Ms. Meila's smile was very amiable and full of the cuteness of a white-haired lolita, but Mu En couldn't help but slowly retreat without leaving any trace.

Because the familiar premonition of death once again turned into the bear kid of the neighbor's house, pulling his hair madly and asking him to run away!

"It's just an ordinary bed, don't worry."

Ms. Meila's smile became brighter and brighter, and her eyebrows were filled with inexplicable joy.

She rubbed her hands and said excitedly:

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything, leave everything to me, the teacher, I am very skilled!"

"Don't say that I'm like I've entered some kind of irregular entertainment club, okay!"

The brain hasn't made a choice yet, but the body has instinctively wanted to escape, but Mu En hasn't even taken a step, and he feels a confusion in front of him.

His face suddenly hit the cold plane, and before he came to his senses, Mu En heard a few crisp sounds of clicking.

It was the sound of some kind of lock closing. Mu En turned back in horror and found himself lying on the metal bed. Metal shackles suddenly popped out from his wrists, ankles, and even waist, locking him tightly.

"Mei... Teacher Meila, what are you doing?"

Only his neck could move in a small range. Mu En turned his head and found that Teacher Meila had changed her outfit without knowing when.

The pink nightgown had disappeared, replaced by a simple and capable white coat. The little face with some baby fat was neatly wearing a mask and goggles. When Mu En looked over, Teacher Meila was snapping rubber gloves on herself.

How could this look so much like a crazy doctor who was ready to transform himself into something indescribable at any time?

And Mu En finally remembered what this metal bed looked like at this moment. Wasn't this the operating table in his previous life?


Operating table.

And this posture.

Could it be that...

The so-called second stage of Teacher Meila was to first cut off her kidneys?

"No, I haven't enjoyed it enough. Teacher Meila, can we try a gentler method? Or we can just stand alone. The Campbell family depends on me to continue the family line!"

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, don't worry. This time is different from the last time I kicked you into the mercury well. It won't endanger your life."

Teacher Meila tilted her head and thought for a while:



What do you mean by probably?

You are obviously not sure yourself!

And you are just treating me as a guinea pig!

Although you said so at the beginning, it's so annoying. When will the guinea pig stand up?

Even if you want to play a crazy doctor, can't you...

Wear black silk under the white coat? A white coat without black silk is soulless!

"Calm down!"

Teacher Meila suddenly stretched out her finger and flicked Mu En's head lightly.

Mu En quickly held his breath and concentrated, putting those weird thoughts behind him.

"The so-called second stage is to establish a preliminary connection between you and the Eternal Bell when your physical body has a certain foundation.

For this purpose, I will engrave a huge alchemical matrix on your body, and differentiate thousands of magic lines with the alchemical matrix as the core, so as to connect to the Eternal Bell."

Teacher Meila took out the metal container that Mu En had given her before, and with a wave of her hand, the container opened. In an instant, the terrifying pressure from the ancient dragon's heart and blood swept across, and the solemn and ferocious giant dragon shadow roared to the sky, as if to crush the disrespectful ants in front of it into pieces.

But Teacher Meila just glanced coldly with her red eyes, and the giant dragon shadow suddenly showed a look of fear. The high pitch of the roar stopped halfway, and the shadow instantly turned into scattered bubbles, leaving only the crystal containing the blood drop, trembling slightly.

Teacher Meila picked up the crystal in the container, looked at the crystal blood droplets in it through the light, and nodded with satisfaction:

"The purity of the ancient dragon's heart blood is good, saving me the trouble of purification."

Teacher Meila took out another bottle of strange solution with five-color light, crushed the crystal, and let the ancient dragon's heart blood drip into it.


The angry and ferocious dragon roar, but obviously with a hint of fear, resounded again, and the ancient dragon phantom, which was only the size of a palm but extremely solid, flapped its wings and wanted to escape from the bottle.

But it was pressed back by a slender finger of Teacher Meila again.

The ancient dragon's heart blood made an unwilling whine, gradually blended with the solution, and underwent countless violent changes in the bottle, but it could not escape the control of Teacher Meila's little hand, and turned into pure gold bit by bit.

"So powerful."

On the side, Mu En, immersed in Teacher Meila's violent aesthetics, couldn't help but sigh.

But then he shuddered.

Because when the solution of unknown purpose was prepared, Teacher Meila turned her attention... to herself.

"The first alchemical matrix engraving of the second stage will probably require 7,564 cuts on your body... This will probably take a whole day."

She swung her little hand, and a scalpel as thin as a cicada's wing appeared between her fingers.

She swung it again, and a scalpel... became countless, anyway, filling the gaps between her little hands!

"My dear disciple, are you ready?"

Teacher Meila smiled and looked at Mu En, whose face was pale, and said gently in a sweet loli voice:

"I want to... come in."

102, Round Table Meeting

"I want to see my father."

