If this place falls into the hands of Silent Moon...he will use this to reversely erode the real Belland and make millions of people become his sacrifices..."

Hathaway said nothing more, but everyone knew the ending.

By then, with the flowing blood and wailing souls of millions of people, the kingdom of God will have completely evolved, and the Silent Moon will become the second evil god in history to successfully descend.

For the entire human race, this would be a catastrophe.

Just like that first time.

At this moment, the blue moonlight became more and more ferocious.


A shrill, baby-like cry came.

The black tide surged violently, and countless slender and terrifying shadows emerged from the sea.

Their bodies were covered with scales that reflected the cold light, and their thick and powerful snake tails swung in the waves, as if they could directly crush steel.

Their scale-covered faces showed an extremely greedy and fanatical look, as if they were going to a feast of flesh and blood.

"Snake man..."

The sea was suddenly divided, like an invisible zenith blade falling down, cutting abyss-like traces on the sea surface.

And from the abyss, terrifying monsters the size of Godzilla stood upright, and the moonlight outlined ferocious silhouettes on their outer armor.

"Moon Beast..."

The crying suddenly stopped, and a more melodious sound, like a whale song, echoed over the shadow city, like a holy voice sent by the gods. However, no one could capture the source of this sound, and could only vaguely glimpse the depths of the sea. , there is a huge black shadow gradually approaching.

"The natural disaster-level monster, the sea demon Leviathan, actually followed the Silent Moon."

Like a gambler turning over his own weights one by one, when any of the terrifying monsters that can cause unimaginable disasters in the outside world appeared, everyone finally extinguished the last glimmer of hope deep in their hearts. Choose to accept reality.

Silent Moon... is serious.

What they have to face is an evil god who desperately struggles crazily before dying!

"Are the evil gods also afraid?"

In this cold and silent atmosphere, someone asked subconsciously.

"Haha, only if you are afraid will you be called the evil god, right?"

The answer was not Hathaway, but Aldrich III.

He finally stopped being lazy and stood up from the throne, stretching out a hand as if to hold the city that belonged to him firmly in his hand.

He lowered his eyes, as if there was a majestic sun rising in his eyes, and even the Archbishop of Canterbury did not dare to look at him.

Under his feet, in the dead shadow city, there were suddenly countless noises.

"Quick, quick, first level defense alert!"

The whole city buzzed violently, and huge steel plates were erected, driven by precise magic instruments, to build an indestructible city wall.

On the city wall, the Royal Knights in silver armor have been waiting for a long time. The new weapon called "Magic Cannon" developed by the Royal Research Institute has replaced the old magic ballista, and the cold barrel is shining with cold light. , aiming at the monsters that are about to approach.

Behind the city wall, more people were running around, mobilizing supplies, preparing fortifications, and digging out a second line of defense.

Those well-dressed aristocratic men with glorious family crests on their chests, even though their faces were as pale as white paper and their bodies were shaking as if they had just run back naked in the late winter night, they still gritted their teeth and did not escape, angrily cursing the damned Silence. At the same time, he commanded his subordinates to take out the treasures one by one, feeling extremely distressed.

——There is no way, when Aldrich III immediately blocked all Belland's exit channels under the pretext of cracking down on smuggling, they have now become passengers on this lonely ship.

If Belland sinks, they will also die together!

Therefore, the Silent Moon must ascend to heaven for my whole family!

"A rare sight, isn't it?"

Glancing down from the corner of his eye, Aldrich III showed a smile on his lips.

But immediately, his expression became solemn.

Step by step, he walked firmly to the end of the hall.

He looked across the shadowy city, across the city walls, across the monsters and the black sea, and looked at the bright blue moon calmly.

"Lords, look, this is why I summoned you."

Aldrich pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed it at the cold and ferocious Silent Moon under the silent gaze of everyone, and issued a majestic declaration like thunder:

"The war has begun!"

105. New abilities

"Okay, done!"

In front of the cold operating table, Teacher Meira clapped her hands with joy, indicating that the initial construction of the alchemy core on Mu En was completed.

Not only the alchemy core, a total of 3,621 magic lines are also engraved in Mu En's body. Although it is extremely insignificant compared to the connection of the entire Eternal Bell, it also means that her long-cherished wish has finally succeeded. The first step was taken.

"Hey, didn't you say you're already healed? Why are you still lying down?"

Teacher Meira leaned down and looked doubtfully at Mu En, who was still crawling motionless like a dead salted fish even though the restraints had been released.

Lying like this and refusing to get up...

She tapped her little hand and said suddenly:

"Is it because my technique is so comfortable that I fell asleep?"

"What's comfortable? Teacher Meira, doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Mu En finally turned around, and his handsome face couldn't help but burst into tears under the skillful technique of Teacher Meila.

"It hurts, it hurts so much, Teacher Meila, do you know how much pain I'm in?"

