But the corners of his mouth only just raised before they dropped again.

Obviously meeting her senior sister was a good thing that could not be more joyful, but at this moment, Mu En felt a sadness and exhaustion that made it difficult to breathe welling up in her heart.

Those were all emotions that he had been suppressing, but they suddenly burst out in relief when he met his senior sister.



"Can I hug you?"

"Oh, it's late at night. I can't control my playboy spirit again and want to harass me? I'm really a pervert."

"No, I just..."

Mu En's shoulders and eyebrows drooped, as if something was pressing heavily on him.

"Forget it, senior sister, just think of me..."

Before she finished speaking, Mu En felt two cool hands holding her cheeks.

In shock, Anna raised Mu En's head, stood on tiptoes, and looked at his eyes carefully.

As if she had discovered something, Anna also showed pity in her eyes. She gently placed Mu En's head on her shoulders and stroked his head gently.

"Junior, you must have experienced something terrible tonight."


"Although I don't know what happened, junior fellow student, don't be too harsh on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and that's not something worth hating."


"Junior really likes to act like a spoiled brat. It's okay to cry."

"...I won't cry."

Mu En quietly felt the girl's warmth and murmured softly.

"I won't cry."


Anna tilted her head, glanced at Mu En's profile, which was really not crying, but showed a determined look, and sighed with more pity:

"Junior, you have become stronger again."

After a brief moment of warmth, Mu En and Anna sat side by side against the wall, waiting for the crisis that had not yet completely escaped to pass.

Anna pulled Moon's sleeve and motioned for him to come closer.

Then he pointed to the sky: "Pay attention to the sky."


Mu En looked up in surprise.

The clouds dispersed at some point, and a bright moon hung in the clear sky.

There were no stars to embellish it, which made the bright moon appear brighter and brighter. However, the moon was emitting a faint blue halo, making it look extremely cold and lonely.

"This is……"

Mu En suddenly woke up.

"That weirdo just now is a believer in the moon?"

No wonder he could always lock his position, illuminated by the blue moonlight, it was impossible to escape his pursuit.


But Mu En was a little confused.

I shouldn't have provoked the Silent Moon, so why would his followers kill me?

Could it be that he discovered that he had the power of the King of Blight?

No, isn't it said that the alchemy field can isolate the breath?

Mu En was confused, but didn't think much about it.

Anyway, he is already used to his evil-god-attracting physique. He doesn't have to worry about lice. The God of Love didn't say anything. You, Silent Moon, have to queue up if you want to kill me.

Besides, shouldn't the thing you should pay attention to the most right now be a certain sunny man who is about to come to your house to send you warmth?

Mu En shook her head and moved closer to her senior sister.

It's not because the senior sister's shoulders are soft or her body smells good, it's simply because the area where the moon doesn't shine is only so big.

"Senior, do you know that weirdo just now?"

"I don't know him, I just heard rumors about him."


"One of the urban legends in Lower City, the Shadow Butcher."

Anna didn't pay attention to Mu En's little thoughts, smoothly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and said softly:

"The appearance is that he is wearing a black raincoat, a strange mask on his head, and holding a bloody butcher knife in his hand. It is said that he has the ability to attack other people's shadows, and he can also catch other people's shadows and eat them, and he eats the shadows People will also lose all their flesh and blood at the same time.”

"...It seems it's him."

Mu En couldn't help but shiver.

The previous picture of Lorenzo, who looked like he was being eaten alive, was still swirling in his mind. Thinking about it now, he still felt his stomach churn and he was a little nauseous.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that my senior sister was actually the owner of that mysterious shop."

Mu En suddenly sighed and said.

Thinking about it this way, didn't the fate between himself and his senior sister not only established in the academy, but also started so early?

This is really God's will. It means that the fate between himself and his senior sister must be as tightly intertwined as the roots of a tree.

Thinking of this, Mu En felt a rare joyful mood. As for the revenge that she had thought about before, spanking the shop owner, etc., they had long been forgotten.

Just kidding, if you want to spank your senior, you will definitely be spanked in return.

"I didn't expect that junior fellow student would be that guest."

As she spoke, the corners of Anna's mouth curled up again. She looked at Mu En beside her and asked meaningfully:

"There's something I'm curious about, junior."

"What's up?"

"Junior, what did you do when you bought that kind of medicine before?"


The corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly froze, and fine cold sweat suddenly appeared on her forehead.

What to do? Of course I was going to drug a certain princess.

But can this be said? Definitely not!

"You can't... really drug the elephant."

Looking at Mu En's panic, Anna's smile became more intense, but seeing her smirk, Mu En immediately understood that she didn't really want to know the answer, she just wanted to continue teasing herself.

But the more this happened, the more helpless it became.

Who could deal with a little devil senior who looked bad on the surface but had good intentions?

So Mu En could only use his ultimate killer to change the subject.

"Senior, I have something for you."

"Something for me?"

The senior tilted her head and asked in confusion: "Is today a special day?"


Mu En thought for a while, "Is it the 57th day since we met in the library?"

"Hehe, nonsense."

The senior laughed coquettishly, but Mu En tried to put on a straight face: "It's really 57 days! If you don't believe me, senior, count it!"

"Okay, then what will the junior give me on this 57th anniversary?"

"I want to give you... this."

Mu En took out the red gem box.

When the familiar gem box appeared in her sight, Anna immediately knew what was inside and could not help but fall into a daze.

"This... what is this?"

"Yes, the tears of true love."

Mu En smiled and opened the gem box.

In the center of the red cloth that highlighted the luxury, the teardrop-shaped pink gem was still dazzling even in the dark.

"Why is it in the hands of the junior?"

Anna was puzzled for only two seconds, and then suddenly reacted.

"So the No. 88 is the junior? Then the one who called the guards tonight was also the junior?"


Mu En nodded, still smiling.

But from the flash of loss in his eyes, Anna vaguely guessed something.

She did not continue to speak, but looked at the beautiful gem.

"Junior, I can't have this gem..."

"Senior, don't you want it?"

"...I want it, but if you give it to me for free, I will..."

"It's not for free."

Mu En looked at Anna's slightly surprised eyes and said seriously:

"Didn't I say it before? This is the reward for Senior's help. Senior has helped me so much, but she never said she wanted to get anything from me. If this goes on, I will be uneasy. So, just take it as my thanks, okay?"


Anna was silent for a while, and smiled: "In this case, I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

She stretched out her hand and wanted to take the gem from Mu En, but was gently separated by Mu En's hand.

"Let me do it."

Mu En took out the Tears of True Love from the gem box. At this time, Anna was surprised to find that there were two exquisite "little tails" hanging on the Tears of True Love.

The chain that looked like a crystal carving was crystal clear and very beautiful when taken alone. It strung the Tears of True Love together, like an angel with wings.

"I was also surprised when I first found it, but later I read the auction description and found out that this gem had long been transformed into a necklace, but only the gem was displayed to avoid discounting.

Although there is suspicion of fraud, I actually like it quite a bit."

Mu En took the two ends of the "angel wings" and gently lifted the gem. The gem trembled in the air, like a teardrop about to fall from a girl.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It's very beautiful."

In theory, any woman should be happy to see such a beautiful necklace, but at this time, Mu En read a touch of sadness in Senior Sister Anna's eyes.

"What's wrong? Senior Sister, don't you like it?"

"No, I like it very much, but because I like it... I'm a little reluctant to give it up."


Mu En was confused, but Anna didn't continue to explain. She lifted up her long black hair and smiled:

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