

This is not the son of a duke, this is a monster in human skin!

Lorenzo felt that his heart had been completely swallowed up by fear. He clearly still had the strength to fight, but he couldn't even lift the broken knife in his hand.

"You...why are you so strong?"

Pampered, arrogant and domineering, inexperienced, as timid as a rat, and faints at the sight of blood.

The label of aristocratic young master in his mind seemed to have nothing to do with the man in front of him.

"I didn't know I was so strong. It shocked me just now."

As Mu En said this, he took out a cigarette and a box of matches from Lorenzo's pocket.

Mu En rarely used matches, and even after rubbing them several times, they didn't light up.

When there was only one match left, he finally lit the cigarette and took a deep breath eagerly.

Then, he choked.

I was so embarrassed that I had snot and tears coming out of my nose.

He threw the cigarette to the ground, stomped it out, and cursed: "What a crap, it's so hard to smoke!"

Then he raised his head, looked at Lorenzo, and asked seriously:

"Now, can you answer my question, Mr. Lorenzo?"

"Ask...questions? What questions?"

"It's the question just now, Mr. Lorenzo, are you so forgetful?"

Moon came closer, stared into his eyes, and asked word by word:

"Are you so casual about your own death?"


In those clear eyes, In front of the eyes of the deep lake, Lorenzo screamed in fear:

"I can't die! I can't die!"

"Can't die?"

Mu En smiled: "Look around, everyone is dead, including your confidant. He just begged me to let him go, saying that he has a sister or something. Mr. Lorenzo, please tell me, why can't you die?"

"I don't have eternal life yet, I haven't got the eternal life promised by the Lord, how can I die!"

The desire to survive finally overcame the fear, and Lorenzo's stiff body moved again.

He turned around and ran away.


I have to run away!

I still have money!

I still have connections!

I can hide myself, even the Duke can't find me!

I still want eternal life!

I did so many things, wasn't it for the eternal life promised by the Lord?

But he only had time to take one step.

The whole world seemed to fall down, and he saw the ground, rushing towards him.

He fell to the ground, in a pool of blood.

He felt pain, pain from his ankle.

He looked back in horror and found that his foot had been neatly cut off from the ankle.

Blood flowed and mixed into the pool of blood, just like the splattered broken limbs just now, no one could tell whose it was.

"No, I can't die yet!"

He crawled forward, using both hands, like a mangy dog.

Mu En did not chase him, but let him crawl forward.

Let his blood flow all the time.

He turned around and came to the side of the woman whose name he didn't even know.

She was still alive.

But she was not far from death.

Mu En carefully turned her over and held her in his arms.

Then, he was at a loss.

Just as the stranger who invited him to rob and eat rob said before, he was just a noble son who came to seek excitement, and he was completely unprofessional.

He neither brought healing potions nor knew healing magic.

He could only watch the girl in his arms, the vitality slipping away bit by bit.

Maybe it's useless to bring it. Such a serious injury has already reached the point where even gods are powerless to save the woman.

Mu En was silent for a moment, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the blood off the woman's face bit by bit.

But as he wiped, his hands began to tremble.

Because when the thick makeup was wiped off and the faint freckles that symbolized youth were revealed, he realized that the person in his arms was not a woman at all.

She was just a girl.

"Damn it."

Mu En suddenly felt something tearing his heart apart bit by bit. When he felt it carefully, he found that it was endless self-blame and regret.

Just because of his extra kindness, he actually killed an innocent girl!

If he had known earlier, he should have cursed and driven her out.

At least, she would still be alive, right?


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