"I don't think any private matter is more important than the murder charge, let alone such a serious charge of betrayal. Moreover, don't you think that refusing to respond in such a life-or-death situation is obviously a guilty conscience?"

"But there is no evidence, no evidence..."

"Mu En's face turned pale and murmured. If there is no evidence, there can be no conviction. Senior sister still...

"Mu En."

Cecilia stared at Mu En's eyes, and her tone suddenly became heavy:

"The presumption of innocence is only suitable for ordinary people."

"What...what do you mean?"

"Snake people are basically classified as evil believers, and are hated and feared by most people, so most of the laws of the empire do not apply to them."

Cecilia lowered her eyes, and there was a rare sense of helplessness in her tone.

"Earl Rod received the news and has been blocking outside the third branch of the Silent Agency for a whole day. He demanded that the evil believer who killed his son be burned to death immediately."

"Earl Rod? How dare he? How dare he?"

Moon's face became ferocious, and he was furious. He clenched his fist and knocked on the edge of the bed. How dare you, a mere earl...

But then he put his hand down dejectedly, and his anger was extinguished instantly as if he was poured with a basin of cold water.

From the documents, Earl Rod was just a poor man who lost his son. What position did he have to blame him?

Just like his anger at the moment, his behavior was just within reason.

"But you can rest assured that the Silent Agency, as an independent evil god response agency of the empire, has almost unlimited power to deal with evil gods. Even I can't interfere, so it will not be affected by Earl Rod. They will definitely try their best to find out the truth, and the two evil believers you met at that time are being hunted down by the Silent Ones. I believe there will be results soon." Cecilia comforted.

"Thank you."

"I've already said that you are not in a position to thank me for this matter."

Cecilia stood up gracefully. She was not wearing the student union uniform, but a simple white dress, which was rare.

The indifferent light outside the window shone through the curtains on her white dress, like a hazy fog, spreading out.

"You have a good rest, I have other things to deal with."

"Well, goodbye."


Mu En lay on the bed blankly. According to the time calculation, he had slept for a full twenty hours, but he was still very tired.

Maybe this fatigue does not come from the body, but from the heart.

He did not get up to see him off, but just watched the fog float out of the room gently.

"Your Highness!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Cecilia's skirt swayed, as if the fog was blown away, revealing her cold face.

The knight in silver plate armor suddenly pushed open the door of the room and walked into the ward.

He was sweating and anxious, and even the etiquette of a knight was thrown behind him. He didn't even knock on the door before entering.

He handed a document to Cecilia.

"It's an urgent document sent by the Silent Agency."

"Emergency document? Is there any progress in the case?"

Cecilia frowned slightly and took the document.

But when her eyes quickly swept over the document, her cold face showed a rare look of surprise.

"What happened?"

Seeing Cecilia's rare loss of composure, Mu En asked in confusion.

Cecilia waved away the knight, turned back, and stared at Mu En for a long time, as if she was considering something.

Until Mu En began to feel something was wrong and the uneasiness in her heart was accumulating, she took a deep breath and said softly:

"The third branch of the Silent Agency was attacked by evil believers, the prison was breached, and Anna Kaberlin... was taken away."

PS: There is another big chapter around 12:30

98, Feng Aotian

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The cold liquid dripped on the skin, bringing a disgusting touch like a venomous snake.

Before Anna opened her eyes, she felt the dampness and heat in the air, like the nest of some reptile.

The feeling of weakness caused by the sealed power in her body did not disappear, and she could still feel the cold shackles on her wrists.

But this was indeed no longer the prison of the Silent Agency.

In her vague memory, she only remembered that there was a violent explosion, which pierced the wall of the prison.

The touch of the jailer's blood splattering still remained on her skin.

"Oh, are you awake?"

A familiar, disgusting and charming voice sounded in her ears.

Anna raised her head and looked at the sexy woman in revealing clothes in front of her.

The witch held a fresh heart in her hand, licking it as if she was enjoying a delicacy. Noticing Anna's sight, she tilted her head and smiled charmingly.

"We meet again, Anna Kaberlin."

Anna did not speak, but stared coldly at the woman in front of her.

"Oh, why are you so unfriendly? You know, although for some reason, the strong men in the Silent Agency branch have been withdrawn and the interior is empty, we still paid a great price to save you, losing nearly one-third of the believers. Can't you show more gratitude?"

"Thank you? Thank you for making me completely convicted of collusion with evil believers?" Anna said expressionlessly.

"Collusion? How can you say that?"

The banshee pouted her red lips in dissatisfaction, "We are a family. Can we use such an ugly term as collusion between family members?"

