"Sorry, Your Majesty."

On the side, Professor Plan, who looked embarrassed, stood up and said helplessly:

"Pink Bear said that he is now the acting principal of Santa Maria and is eligible to participate, so he forced himself to come in."

"Drag him out of here."

Aldrich III paused, "Throw it down."

"What...down there?"

The pink bear immediately looked horrified when he heard this, but before he could say anything, Professor Plank had already kicked the embarrassing thing over with a ferocious expression and dragged his bear legs out.

"Wait, no, you can't do this to me!"

The pink bear's claws left clear traces on the ground, struggling hysterically:

"I can't go down there, I can't go down there...

I have a grudge against that moon. I killed many of his followers before, so he will give me small shoes!

Even if we go down, we can’t go down now...

Let me go, I bled for Leopold, I sweated for Santa Maria, you can't do this to me, I want to see Aldrich, let me go to Aldrich...

Aldrich, I am your uncle. It was my shit and piss that made you grow up. Now I still have a photo of your bare butt...ah! "

Following the frightened scream of a certain bear, the world suddenly became quiet.

Professor Plann also flashed and returned to his position.

The meeting continues.

Aldrich III glanced at the right side, where most of the old figures were sitting.

He couldn't help but sigh:

"Many of you are so old that I don't recognize you. Let me introduce myself first."

"It's your fault, Your Majesty."

The first person to speak was naturally the kind-faced old man closest to him. Although the old man was wearing simple clergy robes, his every move still revealed the majesty of someone who had been in a high position for a long time.

"Church of Life, Belland Cathedral, Archbishop Canterbury Eng."

The Archbishop of Canterbury nodded kindly to everyone, and everyone who met his peaceful gaze would take the initiative to stand up and pay tribute.

As one of the five Holy Sees of the Life Church and the general agent of the Life Church in the Leopold Empire, the Archbishop of Canterbury has the qualifications to be respected by everyone, both in terms of qualifications and status.

"Tower of Origin, Dodge Slor."

The second figure wearing a magician's robe then stood up, and the introduction was extremely simple.

But no one will underestimate him, because let alone the Tower of Origin, the continent's largest magician union, the name Dodge alone represents the insurmountable pinnacle of summoning magic.

Like the Archbishop of Canterbury, after nodding to everyone, Dodge's eyes fell on Professor Plan.

"I heard that Master Meladomir has awakened."

He took off his wide-brimmed pointed magician hat and asked respectfully:

"I wonder if I can have a chance to visit you?"

"Sorry, Mr. Dodge."

Professor Plann took off his hat with a wry smile and responded:

"Before coming here, Teacher Meladomir specifically told me that she will not see any outsiders for the time being."

"That's such a shame."

Dodge nodded disappointedly and sat back on the stone chair without saying anything more.

"The Stone Cauldron, Adrien Sandor."

"Adventurers Association, Belland District President, Adolf Lovis."

"Mitsukoshi United Business Alliance..."

One after another, figures stood up and calmly uttered names that could cause uproar in the outside world.

Even with Celecia's temperament, it was a little difficult to calm down at this moment.

Because what these names represent is not only their own strong strength, but also represents the top forces on this continent.

The Tower of Origin has the most magicians named or even joined...

The Stone Cauldron Association has a near-monopoly on alchemy-related knowledge...

The Adventurers Association with branches all over the continent...

A transnational joint business alliance...

Even excluding the existence outside the standard of the Life Church, these forces are behemoths that can even determine the destiny of some small countries.

Since there are these big shots on the right, then on the left...

The people on the left didn't need any introduction, Celcia recognized most of them, and it was precisely because of this that it was even harder to calm down.

"Now that these guests have introduced themselves, you, the hosts, should also introduce yourself without being too pretentious."

Aldrich III looked to the left and said softly.


Since it was a round table, after half a circle, Professor Plann, who was at the bottom seat on the left, was the first to stand up.

"Saint Mary College, Professor of Magic Department, Prang Ronin'er."

"The dean of Santa Maria College, currently in charge of the Empire's Special Disaster Countermeasures Department, Hathaway Field."

"Dean of the Imperial Royal Military Academy..."

"Agent of the Imperial Intelligence Department..."

"Agent of the Imperial Military Department..."

"Head of the Imperial Royal Knights..."


"The Silence Mechanism...the first generation sword bearer."

The last person to speak was an extremely old man. He was drowsy and his exposed skin was covered with age spots. He didn't even stand up when he spoke. He seemed to have already stepped into the coffin with half a foot.

But when he spoke, everyone couldn't help but cast serious glances at him, as if they wanted to carve into their minds that face that had only appeared in legends before.

A hundred years ago, because it could not bear that the Church of Life frequently interfered in internal affairs in the name of fighting evil gods, the empire secretly established an evil god response department called the "Silent Agency".

The old man known as the Sword Bearer is the founder of the Silence Mechanism.