Under the wide corridor that can accommodate two carriages running side by side, in front of the magnificent gate carved with exquisite mahogany, Cecilia stared at the two knights standing still in front of her and repeated in a cold voice:

"I want to see my father."

The tall knight was wearing heavy armor, and there was no trace of the breath of a living person on his body. He was like a statue, and only a line of sight without emotion flowed from the gap of the mask.

Cecilia waited quietly.

Occasionally, a palace maid hurriedly saluted from her side and then hurriedly passed by.

The patrolling guards obviously added more than one shift. As soon as the team in front turned the corner, the team behind had already caught up. There was no dead corner in the intricate corridors of the palace.

The atmosphere of the entire palace became tense and solemn, as if a war was about to come, and everyone was on edge.

But the nearest enemy of the entire Leopold should be the demon tribe on the border thousands of miles away.

"Hurry, ha ha, the horses are hurrying..."

Outside the window, there was a noise.

Cecilia lowered her eyes. In the garden of the palace, a handsome man in his twenties was riding on a servant, waving an unsharpened blade in his hand, charging towards the flowing fountain like a knight.

Many maids and guards surrounded him nervously, fearing that he would bump into something, but the man's bearded face showed a childlike innocent smile.

——That was his eldest brother, the eldest prince Albert Leopold, a fool born with intellectual disabilities.

In the entire palace, only he was out of place and still happy.

"Your Majesty said, come in."

The knight responded quickly, and the axes and halberds that were intertwined in front of the gate rose, and the gate opened automatically.

In the gorgeous room, a middle-aged man with a majestic temperament stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Belrand in the sun through the high balcony.

Aldrich III, the real ruler of this country.


Celici walked into the room, lifted her skirt and bowed respectfully. The huge room didn't even have a maid, it looked empty and deserted, only the door closed silently behind her.

Aldrich III didn't respond, still looking out.

The palace is located in the center of Belrand, with a high terrain, from which you can see almost half of the city.

Bounded by the sparkling ancient Rhine River, the circle of low and staggered houses outside, like houses shrouded in shadows, is the lower city.

And inside, near the palace, the buildings full of artistic atmosphere are arranged in an orderly manner, like a trimmed flower garden, as if always bathed in the sun.

That is the upper city.

Aldrich III likes to look at the city from here, because many landscapes can only be appreciated when you see them with your own eyes.

For example, this city, from here, looks like a big tree standing in the sun, and its shadow.

The more luxuriant the branches and leaves, the bigger the shadow.

But for a tree, having too many branches and leaves is not necessarily a good thing.

"It's a little cold." I don't know what he saw, Aldridge III suddenly sighed.

"Autumn is here."

Celicia was silent for a while: "Father, remember to put on more clothes."

"I thought you wouldn't care about what's happening here."

"The fire has burned to your feet, how can you not care?"

Celicia laughed at herself and asked directly:

"So, father, who are our enemies?"

"Enemy? Ha, the word enemy is not used correctly. This time we are not facing people."

Aldridge III turned his head and stared at his daughter, whom he had not seen for a long time. In his eyes, which were as blue as Celicia's, there was a deeper indifference and coldness than Celicia.

But after the indifference, there was still a trace of relief.

"Since you are here, come with me to attend today's political meeting. You have grown up in the blink of an eye. It's time for you to see the world."

"Political meeting..."

Cecilia's cold eyes sank slightly as she chewed on this word, and her peripheral vision once again swept through this empty and gorgeous room:

"Father, is brother Andrew not here?"

Andrew Leopold, her second brother, is the most qualified person to stand beside father when it comes to political meetings.

"He went to the country estate to escape the summer heat."

"Escape the summer heat..."

It's autumn now...

"That kid said that his heat phobia has recurred, and he may not come back until winter, but forget it, he has had this problem since he was a child, and as a father, I can't blame him too much, right?

Who makes him my only son now?"

Aldrich III turned and walked back to the room from the balcony, poured himself a glass of red wine, and the ruby ​​on his finger flashed the same crystal color as the wine.

Cecilia's eyes became more and more puzzled.

"Want to drink? Tribute wine from Hill Winery."

"Thank you, father. I don't want to drink."

"Ah, I almost forgot that you can't drink alcohol."

As if he remembered something interesting, a rare soft smile appeared on the corner of Aldridge's stern face.

He took a sip, put down the wine glass, turned around and put on the wide robe made of white mink and the finest silk, inlaid with luxurious gold threads and gems, and then clumsily fastened the hidden buttons and complicated ornaments like mink tails that usually require several maids to complete in a short time.

"Damn it, I told the tailors to make it simpler for me. Those tailors are even more rude than the nobles. I will chop off their heads sooner or later."

"...Father, do you want me to help?"

"I'm not so old and blind."

It took Aldrich III twenty minutes to put on his robe. He walked out of the room and picked up the scepter that he had placed on the wall, which symbolized supreme dignity... the sword next to it.

He hung the sword on his waist and hid it in the wide robe like a cloak.

"Let's go, time is almost up."

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