In this case...

Mu En suddenly rushed over, completely giving up her defense and allowing the Banshee's moon-curved scimitar to slash at him. At the same time, Elizabeth also stabbed the Banshee's vital part at a tricky angle.

"This is……"

The banshee raised her eyebrows slightly, her body suddenly twisted strangely, and then she suddenly withdrew her attack in a very unnatural movement.

She pulled back, avoiding Mu En's life-threatening fight.

"Oh, with this desperate attack method, are you really the Duke's son? Moon Campbell?" the banshee asked with a chuckle.

"Haha, you are so cowardly, are you really an evil believer?" Mu En retorted.

"There's nothing I can do. Now, I don't want to leave any traces of my blood here."

"What do you mean?" Mu En frowned.


But the banshee suddenly tilted her head and listened carefully.

As if she heard something, she took back the scimitar in her hand and said:

"So, that's it for tonight, Moon Campbell?"


Mu En Wei Zheng.

What the hell?

That’s it for tonight?

Is this a gathering of such good friends? Bring the next round?

"What's your plot?"

"The days are long, and our fate is more than that."

"I don't want anything to do with you."

"Haha, who knows?"

The succubus looked at Anna again.

Ana was covering one arm at the moment, and beads of sweat continued to leak out from her forehead, as if she was enduring some pain.

The goal has been achieved and even exceeded expectations.

"I look forward to seeing you again, Anna Kaberlin."

The succubus said softly.

"At that time, you should have a different answer."

The Shadow Butcher had already stood behind her at some point, looking at Mu En and Anna with angry eyes through the bloody mask.

But in front of the banshee, this terrifying monster behaved like a well-behaved baby.

The banshee once again twirled her non-existent clothes and performed enchanting etiquette towards Mu En and Anna.

"Now, the actors and the stage are ready. Unfortunately, because of my status, I cannot sit in the audience and enjoy this great show. Moon Campbell, as my designated audience, you must watch it carefully in this special seat. ah."

"Goodbye, you two."


Mu En, who was confused by the banshee's words, wanted to stop her, but just as she raised her hand, the two figures disappeared immediately as the space rippled.

In the deserted alley, only Mu En and Anna were left again.

The moon seemed to have returned to normal and was shining bright moonlight.

"what the hell……"

The departure of the two powerful enemies did not make Mu En feel much relieved.

On the contrary, this anticlimactic attack always made him feel like a dark cloud was hanging over his heart.

No matter how sick the evil believers are, they would never do such a thing for fun. They must have a conspiracy.

But there's no time to think about that now.

"Senior, are you okay?"

Mu En quickly came to Anna. After taking the blow from the Shadow Butcher and launching some kind of curse-like attack, her state was very wrong.

The vertical pupils seemed to be just Mu En's illusion. Her eyes were still as clear as crystal, but she seemed to be enduring some pain. She was sitting against the wall, breathing heavily, and cold sweat was constantly leaking from her forehead.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Anna hid her attacked arm in her loose black robe and forced a smile.

"It's just a minor injury."


Mu En couldn't help but clench her fists. If only her reaction had been more sensitive...

"It's nothing. I just rushed up to confuse my opponent on purpose. It has nothing to do with junior. Besides, junior, are you looking down on me too much?"

Anna winked playfully and took out a bottle of crystal potion with her backhand.

She drank the potion in one gulp, and her face became visibly rosy.

"Look, junior, my potion is omnipotent." Anna shook the potion bottle as if showing off.


Mu En glanced at Anna's other hand. Since the injury was healed, why was that hand still hidden?

And no matter how you look at the reflective things you saw at that time, they all look like...

"Okay, junior."

Anna suddenly interrupted Mu En's thoughts and stretched out her hand in front of Mu En, like a princess waiting for a hand kiss.

"Pull me up."

"This is..." Mu En was stunned for a moment, then said nervously:

"Senior, do you have no strength to stand up anymore?"

"Hey, junior, you are usually very clever, why are you so stupid now?"

Anna tilted her head and smiled angrily:

"Didn't I give you a chance to show off? You don't want it? If you don't want it, can I take it back?"

"Yes, why not!"

Mu En took hold of Anna's slender white hand without any hesitation.

That hand was softer, colder, and even smaller than Mu En imagined.

But it miraculously made Mu En's heart calm down immediately.

At this moment, the moon shyly hid in the clouds again.

But in Mu En's eyes, the whole world became brighter.

Like a new sun, it finally rose and shone on the girl's rosy cheeks.

What a nice view.

The haze in his heart seemed to be completely dispelled. The evil believers, conspiracies, and the moon were no longer important. Mu En stared at the beautiful girl in front of him and looked into her gentle eyes.

"What's wrong?" The girl smiled, and there seemed to be a sun rising in her eyes.

Time seemed to stop again, and Mu En's mind seemed to be moved by it. He couldn't help but stammer:

"Senior sister, I..."

"Found the target!"

"The evil god's breath was detected!"

"The fifth team blocked the scene, the first and third teams suppressed the target, and the Knights were on standby!"

The sharp voice tore everything apart.

The originally quiet street seemed to be drowned by the noise in an instant.

In the dull and frightened looks of the boy and the girl, there was really a sun rising.

Infinite bright light poured into this dark and narrow alley, driving away all the darkness and shadows.

The ground trembled, and the humble dust and stones danced a funny dance uncontrollably.

When the vision moves to the end of the road, you will see the heavy silver plate armor, the giant shield covered with gold patterns, and the spears emitting sharp cold light.


How could there be a Knights in the lower city?

But what suffocated Mu En was not the famous Knights, but the figures wearing black windbreakers.

They appeared from nowhere, and their faces were pale as if they had not seen the sun for a long time. They looked inconspicuous, but the badges on their chests were more painful than the sun.

It was a finger as sharp as a dagger, placed in front of the black lips, which represented absolute silence.

The Silent Ones?

Why are they here?

Are they here to catch the two guys just now? That's too...

That touch of joy, before he even had time to surface, looking back suddenly, Mu En saw that Senior Anna's originally ruddy face instantly faded all the blood and became extremely pale.


"Suppression operation, start!"

The cold command echoed throughout the venue.

The dazzling golden light descended from the sky, turning into an indestructible barrier, forcibly separating Mu En and Anna.


"Pay attention to Mu En Campbell, he is a first-level protection target, and must not be harmed!"

Several figures in black windbreakers rushed over, firmly protecting Mu En behind them. One of them took out an instrument flashing with magic fluctuations and swept it in front of Mu En. He glanced at the parameters on it and was relieved.

"There is no sign of contamination in Mu En Campbell!"

What are you doing?

Anna staggered to her feet and turned around as if she wanted to escape, but the golden light suddenly pressed down, and Anna's weak body was overwhelmed and forced to crawl on the ground.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

"What are you doing?!"

The scene in front of him instantly ignited the anger in Mu En's heart. He pushed away the people in front of him and wanted to go to the senior sister.

"Moon Campbell, don't be nervous, you are safe."

The man who used the instrument just now stood in front of him and forced a smile:

"We will suppress this evil believer soon. You are very lucky. You didn't..."

"You are the evil believer!"

Before he finished speaking, Mu En punched the ugly face with red eyes.

Evil believer?


What are you talking about in broad daylight?

The man screamed and flew backwards.

And Mu En took this opportunity to directly launch the shadow step.

But the terrifying pressure came instantly, and Mu En was actually forced out of the moving state.

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