I remember that the senior liked to lean against the window and look out at the scenery.

But what's so good about this scenery? Such an empty space, doesn't it highlight my loneliness?

The more I don't understand the girl's thoughts, the more I feel pity for her.

Mu En sighed lightly, and subconsciously supported his hand on the table where the senior often sat, as if he wanted to feel the remaining body temperature of the senior.

Hey, wait.

Often sit?

As if thinking of something, Mu En's eyes suddenly lit up.

He suddenly turned over and sat on this table.

However, he didn't want to use his body to feel the lingering fragrance of the senior like a pervert, but to scan the entire classroom from the perspective of the senior.

From this position, the entire classroom is in full view.

He can even see the white wall behind the side of the classroom through the gaps left by the bookshelves that are obviously arranged in a special way.

On the wall, the marble-like wall tiles seem to have been newly pasted, exuding a jade-like luster.

But it's clear that the rest of the classroom is quite old.

Could it be...

Mu En thought and came to the wall.

He took out Elizabeth and knocked on the wall inch by inch.

Dong, dong, dong, dong, ding.

That's it!

Mu En was immediately excited and stroked the wall tile with his palm.

Not to mention the mechanism, there was not even a crack.

Moreover, even if there was a mechanism, he probably had no way to open it. If there was no keyhole, his lock-picking skills would not work.

In this case...

"I'm sorry, senior sister."

Mu En said silently in his heart, holding Elizabeth tightly, letting the pure white blade cut across the wall.

Just like cutting tofu, the wall was easily cut open.

Revealing the hidden space behind it.

Mu En leaned down and looked inside.

Potions of different colors were neatly placed in a square space slightly larger than the safe.

Labels were attached to the potions.

For suppression.

For suppression.

For suppression.

Failed product.

Failed product.

Failed product.

Except for the first row, all are labeled as failed products.

Although there is no detailed description, Mu En has roughly guessed what kind of failed product it is.

“Sure enough, Senior Sister has been conducting experiments in this area?”

The Ancient Magic Potion Club is probably not only a club that reproduces ancient magic potions, but also a place for Senior Sister to save herself.

Although it seems that this self-help has not produced any effect at present.

But, since Senior Sister has this idea, it means that she has also seen hope somewhere.

Mu En's eyes continue to move downwards.

At the bottom, there is an inconspicuous thin booklet.

Seeing the booklet, Mu En's breathing can't help but stagnate for a moment.

It should be this.

Mu En picked up the booklet with a trembling hand and slowly opened it.

Snake disease treatment potion experiment record.

This is the opening text.

Continue to flip back.

Life calendar 1057, the first potion experiment after entering St. Mary's College.

The materials were taken from the second-year student Don Roger, who used a thousand bouquets of roses to decorate the entire teaching building in order to win the favor of his girlfriend.

Experimental results: failure.

Note: Don Roger abandoned his girlfriend two months later and found another lover.

Life calendar 1057?

Four years ago?

In other words, the senior sister had already started at that time?

But doesn't it usually take one to three years for the snake disease to show its characteristics and hatch completely?

"Sure enough, is the senior sister special? And I have a hunch that she may be more than that simple."

Mu En continued to flip.

The third potion experiment.

The materials were taken from the first-year junior sister. She had asked me for advice many times for the boy she liked. Her eyes were very innocent, and I thought there was a possibility.

Experimental results: failure.

Note: The two broke up a year later because the girl couldn't stand the boy's foot odor.

The seventh potion experiment.

The materials were taken from a pair of childhood sweethearts, who have been together since childhood and have been with each other for more than ten years.

Experimental results: Failure.

Notes: The two are still together. Appearance and spirit? Or is it my understanding that is wrong?

The eleventh potion experiment.

This experiment did not succeed.

A senior who is about to graduate confessed to me, and I can see his sincerity in his eyes.

If I agree, I may get the materials I want.

But I still refused.

Anna, Anna, you will become a freak hated by everyone and have no right to be loved.

Notes: That senior later said bad things about me and I beat him up.

PS: Sorry for being late, I'm a little busy these two days, I'll post one chapter first, and there will be more later.

100. Solution

"Senior, how could you not be qualified to be loved?"

Looking at the font recorded on the page, Mu En couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Just by looking at these words, Mu En could imagine the despair and pain that the girl experienced walking alone on the dark road.

But even so, the girl was still so gentle and strong.

She was always smiling.

"I will save you, senior sister, I will."

Mu En swore in his heart again.


The number of experiments recorded in the booklet is not many, only a dozen.

But all of them ended in failure.

This is also natural. If it succeeds, it will not be Mu En's turn to worry.


Mu En's fingers stroked the words on the title page.

"What is the material written on it?"

Combined with the senior sister's previous strange behavior, Mu En had a guess.

But it still needs to be confirmed.

Continue flipping.

There are large blanks behind, and the record has ended.

Although it seems that there will be no more gains, for the sake of caution, Mu En still carefully turned over each page.

At this moment, on the last page, something suddenly floated out from the interlayer of the title page.

Mu En quickly caught the paper that looked like a dead leaf.

It was a torn page.

There were black marks like burning on the edge, and the paper was full of ancient atmosphere visible to the naked eye. The densely packed text on it was even more difficult to recognize than the ancient text on the ancient books on the bookshelf.

"This is..."

Although he couldn't understand it, just looking at this fragment of the page for a moment, Mu En's heart couldn't help but beat violently.

His intuition told him that this was what he was looking for.



"This is Aesop's text."

In the space where the sea of ​​flowers bloomed again, Teacher Meila, who was busy with something, took the fragment and glanced at it, then raised her eyebrows and immediately showed an interested look.

"Is there still Aesop's text left in this world? It's really strange."

"Aesop? I don't think I've heard of it."

"Of course you haven't heard of it. The country of Aesop was destroyed two hundred years ago."


Not demise, but...destruction?

"Yes, it was destroyed by the evil god. According to later observations, it should be the moon that did it."

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