On the round table, except for Cecilia, whose heart was filled with turmoil, no one's expression changed.

To a certain extent, this matter has long been an open secret, and even most of them have been working to deal with the unknown impact of the upcoming war of gods.

"So, I am very puzzled by your Majesty's behavior. At this juncture, the safest approach should be to wait and see, but your Majesty has brought us together, which makes me feel..."

Archbishop Canterbury narrowed his eyes and said carefully:

"You want to take us to heaven and fight those two evil gods."


The atmosphere stagnated, and Aldrich III silently looked at Archbishop Canterbury.

The hall fell into a strange silence.

"Haha, the Archbishop is really good at joking..."

The tactful president of the Adventurer's Association, Adolf Lovis, stood up to ease the atmosphere and said with a smile:

"No matter what, your majesty can't do such an unrealistic thing. Fighting with the evil god is no different from ordinary people intervening in the duel between lions. I think your majesty is just... um? Your majesty?"

Adolf noticed something was wrong and his smile gradually froze.

Because he suddenly found that on the other side of the round table, the heads or representatives of various departments who represented the cornerstone of the empire all looked solemn and extremely dignified.

Just like parents whose children ranked last in the exam and had to attend the parent-teacher meeting, they had no intention of laughing at all, and even felt helpless and miserable.

But fighting with the evil god, isn't this the funniest joke in the world?


Isn't it a real fight?

"Is that so?"

The gray mist was rolling, just like the dark clouds covering everyone's hearts. Aldridge III lowered his eyes and showed a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The Holy City's sight is still too high."

"What do you mean by that?" Archbishop Canterbury still smiled, but there was still a hint of displeasure in his old eyes. Even if it was the emperor of the empire, blaspheming the Holy City...

"Then just watch quietly."

Aldridge III tapped the round table, "Hathaway."


"You are responsible for explaining to them."


Dressed in a professional suit, a short skirt and black stockings, Hathaway, who had a mature temperament, stood up and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"I have already introduced myself, so I won't repeat it now." Hathaway said neatly: "First, let me ask you a question. Where do you think we are now?" "This is a really interesting question." Adrian, the Grand Master of Alchemy of the Stone Cauldron Association, sneered, "Didn't you invite us here?" Before coming here, they all received an invitation letter written by Aldridge III and a precious scroll engraved with space teleportation magic. After using the teleportation scroll, they were teleported to this strange space, so no matter what, they should be the ones to ask this question. "It should be a special space." Dodge, the great magician of the truth level, looked up at this magnificent hall. In his eyes, the flow of any magic power could not conceal its traces, but here, he only felt a dead silence. "And the structure seems to be very similar to the throne room in the palace." Archbishop Canterbury added: "The details are different, but the similar framework cannot be concealed."

"And our perception cannot spread."

Adolf has begun to fidget: "It's as if something is suppressing it."

Then, everyone's eyes stayed on Hathaway.

Too much suspense will only make people feel impatient, it's time to reveal the answer.

"Yes, strictly speaking, this is indeed the throne room, but it is not the throne room you know."

Hathaway replied:

"In order to make you understand it as quickly as possible, let you see it with your own eyes."

She raised a jade hand and placed it on her head, as if she wanted to sweep away the dust on the glass.

The gray fog shrouding the head gradually surged, and then driven by some force, it faded away like the waves.

But what was revealed was not the dome of the throne room that everyone was familiar with, but... a city!

Above the hazy gray fog, under the sky that is as quiet and deep as the lake, a magnificent city is hanging upside down in the sight of everyone's horror!

PS: I'm very sorry, I have to go out today, so I can only write 2,000 words, and I will make up for it tomorrow.

104. Black Tide

In the morning mist, sunrise and breeze, the upside-down city seems to have just woken up.


The bells of Belrand Cathedral rang, and the worshippers put their hands together and prayed devoutly under the glory of the goddess.

On the towering Tower of Origin, the magician apprentices practiced flying diligently, but this practice soon turned into a chase full of vigor, and they fled in a hurry under the scolding of the mentor.

The Adventurer's Association opened the door, and the adventurers stretched and yawned and poured in, and in this warm morning light... ordered the first beer of the day.

Everything is so real, as if...

"Is this really Belrand?"

The Archbishop of Canterbury lost his composure for the first time. He stood up suddenly and stared at the hanging city. In his old eyes, there was an endless burst of holy light at this moment.

In the holy eyes given by the goddess, all illusions will be penetrated.

However, no matter how bright the holy light burst out from his eyes at this moment, the prosperous city hanging upside down above his head was still so real... and vivid.

