The door opened silently again, and the knight half-knelt outside the door respectfully.

A maid bent over, holding a copper basin full of hot water and a towel in her hands.

"Your Majesty, please wash your hands."

Aldrich III nodded slightly. He had a slight mysophobia, so he needed to wash his hands frequently.

He stretched out his hands and put them into the copper basin.

But at the moment when his hands were about to touch the hot water in the basin, he suddenly stopped.

Through the reflection of the hot water in the basin, you can see his cold eyes, which shifted for a moment without a trace.

With a hint of sarcasm.

The little finger moved slightly.

Cecilia's silver-white hair was suddenly lifted, and a breeze blew in the wide corridor.

The wind was wrapped in a biting chill.


Like the sound of a bubble being punctured, it suddenly sounded, so clear.

There was blood splattering.

The short figure hidden in the shadow of the knight moved in front of Aldrich III at a moment that Cecilia didn't even notice, drew out the dagger in his hand, and stabbed it...

into the maid's body.

At this moment, the panic and fear on the maid's face just emerged, and her hand trembled, shaking off the dagger hidden in the towel.


Cecilia reacted at this time, and the coldness condensed in her hand... It didn't work.

The forbidden spell covering the palace blocked the flow of all magic power. Here, any magic and divine favor could not be activated.

Therefore, no matter how skilled the assassin was, in this palace, he could only use the simple assassination method of stabbing with a dagger.

——But this is undoubtedly very stupid.

The dagger pierced the maid's vital point accurately, but the maid did not die immediately. She staggered to her feet, and the panic and fear on her face faded away, turning into unspeakable fanaticism and hideousness.

"The moon lives forever!"

She rushed towards Aldrich III again, bare-handed.

"The moon lives forever!"


The thunderous buzzing sound echoed, almost piercing the eardrums.

That was the sound of a huge axe and halberd tearing the air violently.

The axe and halberd weighing more than a thousand pounds was like a child's toy in the hands of the Royal Guard Knight. In an instant, it swept a beautiful arc in the air and accurately chopped the maid's flying body.

The maid's body was immediately broken into two pieces, and the disgusting internal organs and blood splattered everywhere.

The short figure's hand flickered with a faint light, and the transparent shield expanded rapidly, blocking all the filth splashing in for Aldrich III and Cecilia.

The patrolling guards quickly surrounded the place and extinguished any possibility of further danger.

But the stench of flesh and blood still spread uncontrollably.

Aldrich III still had no expression on his face. He just looked coldly at the maid who was only half of her body left, but was still wriggling and struggling on the ground, crawling towards him, as if she wanted to drag him into hell.

"I know you, the maid who changes my clothes every day, you are one of them."

"Hehe... Hehe..., the moon... is about to... come..."

The maid stared at Aldrich III with a vicious look. Although her vitality was gradually fading, she had an extremely crazy smile on her lips:

"The kingdom of God... will cleanse everything... and I... will live forever... under the shining of the moon... Hehe... forever."

"It seems that we can't communicate."

Aldrich III moved his fingers slightly.

The whistling wind sounded again, and the axe and halberd fell, smashing half of the maid's body into meat paste.

The guards rushed up, cleaning the remains, wiping the blood, and cleaning the ground. They were very skilled, as if they had practiced many times.

In less than a minute, the brand new red carpet was laid on the wide corridor again, and everything looked as bright and clean as new.

The knight stood quietly behind Aldrich III like a statue again, and after saluting him, the short figure faded silently like ink dropped into water and merged into the shadow.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Only the faint smell of blood remained.

"The believer of the moon?"

Cecilia was still cold, but her tone was still inadvertently, with a hint of disbelief that she didn't even notice.

"The palace was actually infiltrated by evil believers?"

"Blind faith is the most difficult thing to extinguish in this world, isn't it? That's why I hate those charlatans."

Aldrich III washed his hands in the copper basin brought by the new maid. The maid trembled, and the copper basin seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. She tried hard not to let the water in the copper basin shake out.

"But, why..."

Everything that happened in the morning kept replaying in Cecilia's mind, and some strange places were explained.

But new questions gradually arose in Cecilia's mind.

"You want to ask, since those evil believers have the ability to place people around me, why don't you wait until the critical moment to let them play a role, but let them assassinate me blindly?"

"Yes." Cecilia nodded gently.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that in a place like the palace, the people who may be brainwashed and infiltrated by evil believers are most likely the maids or guards at the bottom.

But these people, as long as they are used well, will definitely play an unexpected role at the critical moment.

No matter how you think about it, it is better than just stupidly holding a dagger and rushing over to assassinate without thinking.

"Of course it's because... time is running out."

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of Aldridge III's mouth, and his eyes glanced across the distant sky, not knowing what he was looking at.

