Mu En's mind changed rapidly, and she used her strength to retreat quickly. After pulling away to a safe distance, she suppressed the tremor of her arms while carefully staring at the tall and thin weirdo in front of her, and asked:

"Who are you and why did you attack me suddenly!"

The weirdo didn't answer. He was holding a twisted shadow in his hand, chewing something.

"Lord! Lord! You are finally here!"

Lorenzo looked at the strange man in front of him like a lost traveler seeing an oasis in the desert. He grabbed his feet and said excitedly:

"Save me, save me!"

The weirdo still didn't answer, he just lowered his head and looked at Lorenzo quietly.

The gaze didn't look like he was looking at a person, it seemed like he was really...looking at a plate of delicious food.

"The Lord has mercy, the Lord has mercy, please save me, I can do more for you, I can catch more people for you, you want more blood, the blood of Gu Long, Gu Long’s hard work is on him!

The Lord has mercy, the Lord has mercy! "

Lorenzo suddenly knelt in front of the strange man he called Lord, as if worshiping some god, he knelt down devoutly, and kept hitting his forehead on the ground. Soon, there were clear blood marks. .

“The Lord has mercy, the Lord has mercy.”

The weirdo tilted his head and looked for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his hand... and grabbed Lorenzo's shadow.

Under Mu En's confused, horrified, and even disbelieving gaze, the weirdo grabbed Lorenzo's shadow alive from the ground.

Damn it, how Shadow was captured is unscientific!

But before Mu En had time to think about whether he had made a mistake in searching for science in the magical world, he saw the weirdo put Lorenzo's shadow on his lips.

Crunch, take a bite.

A gap appeared in the shadow.

But what makes Mu En's hair stand on end is that the gap is not just the shadow, but also...Lorenzo.

At the same position as the shadow, a piece of flesh and blood on Lorenzo's body strangely disappeared. From the bloody fracture, Mu En could vaguely see irregular shapes like tooth marks.

But Lorenzo was completely unaware and was still kowtowing.

“The Lord has mercy, the Lord has mercy.”


“The Lord has mercy.”


“The Lord has mercy.”

The weirdo took bite after bite and continued chewing.

Like a good baby who listens to his mother, he chews every bite carefully, no more, no less, twenty times.

Then the flesh and blood on Lorenzo's body disappeared bit by bit, like a piece of pie that was eaten bit by bit. Finally, in the sight of Mu En, whose stomach was already turbulent, Lorenzo finally stopped repeating the words "Lord, Lord." Lian, no longer stubbornly pursues his eternal life.

He turned into a pile of bones, a pile of clean bones as if every one of them had been sucked.


The weirdo crushed the pile of bones with his foot, burped, and said with satisfaction:


94. Tactical retreat


Seeing Lorenzo being chewed into a pile of bones in just a few minutes, Mu En felt like her scalp suddenly exploded.

Something's wrong, get away!

Without any hesitation, Mu En turned around and ran away.

But at this moment, Mu En heard a heartbeat like a war drum.

The monster was not powerful, he was just tall and thin. It was hard to imagine that such a beating sound like the heart of a monster could come from his body.

But the more this happens, the more wrong it becomes.

Think about it, what would happen if a Lamborghini engine was installed in the Wuling Hongguang in the previous life?

It will fly right out!

With a roar, the bluestone ground under the strange man's feet suddenly exploded!

The strange man's slender figure seemed to turn into an arrow, shooting towards Mu En.

He's really flying close to the ground!

"Damn it!"

Mu En cursed secretly, twisted his body flexibly, and at the same time activated his shadow step, and moved a few meters to the side.

But the sense of crisis in his mind did not dissipate, and the weirdo pounced on... Mu En's shadow with unabated force!

Mu En shivered, as if she had been stabbed in the back by countless ice cream sticks, it was extremely cold.

Lorenzo's tragic situation just now was still swirling in his mind. Without any hesitation, he turned around again, turned around, crossed his swords, and chose to resist the attack of the weirdo!


The ground suddenly cracked open, with spider web-like cracks all over it.

Mu En's legs were slightly bent, and the muscles all over his body were tense. At this moment, he felt that he was not resisting the attack of a weirdo, but a mountain!

"Damn... it's too outrageous... if you have such ability... you're in the lower city."

Under the huge pressure, Mu En's face suddenly became ferocious. He tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see which path this weirdo belonged to, but through the mask that looked like blood and flesh, Mu En only saw endless silence.

