
Mu En's eyes widened in shock, because the watering bottle thrown by Teacher Meira suddenly hovered in the air.

No, it wasn't hovering, it was just that it suddenly flew very slowly, as if the slow-down button had been pressed.

Mu En could clearly see the water droplets slowly jumping out of the pot, blooming into breathtaking crystal silver flowers in the air.

Through the crystal water splashes, Mu En saw that Teacher Meira was still in the posture of throwing the kettle. Her baby-fat little face looked extremely cute in the static picture.

Time to stop?

Yellow hair?


Mu En suddenly felt as if some familiar scenes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which was full of elements.

106. Price

"Is this...time stop?"

No, it hasn't stopped yet, but time has indeed been greatly delayed.

Soon, Mu En figured out the nature of this power from the changes around him.

The Eternal Clock is the prototype of artificial authority that Master Meira spent thousands of years constructing to control the laws of time. It is not surprising that Mu En has such a miraculous ability.

He just didn't expect that this was only the first inscription of the second stage, and it could reach this level.

Everything around him became very slow in his perception. Judging from the falling water droplets, time was delayed at least dozens of times.

Then if Teacher Meira's construction is completely completed, how terrifying will this power be?

By then, will it be possible to have the power to actually turn back time?

If you have this kind of power...

For some reason, Mu En thought of that pretty face that bloomed briefly like an epiphyllum.

"I always feel that if I don't do something in this situation, I will be sorry for my status as a yellow-haired person?"

Among the slowly floating water droplets and petals, Mu En looked at Teacher Meira, who looked a little cute due to her frozen expression, especially her plump cheeks, which were white and tender, making people want to take a bite. Suddenly, her head twitched again. If you smoke, you will have the courage to do evil.

Touch it, I will touch it!

A legal loli's little face can't be touched just by touching it!

This is your chance!

The distance between the two is not very far. Under the drag of time, Mu En's movements have become much slower, but when he moves at full speed, he is still far ahead of the slow things around him.

Close! Close!

Mu En's fingers slowly approached Teacher Meira. As they got closer to the white and soft cheek, Mu En's heart couldn't help but accelerate with excitement...

However, just when Mu En's fingers were about to make contact, he was shocked to find that Teacher Meira's amber-red eyes suddenly started to move dexterously.

Just like the girl in the photo, she suddenly broke through the shackles of the dimension and cast a meaningful look at Mu En.

"Your courage never ceases to amaze me, boy.

No matter what you think or do. "

Mu En's expression slowly stiffened.

However, in his slow movements, he saw Teacher Meira's body shake slightly, and then move dexterously as if she had completely escaped the shackles of time.

"Do you have any last words?" Teacher Meira blinked and said scary words with a cute look on her face.


Mu En's voice was drawn out very long, so before he could finish speaking, Teacher Meira already showed an impatient expression.

"It seems that there is no more. Go to heaven and calm down."

Teacher Meira clapped her hands.

So with a whoosh, the Huangmaotou No. 2 rocket launcher successfully detached from his neck and flew into the sky at a speed that directly broke the sound barrier. After completing various difficult maneuvers in the sky, he successfully landed with his face on the ground.

I don’t know when the delay of time has returned to its original state. The pure water droplets overflowing from the watering can reflect a shallow rainbow in the sky.

Teacher Meira held up Mu En's head, stared at the pale Mu En with a smile, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I...I'm out of the warehouse, feeling...feeling good."

What a ghost, Mu En's eyes were filled with stars, and she felt like her brain was about to be shaken.

"Good, you'll feel better next time."

Teacher Meira smiled evilly, and that meaningful expression immediately made Mu En's hair stand on end, and she wailed in horror:

"Wait, it's not that, Teacher Meira, I was just joking!"

"This is not my punishment for you, but the price you should have paid."


Before Mu En could turn around, she saw Teacher Meira holding her head and placing it back on her neck.

In an instant, perception resets.

Unspeakable pain struck.

At this moment, Mu En seemed to hear the sound of tendons tearing and bones cracking, followed by explosions like fried beans, exploding at his joints.

The skin becomes reddish, but it is not a healthy redness, but the capillaries close to the skin burst out, and blood streaks seep out from the surface of the skin.

Before Mu En could react to the current situation, she felt that all her strength had been taken away from her body in an instant, and she collapsed to the ground like a puddle of boneless mud.

"Ahem...hey, what's going on?"

Mu En opened her mouth in confusion and coughed out a few pieces of blood with minced meat. It was obvious that the internal organs in her body were also seriously injured at this moment.

"As I said, this is the price you have to pay."

