"This is……"

"With your skills in potions, you should be able to recognize what kind of potion this is."


Anna stretched out her hand, opened the cap of the potion, and sniffed the compound smell. In an instant, the name and functions of this potion came to mind.

"Evolution potion..."

"That's right, it's an evolutionary potion. It's an evolutionary potion that can inspire people's hidden bloodline."

"But why...you want me to drink this?"

"Because... time is running out.

I think you have already felt that according to the original trajectory, you should have had a few years to fully mature and become the most perfect snake man in the world. "

The banshee raised her head and stared at the dim roof. She didn't know what she saw, and her face showed incomparable fanaticism.

“But not long ago, the moon sent an oracle, the holy war is about to come, the kingdom of God is about to come, and the noble Him is about to come to this dirty world in person.

So before that, we have to be ready for everything.

And you, Anna Kaberlin, are the most critical part of it. "

"The most critical part..."

Hearing this, Anna's delicate body suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably, and she finally began to see clearly, hidden in front of the fog of her fate, the huge darkness that almost swallowed up everything.

We cannot let their plan succeed, we must, we must resist!

Otherwise, many innocent people will die.


"What's wrong?"

The banshee held her chin, tilted her head, stared at Anna with cute eyes like a girl, and asked playfully:

"Do you still want to refuse?

Well, as a family member, I will definitely not force you, so it doesn’t matter even if you don’t drink, the big deal..."

The banshee grinned like a poisonous snake, mocking silently.

"At worst, I can still use love to influence you. Using love to warm the hearts of others is what I am best at doing."

The banshee licked the still fresh heart in her hand and smiled coquettishly.

Everyone knows that the love she talks about is not a good thing.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The cold water drops are still dripping, like the pendulum clock of fate, counting the sands of despair.

"……I drink."

After a long silence,

"I drink."

A few simple words, but it seemed that Anna had exhausted all her strength. With trembling hands, she slowly picked up the evolution potion in front of her.

Extremely heavy.

"Remember your promise."

"Don't worry, as I said just now, at this juncture, I will not make unnecessary moves that will affect the plan."

"hope so."

Anna raised her head and drank the potion in the bottle.

The heat flows down the throat, into the abdomen, and then spreads quickly.

One of the basic characteristics of potions is the terrifying absorption rate. This is also so that potions that heal or replenish magic power can work quickly at critical moments.

Therefore, from the moment those crystal liquids flow into the body, there is no turning back.

In an instant.

Ana's body suddenly became extremely stiff.

The potion bottle fell from her hand and shattered.

The black meridians beat under the fair skin, and the fine scales spread outward from the sleeves. The hot blood gradually became cold, and Anna could feel her heart beating slower and slower, as if a layer of solid ice had condensed on it.

The world suddenly became different. The colors in his eyes faded away, leaving only gray and white that was difficult to distinguish. On the edges and outlines of all objects, there were lines of red, yellow and blue colors that were constantly jumping.

And in the center of this gray world, there is something that is particularly bright.

That's...the heart.

Anna slowly raised her head and stared blankly at the heart in the banshee's hand. She slightly twitched her nostrils, as if smelling a fascinating aroma.

It smells so good.

It smells so good.

I want to eat.

"Oh, do you want to eat?"

The succubus giggled and placed her heart in front of Anna.

"Okay, just think of it as...a gift from my family to you."

Anna stretched out her hand and slowly reached towards her heart.

But just when her fingers were about to touch her heart, her other hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and pressed it back.


Anna's snake eyes trembled uneasily and she breathed heavily. Countless whispers echoed in her ears, constantly wearing down her will, but she held her hand tightly and refused to let go.

"Absolutely not..."

"Surprisingly, do you still have the consciousness to resist?"

There was a hint of surprise in the banshee's eyes:

"But it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning. Anna Kaberlin, enjoy the great moon's love for you."