No joy.

No sorrow.

Like a dead person.

But Mu En could see the most real desire for living flesh and blood from those stagnant eyes.

"Evil believer?"

Mu En suddenly understood what Lord Lorenzo was calling.

Except for the idiots who have been deceived and crippled by evil believers, who would ever talk about the words "Lord, Lord, Lord"?

"Who do you believe in? Cupid? The moon? Wither?"

The weirdo didn't answer.

That's right, whether they are believers or people simply contaminated by evil gods, they basically have brain problems. How can it be so easy to answer yourself?

"Open it!"

Facing the weirdo's increasingly terrifying strength, Mu En suddenly shouted angrily.

The veins on the back of Elizabeth's hands were pulsing when she clenched her hands. Her hands didn't make any movement, but there were roaring shock waves coming from them.

Then with the interlaced daggers, they exploded suddenly!

It can be used without empty hands, Lei Ming·Change!

Under the powerful shock wave, the weirdo staggered back, each step leaving clear footprints on the bluestone floor. After three steps, he stabilized his figure.

What kind of monster is this?

Mu En's eyelids twitched.

He received a thunderous blow from such a close distance, and he only took three steps back?

I thought that my physical body strengthened by the Well of Mercury was still strong enough, but compared with this monster, it seemed that it was not enough!

It's a pity that we can't directly burn him to death with the flames of the King of Blight. Using red flames within the domain will indeed not leak the breath, but as long as the burning is not clean, it will definitely leave traces!

It is still too risky to use that kind of power in Belland, and it can only be used as a blood bottle.

Since you can't fight, you have no choice but to run away.


Mu En glanced around him out of the corner of his eye. On the empty street, the moon stretched his shadow very long.

He can definitely run, but Shadow...

The premonition of death began to buzz again.

After a brief moment of stiffness, the weirdo resumed his action. He clenched the blood-stained butcher knife in his hand and rushed towards Mu En again.

The distance is too close and the target is too big.

Nowhere to escape!

"Damn it, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing that his escape strategy failed, Mu En, who was already in a bad mood, felt the fire in his heart was ignited again. He suddenly stood up, put Elizabeth away, turned around directly, and rushed towards the monster with his bare hands:

"Eat my special move, the infinite holy light falling into the underworld, the ultimate killer palm!"

Mu En's sudden bravery and roar made the monster's behavior stiffen. The butcher's knife stood horizontally, and it changed from an offensive posture to a defensive posture.

And at this moment, Mu En's Infinite Holy Light Biluo Huangquan Ultimate Killing Heavenly Devil Palm also arrived, and from that palm, infinite light burst out!

It's a devil's infinite holy light, the ultimate killer palm of the underworld, give me the maximum power of the lighting technique, you idiot!

A dazzling light fell, lighting up the street like daylight.

All shadows were briefly dispersed.

The monster also let out a piercing high-pitched wail. Compared with the reduction of attack methods, the most important thing is that the eyes are adapted to the dark night. Under such bright light, they will be blinded for a short time!

The weirdo went crazy, slashing randomly with the butcher knife in his hand, and his body ran rampant like a bull, smashing through countless walls.

But when the light completely disappeared and his vision returned, the messy streets were already deserted.


"No...not delicious..."

The weirdo took out another twisted shadow from his black raincoat and chewed it in his mouth.

"It doesn't taste doesn't taste doesn't taste good..."

He followed the moonlight and wandered in a certain direction without any confusion.

"Damn it, such a powerful evil believer is actually wandering on the streets openly like this. Are all those silent ones in the empire just for free?"

In a dark alley, Mu En couldn't help but punch the wall.

What are these things!

First the gangsters, then the evil believers, and innocent people died because of him. Is he really a human being who attracts bad luck?

"No, this probably has that sentence printed on it."

Mu En sat down against the wall, raised her head, and stared at the bright moon.

"The so-called gift of fate has already been marked with a secret price, especially for me, a yellow-haired villain who is already disgusted by fate."

You should be more cautious in your actions from now on, Moon Campbell, anyone can forget about their past, anyone can be arrogant, but you can't.

"Get out of here first."

Mu En stood up supporting the wall and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard the heartbeat again.


Some people raised their heads in fear. In the shadow not far away, a tall figure appeared again, and it was constantly approaching.

"Damn it, how did he get here?"

Could it be that like Lorenzo, he used some kind of marking magic?

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