"Junior, come and help me put it on."

"Ah this..."

Mu En was a little stunned.

He picked up the necklace, just wanting to show it in front of the senior sister, but unexpectedly, the senior sister wanted him to help put it on with her own hands.

Looking at the senior sister's swan-like white neck, Mu En suddenly felt dry in the mouth.

As if seeing Mu En's hesitation, the senior sister tilted her head and asked:

"What's wrong, junior brother don't want to?"

"No, I do, why don't I want to!"

Mu En straightened his back at once. What kind of man is he who is still cowardly at such an important moment.

He took a deep breath, pinched the two ends of the necklace with both hands, and gently passed over Anna's neck.

The soft hair swept past, making Mu En feel a little itchy in his heart, and this angle of view looking at the senior sister with drooping eyes and flashing eyelashes is even more charming.

Slow down, a little slower.

Mu En said softly in his heart.

So his movements were also very slow, so slow that time seemed to stop.

If only he could keep this moment, at least at this moment, he could forget all his worries and quietly appreciate the beauty of the girl.

But at this moment, Anna suddenly raised her head, with a strong solemnity in her eyes... and disgust.

"I'm sorry, senior sister, I'll immediately..."

Mu En thought that he was too slow and was disliked by the senior sister, and was about to speed up, but suddenly, the senior sister slapped him on the chest.

That was not an attack, the soft energy spread in the palm of his hand, forcing Mu En to stagger back a few steps, and Anna also turned her hand to catch the tears of true love falling from the air and quickly put them away.

At this time, Mu En felt the sudden death warning in his mind, a sharp cold light tore through the air and suddenly stabbed on the wall between Mu En and the senior sister.

It was a scimitar like a crescent, flashing cold light under the moonlight.

"Oh, I really saw an unpleasant picture."

A charming voice came, and Mu En turned his head in astonishment, and saw the voluptuous woman standing on the wall not far away, wearing revealing clothes.

The woman was wearing a tight leather jacket, with a low V-neck that went all the way down to her navel, revealing almost half of her round breasts.

She was wearing high heels of at least ten centimeters, with heavy makeup on her face, and her figure was so good that it almost made all the men's noses hot.

But the moment Mu En saw her, he felt a bone-chilling chill, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

"Who are you?"

Mu En asked vigilantly.

The enchanting woman was also looking at him, and her eyes that looked him up and down were like seeing... an interesting toy.

But for some reason, this woman's appearance and dress clearly did not match anyone in his memory, but Mu En still felt that she was inexplicably familiar.

This fucking intuition was getting more and more distorted.

"It's our first time meeting, oh no, it should be the first time we meet like this, hello, Mu En Campbell, you can call me Miss Enchantress."

The enchantress still lifted up the non-existent skirt and performed an enchanting aristocratic ceremony towards Mu En.

"First meeting like this?"

Mu En chewed on this worrying sentence, but before he had time to think carefully, he felt a gentle voice ringing in his ears.

"How did you find me?"

The senior sister's expression was extremely solemn, "I have obviously completely eliminated the influence of the moon."


The banshee raised one of her hands, sniffed deeply at the tip of her nose, and her face flushed, "Secret."


But when did I reveal my smell?

The potion that concealed the smell should have been changed several times along the way.

"Prepare to escape, junior."

The senior sister's voice rang in Mu En's ears at the same time.

"She is dangerous."

"I know that."

Mu En took a deep breath.

Even though they were still half a street apart, Mu En could still feel the dangerous aura from this self-proclaimed banshee lady, which made his eyes twitch wildly.

What happened today? Even the monsters appeared in pairs?

And from the conversation between the senior sister and her, she is also a believer in the evil believer of the Silent Moon?

"Do you think you can get away?" The witch looked at Mu En and giggled.

"I think I'm quite good at escaping."

"Really? I'll wait and see."

The witch smiled coquettishly and threw a wink at Mu En, seemingly not worried at all about the two people's intention to escape. However, although it was a captivating smile, Mu En felt a chill on his back.

Mu En looked to the side and quietly reached out to the senior sister.

"Senior sister, hold me."

The unknown witch made a mistake. She didn't go to the alley to block herself, and at this distance, if she kept using shadow steps, she should be able to escape.

After exchanging glances, Senior Sister Anna seemed to agree with this idea, and stretched out her soft hand to Mu En's hand.

But Mu En did not hold the senior sister's hand as he wished.

At this moment, Mu En's premonition of death, which had been trained countless times and had become extremely sharp, was aroused again, and the disgusting sense of crisis drowned him like a deep sea.

But this time it was not from the banshee in front of him, but from... behind him!