"Who is your family?" Anna's hands suddenly clenched, and her knuckles turned white.

"Oh, shouldn't family members be tolerant and understanding of each other? Or..."

The banshee looked at Anna with utter sarcasm in her eyes:

"Do you have another destination now? Anna Kaberlin?"


Anna's face suddenly darkened, and her clear eyes turned into fierce vertical pupils. Her wrists rubbed against the shackles, making a sound of metal colliding. A frightening and terrifying murderous intention was released from her seemingly weak body.

But this appearance did not frighten the banshee, but made her laugh heartily.

"That's right, that's right! That's it, Anna Kaberlin, the more you act like this, the more you can't go back!"

"What exactly do you want to do?" Anna suddenly felt weak and asked dejectedly.

"Going around in circles just to make me a wanted criminal?"

"There is no other way. The academy and the protection of Campbell are both troubles for us. We can only get rid of them all from you first. As for the purpose...didn't I say it? I want to invite you. join us."

"But I'm not the only one suffering from snake-transformation disease. Why do you have to be obsessed with me, even..."

Thinking back to everything the banshee had done, Anna's delicate body began to tremble a little.

"You even don't hesitate to attack the silence mechanism. What good does this do to you?"

"Oh, haven't you noticed yet? Anna Kaberlin, you are special."


"Yes, it's special. Generally, the incubation time for normal snake-transformation patients is one to three years. The longer the time, the more adaptable to the power of the great moon after becoming a snake-man. In other words, the incubation time The longer the time goes, the more blessings you will receive from the moon.”

"This is really a happy thing, isn't it?"

"And you..."

The banshee suddenly leaned over and looked closely at Anna's increasingly pale pretty face, with a flash of jealousy in her eyes:

"And you have been a patient with snake-transformation disease since you were born. So how long has it been since your incubation period?

Twenty...one, you are twenty-one years old this year, exactly twenty-one years, do you know what this means?

Before you, the longest incubation period for snake disease was only ten years. "


Anna's face became paler, but she still took a deep breath, suppressed the panic and fear in her heart, and said:

"I don't know what you mean. I only started showing signs of snake transformation two years ago."

"Giggle, giggle, two years ago? What a clumsy lie."

The banshee laughed again, her branches trembling wildly. Her hands moved across Anna's flawless cheeks, and the sarcasm in her eyes became more intense.

"Since you only showed signs of snake transformation two years ago, then tell me that you look so pitiable...

Why were you abandoned by your biological parents soon after you were born? "

"...There are always some scumbag parents in the world. What does this prove?" Anna's hands clenched suddenly again.

"Oh, oh, don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm just trying to emphasize one more fact for you."

The succubus smiled nonchalantly and said: "Anna Cablin, you no longer have any destination other than us. Only we are your companions."

"So again, do you want to join us?"

"No." Still the answer without any hesitation.

"Oh, why don't you think about it again?"

"There's no need to think about this kind of thing."

Ana lowered her eyes and said softly:

"There is absolutely no way I will join you, even if I become alone again."

Anyway, you are already used to loneliness, right?


Thinking of a certain figure, Anna sighed with regret in her heart.

Junior, it seems that there will be no chance to teach you about potions in the future. I hope you can continue to work hard alone.

"Oh, what an unexpected answer. I didn't expect you to be so determined. In this case, I can only use some small means."

"What do you want to do again?" Anna narrowed her eyes slightly and became nervous.

"It's nothing, I just want to talk to you... about your story after you were abandoned by your parents."

The banshee leaned next to Anna and whispered softly, like the whisper of a devil:

"That orphanage, I heard that you haven't been back for several years. I don't know if it's true or not."


The armrest of the chair was immediately crushed to pieces, and the eyes turned into ferocious snake eyes again. Anna glared at the banshee in front of her, rarely losing her composure:

"I'm warning you, don't touch the orphanage!"

"Oh no, don't worry, I won't do anything. After all, I just hijacked the Silent Agency branch. At this tense moment, I don't want to do anything that attracts attention.

However, if you make me very unhappy, maybe I will get mad and do something bad. "

The banshee giggled and continued to lick her heart, while her eyes met Anna's cold gaze without fear.

"What do you think?"

After looking at each other for a long time, Anna slumped back on the chair.


"This is really the greatest compliment to me, but since we are all family in the future, it may not be good to keep forcing you like this, so I will take a step back mercifully."

The banshee dexterously flipped her fingertips and placed a bottle of magic potion in front of Anna.

"You just need to drink this, I won't interfere with anything else."

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