At this time, Mu En heard a sound as thin as a mosquito's fly. It was so slight that it could only be heard clearly if he was so close.

"I am here."

Mu En thought for a while, her voice returned to its previous disguise, and she said again:

"I am here."

The girl smiled reassuringly. Mu En didn't know if it was considered a smile. He only saw the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "Sure enough... it's you."


Mu En answered, but didn't know what to say.

" I...white now?" the girl asked softly.


Mu En's heart twitched and she nodded vigorously: "It's very white."

"Sir... do you like it?"


"That's it...actually...compared to being a teacher...I would rather...hear Mr....say this...even's just a lie..."

"I am so happy……"

The girl spoke intermittently, and she could feel her breathing becoming weaker and weaker.

But she was still smiling, no longer the corners of her mouth, her eyebrows, her facial features, all relaxed.

Like an epiphyllum in bud.

In a blink of an eye.


"You... stop talking, let me think about it, think about whether there is any way to save you."

Mu En felt that her breathing was starting to become chaotic, and her mind was also in a mess.

Countless thoughts emerge like a tide, and then recede like a tide, leaving nothing behind.

He remembered that Gu Long's blood contained powerful vitality, but as soon as he took it out, he found that the terrifying pressure almost crushed the girl, and he could only take it back in embarrassment.

He thought of the Black Book, but the Black Book ignored his call.

He even thought of the flames of the King of Blight, but to everyone except him, this flame only represented pure death.

After working for a long time, he still found that he couldn't do anything.

The son of a duke, a top student in the academy, and a close disciple of Teacher Mela, could do nothing.

He couldn't even save a fucking girl!

"Can you tell me your name?"

In the end, Mu En could only ask softly amidst the embarrassment.


He saw the girl's lips twitch.


Mu En moved closer.

"My name is...Eliza"


Mu En felt that the girl in her arms suddenly became extremely soft, like a cloud that was about to float.

The world became quiet, and even the chirping of insects disappeared.

The girl's hand dropped weakly, and there was no more sound.

Her body gradually became cold.

Mu En remained silent and gently put the girl down.

He took out a thicker coat and covered the girl.

In this way, even if you go to a place without sun, you won't be cold.

Mu En stood up and grasped the pure white dagger again.

It's like holding the most real power and power in the world.

He lowered his head, looked at the dagger, and murmured softly.

"Looking at how fair you are, I actually want to name you Bai Jie or something, something nice and interesting."

The dagger buzzed slightly, as if the living thing inside was expressing its dissatisfaction.

"Since you don't like it, then change your name."

Mu En's eyes finally glanced at the girl lying quietly on the ground, as if she was sleeping:

"Elizabeth...Bai, I will call you Elizabeth from now on, a name like a princess."

Mu En said in a self-deprecating tone: "Haha, giving you this name makes you feel ashamed of copying your second-dimensional wife to fight, but forgive me, that girl must leave something behind."

The living spirit continued to hum, but this time, it expressed joy.

Like the last stroke of a painting, like the dragon's eyes being added on, this outstanding work by the Grand Magister Mela is completely complete here.

She will show the most terrifying edge in Mu En's hands.

"Elizabeth, you must remind me often."

Mu En stepped forward, following the two spreading blood traces, towards the depths of darkness.

"The words "son of a duke" mean nothing in the face of the fate I have to face."

Elizabeth chirped softly, seeming to respond.

93. The Lord has mercy

"I can't die!"

"I can't die!"

"I haven't gotten the eternal life I want, how can I die!"

Lorenzo crawled along the dark street like a mangy dog ​​with his legs broken.

His leg was indeed broken, and blood continued to flow from the smooth fracture, drawing two straight blood marks behind him.

If he could find his feet at this moment, he might be able to connect them with magic, but he didn't even dare to look back. He was just driven by fear, moving forward, and then moving forward.

Many images came to his mind.

The people he killed.

People who died because of him.

People who want him dead.

These people stood in the flames and stretched out their hands towards him with hatred on their faces, as if they wanted to drag him into the bottomless hell.

"Get away! Get away!"

Lorenzo waved his hand in horror, sweeping those pictures away from his eyes.

"I won't die, I won't die!"

At this time, he heard footsteps.

The sound of footsteps as leisurely as a walk.

But in his ears, it seemed like a demon that was constantly chasing after him, gradually approaching.

"Mr. Lorenzo, can you answer my question?"

That calm and mellow voice, I remembered from behind, was really like a nobleman, politely asking him about the coming of death.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

He continued to crawl, and his palms were pricked and scratched by sharp stones on the ground, without even realizing it.

He turned to look at both sides of the street, seemingly disturbed by the movement on the street. There was a dim firelight in the window.

There was a glimmer of hope in Lorenzo's eyes. He crawled over and knocked hard on the door.

"Save me, save me quickly!"

"It's okay if you don't save me. Go call the guards and put me in prison. No matter what, don't let me stay with this monster!"

"help me!"

The fire suddenly went out.

In the darkness, a man let out a low cry of terror and slammed the window shut.

Don't go out at night.

At night, don't trust anyone.

No matter what sounds are coming from the streets at night, ignore them.

This is the survival guideline for ordinary people in the chaotic downtown area.

"Look, Mr. Lorenzo, the downtown area where you live seems to hate you too."

Mu En waved the short knife and easily cut through Lorenzo's armor, leaving scars one after another on his body.

The wounds were not deep, but they would continue to bleed.

Moon drove Lorenzo forward, letting him bleed out his blood bit by bit.

Slowly savoring the coming of death is not the best way for this guy to die, isn't it?

"I won't die! I won't die!"

It was clear that the blood was almost drained, but as if the light was coming back to him, Lorenzo roared loudly.

“I still have the Lord, I still have the Lord, the Lord save me, save me, I have done so many things for you, you can’t ignore me!

And eternal life, that is the good thing you promised! "


Mu En frowned.

From just now, this guy seems to have been mentioning these two words, and also mentions eternal life and so on.

Although I don’t know what it is, for the sake of safety, it’s better not to delay.

Mu En stepped forward, ready to send Lorenzo to hell.

Mu En raised the pure white dagger in her hand. Under the moonlight that peeked out from the dark clouds again, Elizabeth reflected the cold light.

It's really an advantage for you to die under such a beautiful moon, Mu En thought.

The blade fell.

However, at this moment, Mu En suddenly felt that the world had become dark again.

The moon still hangs in the sky, watching everything in the world indifferently.

So where does this darkness come from?

Mu En raised her head in fear, and a tall and thin shadow appeared in front of her at some point.

The shadow was wearing a heavy raincoat, and the black raincoat was stained with colorful dirt. He wore a strange mask on his head, which seemed to be made directly from blood.

The flesh and blood suddenly split open, revealing the shadow's blood-stained grin.

The premonition of death exploded in his mind in an instant. Mu En instantly changed the traces of the blade and faced the chopping butcher knife in the shadow's hand.


The terrifying force came from the butcher knife, and Mu En's arm was numb with pain, and she almost couldn't hold the weapon.

What a terrifying power!

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