Teacher Meira's tone did not change. It seemed that to her, this was just a trivial matter.

"Probably someone in the country did something terrible that attracted the attention of the moon, which eventually led to destruction. Hundreds of thousands of people became the evil god's rations."

"This... Life Church doesn't care?"

"No matter what, no matter how powerful the Life Church is, it is impossible to monitor the entire continent. This kind of thing is too common on the continent. It basically happens every few decades. There are only a few people like Aesop. A small country of 100,000 people has no ability to resist when faced with the threat of evil gods.

If it could delay a little longer, it might be able to wait for the Life Church's rescue. Unfortunately, due to its own weakness, it could only end up with a fate that was not even qualified to be recorded in official history. "

Teacher Meira shook her head, not even bothering to show any regret.

When the years of experience are too long, some things that are originally very serious will naturally feel numb.

"Is this so..."

Looking at the life and death of these hundreds of thousands of people, there is not even a splash in the long river of history.

Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

However, now Mu En has no time to sigh too much about things that have been buried in time. He is more concerned about other important things.

"Then...Teacher Meira, can you translate the words above?"


Teacher Meira's amber-like red eyes glanced at Mu En, and her small nose twitched disdainfully:

"You still have to ask this kind of question, boy, are you questioning your teacher and my knowledge?"

"Of course not, how can this be possible?"

Mu En came over with a flattering smile on her face and rubbed Teacher Meira's shoulders thoughtfully, "Didn't I see that Teacher Meira was busy and worried about you?"

"Haha, just assume that's what you think."

Teacher Meira sneered expressionlessly, paused her work, and translated the remaining pages first.

The translation was very fast, and within a few minutes, all the words recorded on the remaining pages were turned into understandable information in Teacher Meira's mind.

But her expression gradually became serious.

This made Mu En couldn't help but become nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"Here's a way."

Teacher Meira narrowed her eyes and said with a rare hint of uncertainty:

"Methods to treat...snake disease."


Hearing what Teacher Meira said, Mu En was so excited that she almost jumped up on the spot:

"Snake disease can really be cured? How to cure it? What are the methods recorded above?"

"Tears of true love." Teacher Meira slowly uttered four words.

"True Tears of Love?"

For a moment, Mu En thought of the necklace she gave to her senior sister.

Then I thought of the "materials" in my senior's experimental records.

Sure enough, just like when his senior sister suddenly asked him to collect the tears of classmate Sally, those materials must be the tears left by "people with love".

This can also fit the words "tears of true love".

"What else?"

Mu En then eagerly looked forward to the next chapter. After all, no matter how she thought about it, the scope of the four words "Tears of True Love" without any preconditions was too broad.

But after waiting for a long time, Teacher Meira shook her head:

"There is no more, just these four words."

"Four words?"

Mu En's eyes widened, and he shook off the fragment of page filled with densely packed and complicated words in his hand, "But there are so many words on it?"

What kind of English-Chinese translation is this? Could it be that such a large text can only be translated into four words?

"Those words have been distorted."

"Eh? It's twisted. What does that mean?"

"It means it cannot be translated."

Teacher Meera snatched the broken page and snapped her fingers.

A crystal appeared behind her, reflecting the holy light that came from nowhere and shining on the broken page.

In an instant, the densely packed text on the remaining pages disappeared, leaving only a few lonely words, pitifully remaining on the remaining pages.

"Some force affected the words, turning them into something like..."

Teacher Mela tilted her little head and thought for a while: "It's like a mosaic in some kind of book that adolescent boys like you often read, and it's meaningless."

"This metaphor..."

Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, but she immediately reacted and said with a slightly pale face:

"So, the method recorded on the broken page is wrong?"

"No, on the contrary, this proves its correctness, because there is no value in deliberately concealing something that is wrong."

After a brief moment of solemnity and confusion, Teacher Meira stared at the broken page carefully again, touched her smooth chin, and showed an interesting expression:

"Interesting, I didn't expect that someone could really cure the snake disease, and foolishly thought of passing this method down. The disasters sprinkled by the evil gods are not easy to get rid of. Maybe the original Aesop was this What was the reason that attracted the gaze of the moon and brought about destruction?”

"Can Teacher Meira crack this power?"


Teacher Meira sighed and shook her head:

"Obviously, this power comes from the evil god. The power of suggestion and spiritual level is exactly what the moon is good at. What is imposed on these words is already similar to some kind of rules. No one can crack it, and I can't. no."