In the hands of the old man, the Silence Machine was like a sharp sword. It gradually replaced the Church of Life's Judgment Temple in Leopold's country, crushing the evil believers and even the evil gods with silent, cold and efficient means. One conspiracy after another.

As a result, the Silence Agency has almost become the largest violent agency in Belland. Anyone who has an affair with the evil god, whether it is a civilian or a noble, whether it is a woman or a child, will be treated equally and indifferently.

It is even said that when these vicious thugs deal with evil believers, they will not let go of their dogs and give them a slap, the eggs will turn yellow, and the earthworms in the soil will be pulled out and split into two halves. It is really terrible. Extremely ruthless!

"You are still alive."

Staring at this "old friend" who had been with him for nearly a hundred years, the Archbishop of Canterbury sighed with regret:

"I thought you were already dead."

"Haha, it must be people like me who are causing trouble for thousands of years."

"But your men don't seem to be so strong."

The Archbishop of Canterbury gloated:

"I heard that a branch of the Silence Agency was breached by evil believers, and there was even a person who was suspected to be very important... Let me think about it, it seems that her name is Anna Kablin, and she was kidnapped by evil believers?

Tsk tsk, this is a fatal mistake. If that Anna Kablin is related to the evil god's conspiracy, do you know how much damage this mistake will cause?

So, Your Majesty, how about you give an order and allow the church to deploy the personnel of the Judgment Temple back to Belland. Give us one day to ensure that Anna Kablin is brought back. Of course, it is not complete, and we cannot guarantee it. "


Aldrich III did not answer. He was still leaning on the throne, holding his cheek with one hand. He lazily raised his eyes and stared at the old man quietly, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

"Anna Cablin may indeed be related to the evil god's conspiracy." The old man opened his cloudy eyes and glanced at the Archbishop of Canterbury. His tone was calm, but with an inexplicable chill.

"She was indeed abducted by those evil believers at a huge price."


The Archbishop of Canterbury, who originally just wanted to add some trouble to his "old friend", was shocked when he heard this. He secretly thought that he admitted it so quickly. Is the silence mechanism really rotten?


The old man suddenly changed his tone and no longer looked at the Archbishop of Canterbury. Instead, he looked at Aldrich III and said coldly:

"Anna Kaberlin has never escaped the clutches of the Agency of Silence, Your Majesty, never."

103. Fall of the city

"I see. It seems that I am the old man who is troubled."

The Archbishop of Canterbury sat back on the stone chair, smiling kindly, showing no signs of anger or annoyance.

"Then let us get back to business, Your Majesty."

He turned his head and stared at the lazy emperor on the throne, with a glimmer of light in his slightly narrowed eyes, and asked what Celecia on the side had always wanted to ask:

"What do you want to do by gathering all of us together?"

As his words fell, the entire hall, which was full of ferocious and cruel beauty, suddenly fell silent. The distinguished guests invited to the right side of the round table also focused their attention on Aldrich III.

They couldn't help but wonder, because after the short-term novelty passed, they were shocked to discover...

On this round table, there are now more than ten strong men of the crown-wearing level, representatives of all major forces and even the helmsmen, as well as... the cornerstone of the empire.

This is a lineup that is so luxurious that it can be called terrifying. This is probably the first meeting of this level since the founding of the Leopold Empire.

If the pope or the rulers of several other big countries were invited, they might be able to influence the direction of the entire world.

"If everyone here is taken advantage of, I'm afraid Leopold will directly perish."

"No, what we should be worried about now is that if there is a demon attack at this time, I am afraid that we only need to send a demon prince to capture Belland."

"Oh, then we have to pray that Duke Campbell on the border doesn't fall off the chain."

After the casual banter, everyone's eyes became more solemn.

Because Aldrich III is still silent, just like the calm before the storm.

"As expected...didn't you all notice?"

After a long time, Aldrich III suddenly sighed.

He first looked at the Archbishop of Canterbury and asked softly:

"The Archbishop of Canterbury, hasn't he said anything to you recently about the Holy City?"

"Holy City? Holy City is naturally busy preparing for that incident..."

As he spoke, the Archbishop of Canterbury glanced behind Aldrich III and paused.

Aldrich III waved his hand, indicating for him to continue:

"It doesn't matter. Although this matter is still kept secret among the higher-ups of the empire, the level of secrecy has been reduced to the point where a silent contract is not required. Moreover, this hall has long been sealed by a forbidden spell. It doesn't matter if you call him by his first name."

"In that case, I'll just say it straight."

The Archbishop of Canterbury looked around at everyone and continued:

"I believe that not only the church, but also the major forces and even the top leaders of various countries are paying attention to this matter at this time..."

Canterbury clenched his fist and slammed it on the table. This thin-looking old man's tone was extremely sonorous and powerful at this moment.

"——That is, the divine battle between the King of Blight and the Silent Moon!"

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