However, usually no one comes to this path, so how could Ariel...

Glancing at the black bread in her arms, Mu En felt that it was better to pretend to be stupid.

"Hmph, it's really annoying to go crazy in a place like this in broad daylight."

Since she didn't get Cologne's blood, she spent all her savings on purchasing promotion materials, she could only secretly go to the canteen to get some black bread, but ended up meeting the person she least wanted to meet on the road... Ariel glared at Mu En fiercely, shouldering her shoulder. Squeeze and pass by him.


But before she had gone far, she was stopped by Mu En.

"Is something wrong with you? Moon Campbell!"

Ariel turned around in annoyance, only to find that Mu En was staring at her with bright eyes like a big bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit.

"You...what are you doing?"

Ariel was startled by Mu En's gaze.

He looks like this...

"Mu... Mu'en Campbell, can you finally suppress the animal soul that you have hidden for so long?"

Glancing at this deserted secluded alley, Ariel suddenly felt a sense of crisis. She suddenly took out the black bread in her arms and threw out a sword.

If this beast dares to do something bad, I will beat him to pieces with this piece of black bread!

The legendary bread stick that has killed countless people is no joke!

But Mu En didn't do the bad thing she expected. He just looked at Ariel over and over again with strange eyes. He didn't know what he found, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Ariel, can I ask you a question?"

"What...what's the problem?"

"What would you do if a girl you had communicated with many times but didn't know her true identity was suffering from an incurable disease?"

"incurable disease?"

Ariel was stunned for a moment and asked seriously: "Is that girl beautiful?"


"How beautiful?"


Mu En thought for a while:

"More beautiful than the blonde you met some time ago."

"Treat, it must be cured, even if it means selling the pot!" Ariel slapped her thigh, "Incurable diseases are nothing. There are so many powerful magics in this world, there must be a cure!"

"But that disease is related to the evil god..."

"So what if the evil god!"

Ariel raised her eyebrows and said sternly:

"You dare to interrupt me picking up girls, that's not right... you dare to interrupt my strategy, it's not right... you dare to interrupt me opening the Crystal Palace... it's also wrong that you dare to interrupt me from bringing equal happiness to beautiful girls, even if you are an evil god, I will kill you! "

Ariel's domineering words echoed, stirring up the birds in the forest.


Mu En opened his mouth, and he stared at Ariel, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

It was like something suddenly became clear.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"


"You are Ariel!"

Mu En walked towards Ariel step by step, suddenly grabbed her shoulders, and shook her vigorously in excitement.

"You are the ultimate Lily Sea King, you are the invincible Feng Aotian, you are the woman who aspires to open the Crystal Palace, and you are the true protagonist Ariel Bugarde who combines cheats and destiny!"

Although I don’t know the plot behind it, since I am related to Ariel as a shop owner, how could the senior sister die so easily?

In other words, why is it so easy to become the puppet of the evil god?

If you give a beautiful female character a knife in a Lily Feng Aotian novel, you will be scolded by the readers!

He believed that the author of the original book was not that stupid!

It is even possible that the senior sister is an important character in the plot of Silent Moon in the original book, which is why those evil believers did not hesitate to attack the silence mechanism and take the senior sister away.

In other words... snake transformation disease may not be unsolvable!

"Haha, senior sister is saved, Ariel, I love you to death... ugh! It hurts so much!"

Excited to the extreme, Mu En hugged Ariel and almost kissed her.

Naturally, she was treated with an iron fist by Ariel, who immediately curled up on the ground like a cooked prawn, holding her belly.

"Moon Campbell, what are you crazy about?"

Ariel's face was stained with a layer of blush, and she said in embarrassment:

"I'm warning you, don't think of anything wrong with me. I'm only interested in beautiful young ladies!"

"Haha, yes, I am interested in beautiful young ladies... That is right, I am only interested in beautiful young ladies..."

After receiving a punch, Mu En became even more excited. He stood up and ran towards the club classroom building.

But before taking two steps, he suddenly turned around, walked up to the confused Ariel, snatched the black bread from her hand, and threw it to the ground.