In the loud noise, the wall behind him suddenly cracked, and countless masonry and smoke were scattered. The tall and thin figure wrapped in a thick raincoat brandished a butcher knife and passed through the wall. Under the mask stitched together with flesh and blood, he revealed incomparable madness. The anger!

At this moment, the sound of the heartbeat like a war drum sounded again!

Damn it, when did he touch it?

This idea flashed through his mind, but in his haste, Mu En had no time to react, so he could only instinctively cross his two swords in front of him to protect his vitals.

Of course, this would not stop the butcher's knife, and Mu En had already made mental preparations to rely on his thick health bar to resist this blow.

But the expected scene of blood splattering did not happen.

In his dull gaze, another delicate figure stood in front of him.


Mu En's head buzzed, and his eyes suddenly burst open. He watched the senior sister being hit by the butcher's knife, and raised one of her hands to resist.

what is she doing?

Why do you want to block the knife for me?

I won't die!

I have the divine favor of the King of Blight. As long as my head is not cut off directly, I will not die!

Ah, by the way, senior sister doesn’t know.

At this moment, Mu En's thinking accelerated like never before, and his original instinctive protective actions also completely changed. He was like a crazy beast, rushing towards the Shadow Butcher like crazy.

But it was still slow after all.

The butcher knife came into contact with Anna's arm and instantly tore the sleeve on her arm.

Mu En seemed to have seen the scene where Senior Anna's entire hand was cut off by a butcher's knife.

But this scene did not happen, but... gold and iron intersected!

The butcher's knife made contact with Anna's arm, making a sound of gold and iron, and at the same time, bright sparks burst out!

Mu En's mind was in a daze, and in his memory, this scene seemed familiar.

The tall wall used for shielding was knocked open by the butcher, and the cold moonlight fell without any obstruction. Under the moonlight, Mu En could vaguely see the cold light reflecting on the senior sister's arms, and even her crystal-clear eyes. The light red eyes also shrank in an instant and turned into vertical pupils.

She pointed her other hand at the Shadow Butcher, her lips opening and closing, and a raw and unfamiliar language came out.

The skin of half of the Shadow Butcher's body instantly spread with a deathly grayness, and his movements also stiffened at this moment.



The cold voice came to Mu En's ears again.

Mu En woke up in shock, and ignored the strange situation on her senior sister's side. Taking advantage of the fact that the Shadow Butcher's actions were impaired, she suddenly got closer and inserted the pure white blade into the Shadow Butcher's body.


Mu En roared.

The living beings hum.

As a weapon that uses the Holy Sword as its raw material, Elizabeth naturally retains some of the characteristics of the Holy Sword.

At this moment, infinite holy light spurted out from the blade, pouring crazily into the body of the Shadow Butcher.


The Shadow Butcher suddenly roared in pain, and a sound like burning fire came from his body. He waved his other hand randomly and attacked Mu En.

Mu En dodged nimbly, and at the same time, he danced with the short knife and cut open the Shadow Butcher's raincoat, revealing his shriveled chest that seemed to have no trace of flesh and blood, and...

Beating in the chest was the ferocious black heart.

"Eat, eat, eat. Even if your brain is damaged, you are still eating. Try my bloodletting therapy!"

Mu En roared angrily and inserted the short knife into the shadow butcher's heart, but when he was about to kill this guy completely, his blade suddenly reversed, cutting through the diffuse smoke, and collided with an erratic shadow.

"Oh, the sneak attack didn't succeed?"

The banshee's tongue licked her voluptuous red lips, which made her even more charming. At such a close distance, she charmingly cast a wink at Mu En again and smiled softly:

"Brother, do you want to have some fun with your sister?"

"Go away, I only like big sisters in black stockings!"


Mu En shook the banshee away.

Seemingly irritated by Mu En's words, the banshee's eyes became cold.

But the charming smile remains.

"I really hate this feeling of being rejected by you."

"What a coincidence, my favorite thing to do is to say no to a self-righteous woman like you!"

Taking advantage of the gap when the banshee staggered back, Mu En pounced forward again.

The Shadow Butcher has been temporarily incapacitated, so get rid of her first!

Waving his two swords, his offensive was like a violent storm, constantly oppressing the banshee's living space.

But facing Mu En's offensive, the banshee didn't panic at all. The two moon-shaped scimitars in her hands were as sharp as Mu En's.

"So strong."

Mu En was secretly horrified.

He felt that the banshee's level was not much higher than his own, but in terms of speed and reaction, she suppressed him tightly.

Only with the skills he honed in the black book could he be slightly better than her.

But this was not enough to decide the outcome.

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