"That is indeed Belland."

"That's Belland, where are we now?"

"We are naturally in Belland now, another Belland."

Hathaway raised her hand and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. The reaction of everyone was expected and not much of a surprise.

"Everyone, please look over there."

She waved her hand again, and under the intrusion of the invisible force, the gray fog shrouding the hall completely dissipated. Behind the walls that had long been demolished, one could overlook the entire city from a high position.

It was a city that seemed to have fallen into a nightmare. When all the colors and lights faded away, the silhouette that stood out in the mist looked extremely sinister and ferocious, like a demon grinding its teeth and sucking blood in the darkness.

But this is also Belland, a dark Belland that is completely opposite to the hanging city above.

"What is this?" Someone at the round table sighed in horror.

They are crowned ones who transcend human limits and are close to gods. They should not be afraid of a dark city.

But at this moment, even the Archbishop of Canterbury's skinny hands couldn't help but tremble.

His sight passed over the dark city, across the ancient Rhine River flowing with blood, across the lower city where ghosts seemed to be lingering, until... the outskirts of the city.

There is a sea there.

A sea of ​​pure blackness that seemed ready to submerge the entire city at any time did not exist in reality.

And where the boundary between sea and sky is blurred, the half wheel rises from the sea, symbolizing the ominous blue moon, like a tired eye, looking down at everyone indifferently.

Evil god.

Silent Moon!


Hathaway lowered her eyes, as if she didn't dare to look directly at the blue moon, and said softly:

"Welcome to the Shadow of Belland, this city built by the authority of the gods and born as the prototype of the Kingdom of God... the city of shadows!"


The sea breeze full of rotten atmosphere blew from a distance, waking everyone up from the shock, but even the one wearing the crown could not suppress his pale face at this moment.


The Archbishop of Canterbury roared angrily:

"How could Silent Moon be here? Under the surveillance of the Holy City, he is clearly about to come into contact with the King of Blight, how could he appear here!"

"Archbishop, calm down."

Aldrich III still held his cheek, looking lazy, as if he had already become accustomed to the existence of the blue moon.

"That's just a projection."

"But even if it's a projection..."

The Archbishop of Canterbury murmured in disbelief, "Now that we are dividing our power at this critical moment, isn't he really afraid that he will lose to the King of Blight?

You must know that these two have similar status, and the slightest external factor may completely affect the situation of the battle! "

"That's what I originally thought."

Aldrich III glanced at Hathaway and motioned for her to explain.

Hathaway nodded slightly and clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I know that it is very confusing that the Silent Moon will drop a projection here, but after my research and the analysis of the entire Special Countermeasures Department, combined with his previous behavior in attacking St. Mary's College, I came to a conclusion - —

Silent Moon may have felt that he was no match for the King of Blight from the beginning, so he has been... looking for a way out. "

"You mean... Silent Moon wants to escape?"

"That's right?"

"But how could he escape?"

Most people still couldn't believe this bizarre situation. An evil god tried to escape without even fighting him. How could this be possible?

"According to the intelligence analysis we currently have, the purpose of Silent Moon should be..."

Hathaway said: "Through his own authority, based on Belland's shadow, he evolved his kingdom of God, and then used the characteristics of the kingdom of God to bypass the blockade of the world's barriers...

Completely descended into the mortal world! "


There was a sound of gasping air.

Kingdom of God.

A kingdom evolved by the rules of gods. In the kingdom of gods, all laws are controlled by the gods themselves. If we can use the characteristics of the kingdom of gods to bypass the world's barriers... doesn't it seem impossible?

"I have questions."

Dodge suddenly raised his hand.

"Please say."

"You just said that even the authority of the Silent Moon can only evolve the prototype of the Kingdom of God based on the shadow of Belland. That is far from the real Kingdom of God. And from the current point of view, , Even the prototype of the Kingdom of God cannot be fully controlled by Silent Moon, otherwise we would not be sitting here now. "

Dodge stared into Hathaway's eyes, and unknowingly, he had turned the magician's hat into a pile of rags.

"Fundamentally speaking, Silent Moon's plan is not feasible. If the Kingdom of God could evolve so easily, those evil gods would have come in their true form one by one."

"That's right."

Hathaway pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses habitually, and through the reflection of the mirror, you could see the fatigue accumulated in her eyes.

But even so, she still stepped on ten-centimeter high heels, with her back straight and her tone serious.

"As Mr. Dodge said, the Shadow of Belland is still under our control. It is undoubtedly a foolish dream for Silent Moon to descend through the Kingdom of God.


Hathaway changed the subject: "

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