"Catch him and keep him out of the way."

Mu En heard the cold command again.

The surrounding figures instantly became confused, and several figures rushed over instantly, pressing Mu En to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Evil believers? Shouldn't the evil believers be those two just now? You should catch them. What are you doing to the senior sister?"

Mu En roared angrily, but no one paid attention.

Several silencers held him down, unable to move.

He watched helplessly as the middle-aged man giving orders approached the senior sister step by step. The golden light became brighter and brighter. Under his control, several cold chains wrapped around and bound the senior sister's body as if they had spiritual powers. .

Then, with his hand wearing mithril gloves, he grabbed the hand that the senior sister desperately wanted to hide.

The senior's delicate body was trembling, and it was the first time that Mu En saw such a helpless look on her face.

"Asshole! Get your dirty hands away from senior sister!"

Infinite anger overwhelmed Mu En's reason, and in his eyes that were boiling like lava, there seemed to be a fire about to ignite.

But at this time, he heard a cold sigh, and in his peripheral vision, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a silvery figure.

"Let him rest." A familiar voice said.

As a result, a sweet aroma poured into the nose, and Mu En's consciousness blurred instantly.

At the last moment when consciousness disappeared, Mu En saw his senior sister cast a sad look at him. The arm that was forced to be exposed in front of everyone was not the slender white one imagined, but was covered with ferocious and fine black scales. .

That is……

"Confirmed to be the third stage of snake transformation disease. There are no signs of being mentally affected by the evil god."

The middle-aged man let go of his hand and said compassionately:

"The danger level is tentatively rated as A. Let's lock him up first."

PS: I know everyone will feel depressed when watching this, but the current depression is for the male protagonist’s explosion. Believe me, everything is to pave the way for the male protagonist’s strategy. Next, is his highlight round.

PPS: In addition, shamelessly asking for a monthly ticket, hehe...

PPPS: If you want to scold me, you can come to the group. How to join the group can be found at the top of the comment area. It’s so deserted in the group.

97. Accusation


Amidst the horrified shouts, Mu En suddenly woke up.

The moon, the evil believers, the knights, and the silent ones all disappeared, leaving only the light blue curtains swaying with the breeze, and the familiar silver-white girl, sitting by the bed, using sharp swordsmanship to sharpen the apple.

This is obviously a ward, and the girl next to it is Celcia.


Celecia placed the perfectly peeled apple in front of Mu En. This time she did not break it into several small pieces, but gave the whole apple to Mu En.

But Mu En didn't answer. He just stared into Celcia's eyes seriously and asked:

"Where's senior sister?"

"In prison."

"Which one?"

"The prison of the third branch of the Silence Agency."

"I want to see her!"


Seeing that Mu En refused to eat, Celecia used the fruit knife in her hand to dexterously cut off a small piece of the apple and put it into her mouth.

The sweet juice overflowed, and the large amount of sugar contained in it made her face soften.

"That's impossible. While the evil believers are in detention, no one can see them, including me."

"Senior is not an evil believer!"

"I know she's not, but she's about to be."


"You don't know? Or are you deceiving yourself?"

Celecia glanced at Mu En, then lowered her eyes and cut the apples seriously.

"At that time, you should have seen it."

"What did you see?"


"...Scales can't mean anything. Special people with partial blood, people with dragon blood in their bodies. I even heard that there are mermaids in the southern sea. They all have scales."

"But those are snake scales."

"So what about snake scales!"

"Snake scales are certainly different."

Celcia said pitifully:

"Snakes are the descendants of the moon."


This light sentence seemed to make Mu En lose all his strength. He suddenly leaned back on the pillow and stared at the pale ceiling, feeling the blood in his body being drained bit by bit.

My whole heart gradually became cold.

"So... is that really snake disease?"

"Absolutely true."

"Is there any possibility of misdiagnosis?"

"You have to ask the silence agency about this, but I think with their professionalism, this possibility is very small."

"Damn it."

Mu En cursed, not knowing who he was scolding.

"Why is it snake-like disease..."

Any disease that senior sister gets will not be scary to Mu En, because his status as the Duke's son allows him to mobilize the world's top medical resources.