In fact, it was okay at the beginning. Those thin scalpels scratched on the body, which was just a tickle for Mu En. Compared with what he experienced in the black book every night, it was completely insignificant.

The problem was that when the alchemy core was built, the golden solution prepared by Teacher Meila with the blood of the ancient dragon as the raw material was poured into the body. It was not a solution at all, but just like molten iron poured in!

The molten iron seemed to burn his flesh and blood inch by inch in his body, piercing his heart and bones, and he was in excruciating pain.

In fact, with his resistance to pain, he could withstand it for a short time, but the problem was that this exciting experience that made people "feel good" to the sky lasted for a whole day.

One day!

Twenty-four hours!

One thousand four hundred and forty-four minutes!

Do you know how I survived?

Do you know how many times I fainted from the pain?

But you still think I'm comfortable, you don't care about me at all!

You just slacked off to do other things halfway through, and when you came back, you had half a chicken leg in your mouth, I saw it all!

"You can't even endure this little pain, kid."

Teacher Meila curled her lips, and a trace of contempt was revealed in her red eyes:

"When I was young, I didn't even groan at this level of pain."

"... Really?"

"Of course."

"Then Teacher Meila, why don't you want to look into my eyes?" Mu En stared at Teacher Meila's wandering eyes.

Don't say such big words with the look of crying for a long time after being punched!

"Ahem, let's put this little thing aside for now. How do you feel? Do you feel any discomfort?" Teacher Meila coughed dryly and changed the subject.


Mu En smacked his lips and moved his body.

"I don't feel any discomfort, but my back is still a little hot."

"The burning sensation is normal. Come and see the result of your 24-hour persistence."

Teacher Meila got out a mirror from somewhere and motioned Mu En to turn around.

In the reflection of the mirror, Mu En finally saw the result of the severe pain he had endured for a whole day.

——It was a complex pattern with extreme precision and solemnity. Thousands of golden lines surrounded the alchemical core like the rising sun, spreading layer by layer towards his torso. The golden lines beat rhythmically with his breathing, revealing a mysterious and profound beauty.

"This is just the first engraving, just to make you have a preliminary connection with the Eternal Bell. When your body becomes stronger again, I will expand at least 106,000 magic lines based on the existing ones, and install 17 more alchemical cores. Only then will the second stage be truly completed."


Mu En's mouth twitched: "Can it be drawn on the back?"

"Oh? Who told you that the next one will be engraved on the back?"

Teacher Meila raised her eyebrows slightly, swept her eyes over Mu En, and stayed on a certain part for a long time, with a meaningful arc at the corner of her mouth.

"Aren't other parts of your body quite spacious?"


Mu En was stunned, and looked down along the line of sight of Teacher Meila. His forehead trembled immediately, and he covered his lower abdomen and wailed:

"Teacher Meila, some places cannot be painted with strange patterns!"

"Don't worry, I won't deliberately draw a pink little heart on it that you can't wash off in your lifetime." Teacher Meila blinked, and this old loli who likes to pretend to be young now has a face full of innocence and cuteness.

"I am even more worried when you say that!"

"I will be gentle next time."

"I don't need this kind of gentleness!"



After fighting for his dignity for a long time, and finally getting a guarantee from Teacher Meila that he would not mess around, Mu En fiddled with it in front of the mirror for a long time.

I always feel that... these golden patterns match his increasingly strong back contours recently, which is a bit handsome.

"Maybe I can attract the hearts of countless young ladies with my handsome back in the future." Mu En posed a handsome bodybuilding pose, thinking intoxicatedly.

A perfect ghost back with a built-in golden flashing LED, who can refuse it?

"I think the probability of attracting homosexual perverts will be greater."

Teacher Meila ruthlessly punctured Mu En's fantasy, and then her expression became a little more serious.

"Okay, that's enough gossip, and it's time to test the specific effect."

"Specific effect?"

"At least you have made a preliminary contact with the Eternal Bell, and you should be able to use the authority of the Eternal Bell with it.

Although it is only a very insignificant point, it should be a very obvious improvement for you now."

Teacher Meila took out her pink kettle, and when Mu En thought she was going to water the sea of ​​flowers habitually again, she suddenly threw the kettle at Mu En.

"Infuse the alchemy core with magic power." Teacher Meila said.


Mu En reacted immediately and quickly let the magic power in his body flow to the alchemy core behind him.

It was clearly a man-made object carved by outsiders, but at this moment, Mu En felt that those magic lines had completely merged with himself and turned into an extension of his meridians. The magic flowed through those lines as smoothly as flowing through his body.

In an instant, the alchemical core that was infused with a large amount of magic began to tremble slightly, as if it was resonating with something.


At this moment.

Mu En seemed to hear the midnight bell of the big clock tower.

The world suddenly became quiet, but it was not silent.

Instead, all the sounds at this moment seemed to be distorted and gradually stretched out, except for his own heartbeat and breathing.

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