The banshee straightened up, but just as she was about to leave, she heard Anna murmuring unintentionally in her confusion.


"Junior? Are you expecting him to save you?"

The banshee glanced down and mocked sarcastically:

"You are so naive, but you are already a complete monster in front of everyone. No one will come to save you, no one..."

After Celcia left, the entire ward became very deserted.

Mu En got up from the bed, put on her coat, and walked out of the ward.

This is the familiar Santa Maria campus hospital. Since most students know a little bit of healing magic, there are usually very few people here.

Extremely lonely.

No one stopped Mu En along the way, only the middle-aged doctor from last time showed a concerned look towards him.

Mu En ignored it and walked out of the hospital.

Light clouds covered the sun, and the autumn wind blew, making it a little cold.

Mu En walked along like a zombie whose soul had been taken away.

I met many students on the road.

It seems that the news has been blocked. The students are not aware of the recent major events and are still enjoying the wonderful time on campus.

Mu En passed by the boys and girls who were talking and laughing.

No one would deliberately take a detour to stay away when they saw him, and no one would show fear when they saw him. There were even bold first-year students who took the initiative to say hello.

Mu En grinned stiffly in response, but he felt that every change and every greeting was a ruthless irony to him.

Because senior Anna, who helped him the most on the way to change, is now not even qualified to enter the academy.

But why are you still here? Moon Campbell?

Mu En wandered and came to the sycamore forest where he often came.

It's very quiet here, and the golden leaves are like a paved sea of ​​sparkling waves.

He often comes here for morning jogs, reading, and taking a nap.

This place will calm him down.

But this time, sitting under the familiar sycamore tree, his mind was still confused.

Everything that happened last night and everything that happened today kept spinning in his mind.

It was like an invisible giant hand tearing at his soul.

He originally thought that he would be the one to be cruelly treated by fate, and he had already been prepared to face that.

But he didn't expect that the long-awaited fatal blow would actually fall on the senior sister.

Caught off guard.

"No, Moon Campbell, you have to snap out of it."

Mu En punched the sycamore tree hard, and the golden leaves fell rustlingly. The pain from his fingers finally made his mind clearer.

"Now that Senior Sister has been deemed an enemy of mankind by the Silence Agency, a wanted order for killing without mercy has been issued. If you don't cheer up, no one will be able to save Senior Sister."

But saving is not easy said than done.

Ignore the murder accusations, evil believers, and the Silent Moon for now. Just mentioning these things alone would make one's head bald. If you want to save the senior sister, there is another crux that cannot be avoided no matter what.

——Snake disease.

If the disease cannot be cured, nothing will happen.

But whether it was from Celicia's mouth or Mu En's memory of the original book, as Silent Moon's means of spreading disaster, there was no cure for snake-like disease.

Even the black book was silent at the moment.

"Damn...if only I could read the entire original book."

At this moment, Mu En once again fell into regret for not being able to finish the original book. Although the plot was now a million miles away and could not be used as a reference, at least the information was still very useful.

"And... now that I think about it, the big reason why senior sister is suddenly facing the current situation... is probably because of me."

"Because of me, a yellow-haired villain, the fate line has changed..."

"Silent Moon is an evil god who only started to cause trouble in the middle of the original book. The senior sister's snake disease should not have been exposed so early. After all, she later had many interactions with the protagonist Ariel as the owner of a mysterious shop. ”





A light flashed in Mu En's mind, as if she had suddenly caught something.

"Moon Campbell? What are you doing here?"

Just when Mu En was trying to catch the flash of light, he suddenly heard a familiar voice mixed with displeasure.

Turning her head and saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, Ariel was holding a large bag of black bread in her hands and looking at her with an unhappy expression as if she saw garbage on the road.

"Ariel? Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Is this the road to your home? I'm passing by! You're blocking Moon Campbell!"

"oh oh."

Only then did Mu En realize that she was indeed blocking the middle of the path.

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