And with those powerful healing magic and sophisticated alchemical instruments, nearly 100% of the diseases in this world can be cured.

Only the snake disease won't work.

Because the source of this disease comes from evil gods.

It is a special way of pollution of the Silent Moon. It finds special adaptors among all living beings, and then sows the seeds of disaster.

The seeds will gradually take root and sprout until they completely erode the host.

And its external manifestation is that it transforms into a snake.

Snake scales, snake eyes, people suffering from snake transformation will gradually develop the characteristics of snakes, and finally, completely become a new race or individual, the snake people.

And as Celcia said, snakes are dependents of the moon.

Snake people are born believers in the moon, and are agents of the Silent Moon sowing disaster in the world.

This is the reason why Celcia said that the senior sister will soon become an evil believer.

Snake transformation cannot be reversed, and there is no cure for the disease.

At least in the plot of the original book that Mu En has mastered, there is no example of snake transformation being cured.

"What will happen to senior sister?"

"According to the system of the Silent Agency, if she has never harmed anyone, she will probably be sent to an isolated island prison in the southern sea of ​​the empire to block all power, and then be imprisoned for the rest of her life."

"This is too pitiful."

"At least you're alive, right? But it's not easy for Anna Kaberlin."

"What's the meaning?"

"That brings up some of the charges she's going to face."

The whole apple was quickly eaten by Selicia gracefully. She wiped the water stains on the fruit knife with a handkerchief, and then threw a stack of documents to Mu En.

Mu En opened the document and scanned it quickly. His originally cold heart was immediately covered with anger.

The document only describes one thing, and that is that as a snake-like patient, or a future snake-man, Anna Kablin has been identified as the number one suspect in the murder of Tyke Lord!

Not only that, she was also accused of being a suspect in several heart-ribbing cases half a year ago, which is also the origin of the urban rumor known as the heart-ribbing banshee.

"This is impossible!"

Mu En angrily threw the document:

"Killing someone? Eviscerating your heart? It's impossible for a senior sister to do such a thing!"

"I know this is hard for people to believe, but the truth of the incident cannot be based solely on the supervisor's assumptions."

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that the senior sister is the murderer?"

"One of the characteristics of the later stages of snake-like disease is that the spirit and thinking will transform towards snake people. The heart of the opposite sex has an almost instinctive attraction for them."


At this moment, Mu En thought of the precognitive dream again, but he quickly threw the irrelevant things out of his mind and continued to question:

"That doesn't mean she's a senior! She's not the only one who is a snake!"

"Of course, I also hope to see that she is innocent, but now many signs point to her."


"I had never paid attention to the academy before. It was not until that time that I heard the rumors about the heart-eating banshee that I noticed certain details."

Celcia said softly:

"For example, Tyke Rhodes is the son of an earl. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to go to the Lower City for no reason. So after our investigation, we found that the reason why Tyke Rhodes went to the Lower City was because he was invited by someone. That Only the dead man knows who invited him, but the time of invitation was the day before the opening day. "

"What does this prove?"

"It proves that the murderer who killed him is most likely the person who invited him. Before the open day, it was impossible for him to have contact with anyone outside the college. Therefore, the murderer is most likely someone from the college."


Mu En's face turned pale:

"This kind of thing cannot be proved..."

"Let's put aside the possibility that two snake men sneak into the academy at the same time. The probability is as low as being hit by a gold bar while walking on the road. As the student council president, I don't want Anna to be the murderer, so I kept silent last night. The agency wrote an application and asked them to investigate it on their behalf. This is the response they gave me this morning.”

Selicia handed Mu En a document again. It was only then that Mu En noticed the faint dark circles under her eyes and the bloodshot threads that could not be covered up by the thin silver-white eyelashes.

"Thank you." Mu En said softly.

"You are not in a position to thank me." Celecia responded coldly.

Mu En smiled bitterly and opened the file.

Then the blood that finally gathered on his face disappeared again.

"This...is this?"

"That's right, Anna Kaberlin herself refused to respond to her movements on the first day of the opening day." Celicia sighed softly.

She originally wanted to prove Anna Kablin's innocence, but this unexpected result would undoubtedly push her further into the abyss.

"But... this doesn't prove that, if she has any personal matters..."

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