"How can you keep eating this? Your breasts will become smaller."

"Mu...Moon Campbell! What are you doing-"

Ariel was stunned for a moment when she saw that her dinner was gone, but before she could get angry, she felt a pile of something being slapped on her hand.

It was dark green, neat, and a stack of banknotes!

The smell of ink on brand-new banknotes woke Ariel up from her daze, and she flew into a rage:

"Moon Campbell, are you trying to use money to humiliate me? I'm warning you, I'm not that kind of person..."

The words are not finished yet.

The second pile.

The third pile

The hundredth stack.

Mu En took out all the cash he had, a total of one million, and threw it all to Ariel.

"Go, take it all, and buy something delicious. I suggest you have milk and papaya with the meal. Ariel, don't give up. Trust me, you can still save me!"

Mu En patted Ariel's shoulder vigorously and gave a thumbs up:

"You don't have to pay me back the money. This is my thanks to you!"


Ariel opened her mouth and looked blankly at Mu En, who ran away after throwing away the money, and fell into incomparable confusion again.

What happened...

Ariel lowered her head blankly, looking at the pile of banknotes around her, her little head going blank.

Overwhelmed by money and overwhelmed.

The breeze rustled in the forest.

I don't know when the sun penetrated the clouds and cast a gentle twilight.

At the end of this golden road, Mu En strode towards the unknown front with brisk steps.

"Please hold on a little longer, senior."

This time, Mu En’s eyes were firm and there was no trace of confusion:

"I'm here to save you."

99. Record

Ancient Potions Club Classroom.

Mu En first went to ask the teacher who managed the club, but learned that there was no other spare key in this classroom except the senior sister's, so he had to use his LV8 lock-picking skills again to pry open the key that was obviously specially made by the senior sister. Case is difficult to open the lock.

"Why do I feel like I'm getting more and more skilled in this area?"

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly and pushed open the classroom door.

There was no wind, the light-colored curtains were tightly closed, and the entire classroom was immersed in deep shadow.

Cold and depressing.

In the past, when Mu En opened the door to the potions classroom, she would always be filled with anticipation and excitement.

But this time, when those instruments and ancient books that seemed to be carefully cared for by that slender jade hand came into view, Mu En couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in her heart.

The familiar scene of the Potions classroom remains the same.

But the only thing missing was the little demon senior who pulled back her hair and chuckled.

Mu En walked into the classroom. The sophisticated potion instruments were still spotless, and the ancient books on the bookshelves were still neatly arranged.

Mu En walked to the bookshelf and pulled out an ancient classic from it. She turned the pages carefully for fear of damaging the book.

Complex ancient characters crawled in Mu En's sight like tadpoles. Those esoteric symbols were probably difficult for even veterans who were familiar with potions to understand, let alone a top class like Mu En who had not even started to learn the subject of potions. noob.

"No, I can't understand. It's not the way to go on like this."

"There are so many books. I really have to look for them one by one. I don't know if I will find the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon."


Mu En's eyes swept over the neatly stacked books on the bookshelf, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

With the senior's temperament, she would not just place such an important thing in such a place.

But where would she put it?

It was impossible to hide it on the body, otherwise the silence agency would have discovered it long ago.

Mu En slowly backed away, retreated to the door of the classroom again, and scanned the entire classroom from the beginning.

Club classrooms are generally very large.

Therefore, even if the senior sister specially separated a place for conducting potion experiments and storing books and instruments, the remaining space was extremely empty.

However, a classroom is a classroom after all, it is boxy and there is nothing to hide.

Could it be that it's not here?

No, but from the perspective of convenience and privacy, this is undoubtedly the best place.


Mu En was thinking and pacing.

Unknowingly, he came to the window, opened the curtains and opened the window.

The breeze and warm sunshine rushed in instantly, dispelling the shadows in the classroom, and the entire classroom became bright and bright again, just like in memory.

Mu En raised her head and looked out the window.

The bare treetops swayed with the wind, and the background was the dark mountains and the blue sky.

From here, you can bypass the majestic buildings of the college and see far away.

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