"Teacher can't do it either?"

After receiving this regrettable answer, Mu En suddenly felt a little disappointed.

But he quickly cheered up.

At least this time, the existence of hope has been proven, right?

Then there is no reason to give up.

"But, since the evil god has the ability to erase this information, why did he leave these four words specifically?" Mu En couldn't help but wonder.

"Haha, I give you a little hope, and then watch you struggling painfully in the labyrinth He deliberately set up, like a bug in the darkness chasing the light that can never be reached. Isn't this the evil god's evil taste?"

Teacher Meira raised the corners of her mouth with a wicked smile. She tilted her head and looked at Mu En. There was a hint of understanding in her red eyes, as if she had seen through everything:

"Oh, why do you look so wrong? It seems that there is another fool who is willing to enter the maze and struggle in pain."

"Just think of me as a fool." Mu En smiled helplessly.

If he wasn't a fool, he wouldn't be in this situation.

"In this case, I will give you, this idiot disciple, a reminder."

Teacher Meira sighed helplessly:

"How can I be the teacher of a fool?"


Mu En's eyes lit up, and she was so moved that she wished she could rush over and hug Teacher Meira's white and tender thighs.

At the critical moment, the boss is still reliable.

"I say it's a reminder, but it's actually just my personal guess."

Teacher Meira put her hands behind her back and turned around to look into the distance. She was obviously petite, but in Mu En's eyes, her back seemed to have become extremely tall.

At this time, Mu En heard a huge roar. The huge gear hidden under the sea of ​​flowers started to rotate again. The huge mechanical structure rose from the ground, covering the false heaven and earth.

It's like... it's covering something up.

"Tears of true love sounds like a very broad word, because without any preconditions, it can be a potion, a magic, or even a gem or a necklace.

However, I prefer...it refers to tears themselves. "

"The tears themselves?"

"That's right, because the so-called snake transformation disease, compared with the changes in body and appearance, the core is actually the erosion of the spirit. I don't think it will be a dead thing that can reverse this kind of mental erosion. Maybe it’s something that evolved out of some strong emotion.”

"That is to say..."

Mu En's eyes lit up.

Are all the previous experiments conducted by Senior Sister correct?

But, she failed to find someone with "real love", so that led to the failure?


Teacher Meira glanced at Mu En, then her voice suddenly changed and she said:

"I don't think it's that simple."

"What's the meaning?"

"I said before that the moon is very good at giving certain hints, so there may be some hints in the answer he deliberately left.

That doesn’t mean the answer is wrong, it just means…”

Teacher Meira stretched out her hand and grabbed it in the air, as if she had caught something, but her palm was still empty.

"A certain condition or factor that is clear at a glance and very important is clearly right in front of me, but it is like a blindfold, and even I didn't notice it."

101. Second stage

"A certain...neglected factor or condition?"

Mu En followed Teacher Meira's thoughts and thought about it, but didn't find anything wrong.

But think about it, even Teacher Meira couldn't avoid the evil god's hint, so how could he find out the clues?

But speaking of hints…

Mu En narrowed her eyes, and her thoughts suddenly moved very far forward.

The doubts about the previous matter seem to have become somewhat clear.

That succubus...

"Anyway, I can only move on." Mu En sighed and said softly.

No matter what, if you don't go to the senior sister as soon as possible, then everything will be out of the question.

"Oh, you have courage, but recklessness is not a good thing." Teacher Meira chuckled.

"Reckless? I won't be reckless anymore. Recklessness, naivety, and arrogance are all things I have to give up."

Mu En lowered her eyes, and through the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, Mu En seemed to see the girl who withered like a flower in an instant.

"Oh, nice look. Although I don't know what happened in just a few days, it seems that you are already qualified to enter the second stage." Glancing at Mu En's eyes, Teacher Meira suddenly showed a satisfied look.

"Huh? Second stage?" Mu En was confused.

"Have you forgotten? The reason why I asked you to get Gu Long's blood."

Teacher Meira clapped her hands gently, and the huge mechanical creation covering the sky and the earth slowly receded, and the sea of ​​flowers blown by the breeze once again rippled with charming waves.

And in the center of the waves, there was a creation that was incompatible with the beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

That was... a bed, a bed made of metal that looked somewhat familiar. It was exactly what Teacher Meira was banging on just now.

"Okay, come on down."

Teacher Meira patted the big metal bed that reflected the cold light with her little hand, and looked... very cold at first glance, and smiled.

"This...is this?"

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