"It's like a desperate beast. In order to gain a chance of survival, it has to stand up every hair on its body, right?"

Throne Room.

The crystal ceiling casts soft light, illuminating this magnificent hall.

The huge copper pillars engraved with heroic epics and the history of the past kings hold up a dome that looks like the sky is falling. In this solemn and solemn space, anyone can't help but feel their own insignificance.

Especially when there are only two people in this royal hall that can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

Celcia's cold eyes swept across the empty hall, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Aren't you talking about political discussions? Where are people?

"Grab my shoulders."

Odrio III, who was sitting on the throne, held his chin drowsily and said lazily.

Celecia complied and stretched out a jade hand and placed it on Aldrich III's shoulder.

At this time, she heard the sound of Aldrich III tapping the armrest of the throne. The sound was extremely clear, like tapping jade.

But in an instant, the sound became louder, as if hundreds of pipe organs from the Belland Royal Concert Hall were playing at the same time. In the layers of sound waves, they merged into a sound that sounded like the world was being destroyed in an instant. A tragic sound.

In this world-destroying sound, Celecia's consciousness suddenly fell into a trance, as if an invisible hand grabbed her soul and dragged her into the bottomless abyss.

"This is……"

Fortunately, the desperate feeling of falling quickly disappeared. When Celcia came back to her senses, she found that she was still standing beside the throne of Aldrich III.

It was as if she had just had a minor nightmare.

But when she looked up, everything in front of her had already changed.

The gray and decaying copper pillars were carved with ferocious monsters, the broken ceiling shimmered like ghosts, and above the dome, a thick gray fog filled the air, like an upside-down sea.

This seems to be the Throne Hall, but it is not the solemn and magnificent hall in Celcia's impression. This place is eerie and terrifying, with the cold breath penetrating into the bone marrow. It is completely the opposite of the real Throne Hall.

Looking down, the hall is no longer empty. A huge round table appears in front of Aldrich III's throne. Surrounding the round table is a circle of stone chairs. On the stone chairs, figures shrouded in mist sit, and the tall chair backs are carved. It has strange words, simple and solemn, far less luxurious and noble than the throne.

However, being able to sit at the same table as Aldrich III all proves the noble status of those who have been sitting quietly and waiting here.

Naturally, it cannot be those wasteful aristocrats in the country.

There were countless questions in her mind, but Celecia found that she seemed to be under a mute spell and couldn't even make a sound here.

"Am I just a spectator?"

Thinking of this, Celcia calmed down and watched silently.

"His Majesty."

When Aldrich III appeared, the figures on the stone chairs all stood up, stroking their chests and saluting.

But the etiquette only ends there. It seems to be more about the respect this person has for Aldrich III himself, rather than his identity.

"Is everyone here?"

Aldrich III glanced lazily around the round table and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the throne.

"Now that we are all here, take off the disguise on your face. This is not an offline meeting organized by evil believers. We are all acquaintances, so there is no need to hide our faces."

"Eh? Isn't it?"

A surprised voice came from the end of the round table,

"I thought we gathered here because we were recruited by some great god and were about to do something great."

At the end of the round table, the fog on the last stone chair dissipated, revealing... it seemed that the chair was too hard and was leaning back and forth uncomfortably... a certain pink bear.

The pink bear stretched out a furry hand holding a cigar from its mouth, flicked the ashes skillfully, scratched its butt, and said regretfully:

"It's a pity. I've even thought of my own title. I'll just call it... The Fool. It sounds good, isn't it? Is there a hint of force coming towards you?"

"I think you are more suitable for the title of clown."

A faint sarcastic sound came from the nearest stone chair to the right of Aldrich III.


Pink Bear slapped the table, furious.

But when he saw the old man's true appearance gradually revealed on the stone chair, his anger suddenly stopped, and the pink bear face began to fade visibly to the naked eye.

become pale.

"Kan... Archbishop of Canterbury, you... why are you here?" Pink Bear rubbed his furry hands and smiled flatteringly.

"Haha, as promised by His Majesty, I have to come here no matter what."

On the stone chair, the kind old man wearing a simple white divine robe was smiling, but his eyes looking at the pink bear were a little cold:

"Mr. Pink Bear, I received a report that you stole the holy sword of my Life Church, blasphemed the saints of the church, and spread some disrespectful books. I don't know..."

"No! Absolutely not!"

Pink Bear slapped the table and was furious, "Which black guy created this rumor about me? I, Pink Bear, am an upright person, loyal to my beliefs, and a devout believer in the Goddess of Life. How could I do such a thing?"

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

If I really do something that goes against the conscience of heaven and earth, like stealing the Holy Sword and hiding the Saint's portrait, my whole family will..."


Aldridge III rubbed his twitching eyebrows, and his tone was filled with rare uncontrollable anger:

"Who let this idiot in?"

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