Teacher Meira lowered her head and stared at Mu En, with a hint of schadenfreude in her eyes, "Do you really think that the power of the Eternal Bell is so easy to control?"

"But why does the price have to be paid in this way? Can't I just give you money?" Mu En shouted angrily.

"It's a price, but the reason is that your body is too weak."

Teacher Meira rolled her eyes:

"The Eternal Clock that has a preliminary connection with you can extend your time, but it cannot strengthen your body."

"That is to say..." Mu En suddenly understood something.

"That's right, because time was stretched out, you overdrafted your body without you realizing it."

Teacher Meira held her little hands behind her back and explained while walking around Mu En:

"Generally speaking, it is difficult for people to exert their full strength because the human body has a protective mechanism to ensure that we do not harm our bodies when we use strength.

However, when time is delayed, this protection mechanism is difficult to take effect. As for the reason..."

"Because in that situation, in the brain's perception, my movements were very slow." Mu En recalled her actions when she wanted to pinch Teacher Meira's cheek.

Because he felt that his movements were too slow, he desperately wanted to go faster, and faster.

But that kind of slowness in a delayed state of time... in the real flow of time...

"It has already exceeded its own limits."

"Yes, that's it."

Teacher Meira snapped her fingers and nodded with satisfaction that her stupid disciple was not hopeless.

"This is precisely due to the limitations of the body. Even though your consciousness can clearly feel that time is slowing down, your physical body still cannot keep up.

The Eternal Clock can only affect time, it cannot affect anything else. "

"But I think the cost is more than that."

Mu En smiled bitterly. A red flame ignited on his body, but the flame was very weak, so the repair of the injury was also very slow.

"I feel like I've only been using it for such a short time, and my whole body is going to be hollowed out."

"Of course, what do you think you are affecting? That is time, something that even the gods cannot control."

Teacher Meira stood with her hands behind her hands, looking across the sea of ​​flowers into the distance.

There is a hint of coldness and arrogance in her petite body that is inconsistent with her appearance.

But this cold arrogance made Mu En feel so natural.

Compared to the man-made Eternal Clock of Authority, perhaps the teacher Mela who created it is even more incredible.

107. Forward

"In short, at this stage, the Eternal Clock can probably extend your time up to sixty times at a time. The limit is one minute. Note that it is one minute in your perception. At the real flow rate, it is only one second.

But your current physical body can probably only barely withstand the burden of ten times the time and exert normal speed, so I suggest that when you use it, don't directly turn it to the maximum like this time, because this will not only It makes you happy for a short period of time and then turns into a useless person, which is of no use. "Teacher Meira warned seriously.

"ten times……"

Mu En looked down at his hands. Due to the flames of the King of Blight, his injuries had almost recovered, but the feeling of emptiness in his body was still extremely strong.

It looks like it won't be activated again for a short time.

But he still knew how powerful this power was.

Gaining ten times the speed in a short period of time, coupled with the indestructible Elizabeth, his strength may change qualitatively to some extent.

It can even make up for the shortcomings of his single-minded approach to a large extent.

And this power can evolve.

From the extremely slow world just now, he can see how much his strength will increase when he fully controls the sixty times extension of time.

Think of a handsome old man holding a pocket knife, and just snap a batch of them.

"And this is just the beginning."

Teacher Meera continued:

“The current Eternal Clock can only affect your own time, so in a sense, it only exists as an accelerator to accelerate consciousness for you.

However, when the subsequent steps are carried out in an orderly manner, your connection with the Eternal Clock will become closer and closer, and after you receive more blessings from the Eternal Clock, the authority of this time will expand from your [self] to [outside of the world]. Objects], and even the [World] can be affected in the end.

Only then can the power of the Eternal Clock be truly revealed. "

After saying that, Teacher Meira looked at Mu En and curled her lips:

"When the time comes, those weird gameplays in your mind won't be impossible to realize."


Mu En's cheek twitched, she scratched her head and said haha:

"What...what a strange way to play, Teacher Meira, why can't I understand what you are talking about? Hahaha..."

"Just pretend you don't understand."

Teacher Meira stretched out cutely and walked towards the depths of the sea of ​​flowers:

"Come on, boy, although the Eternal Bell is very powerful, the more powerful the power, the more it needs to be done step by step, otherwise it will not be you who have mastered the power, but the power that has mastered you.

Therefore, I will not proceed to the next step until you can fully master sixty times the current stage. "

"Then I will do it as soon as possible."

Mu En clenched her fists, her eyes firm: "Definitely."

"It's good if you have this intention."

Teacher Meira waved her hand:

"You go out first. I'm tired after working for so long. I need to take a nap."

"Okay, I won't disturb Teacher Meira for your rest."

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