Mu En said goodbye respectfully and was about to turn around and leave, but as soon as she took two steps, she was stopped by Teacher Meira:

"By the way, I will continue to decipher the Aesop text. Now that the moon has no time to take care of it, I may be able to find some loopholes."

Mu En was stunned and suddenly overjoyed:

"Thank you, Teacher Meira!"

"Thank you very much, but there is one more thing."

Teacher Meira, who was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, suddenly turned over, looked at Mu En with her little head in her hands, and said:

"In ten days, there will be a lunar eclipse in this city."

"Lunar eclipse?"

Mu En blinked,

"What eclipse?"

A lunar eclipse should be considered a big event in this era. It stands to reason that someone should have been hyping the news long before it happened.

Why have I never heard of it?

"Well, don't ask such troublesome questions as why there is a lunar eclipse. I just want to remind you."

Teacher Meira was still smiling, but Mu En felt that she was completely seen through her red eyes:

"It's okay to be a bad boy who sleeps well at night, but this city...Belland has become very interesting recently, so you'd better be careful."


After walking out of the mercury well, Mu En was still thinking about what Teacher Meira said just now.

But many things that seem to have no beginning or end will suddenly become clear when you combine them with the previous information.

"Sure enough, no matter how you think about it, there is only one possibility. The lunar eclipse refers to the fact that the Silent Moon will be pressed to the ground and rubbed by the King of Blight.

Ten days later...I didn't expect it to be so fast. "

It seems that the King of Blight is really more powerful than imagined.

No... In other words, after Silent Moon's series of self-rescue actions failed, it consumed its own power for no reason, making the gap more obvious.

"As for Belland getting interesting..."

This matter is also easy to figure out.

That Moon has done so much, and she will definitely not sit back and wait for death at the last moment, letting herself be eaten up by the King of Blight.

So He must be doing something more.

Moreover, from the current point of view, he is definitely going to do something in Belland, and the senior sister will also be his important chess piece.

I won't let you succeed so easily, even if you are an evil god.

"The Black Book."

Mu En called softly in her heart.

a long time.

The black book deep in his consciousness turned over, and a font appeared reluctantly on the blank page.


Why do I feel like this guy is becoming more and more unreliable?

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched,

"Can you know the purpose of Silent Moon?"


"Why, can't you help me predict it?"

[I can only predict some things related to you]

"That's it."

Sure enough, it's not that easy to know the evil god's purpose?

Mu En thought for a while and continued to ask:

"What about snake disease? Do you know its treatment?"

The fonts in the black book squirmed and gathered into a complete sentence.

But in that blurry mosaic, Mu En could still distinguish only four words.

【Tears of True Love】

"Even you will be affected by the evil god?"

[The one who is affected is not me, but you. 】

"What do you mean..."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Is this what Teacher Meira said, a hint from the evil god?

That is to say...

"Under the influence of the evil god's suggestion, even if I see the real answer, the only thing I can understand is these four words?"


[But these four words are absolutely true]

【Don't worry】

"...It's really strange to be able to see some comfort from you." Mu En smiled bitterly.

【come on】.

After revealing the last two words, the black book closed again and sank into the depths of Mu En's consciousness, no longer moving, just like a deep sleep.

"I was actually encouraged by a book."

Mu En laughed to himself and looked up at the sky.

The weather was no longer sunny, dense dark clouds obscured the sunlight, and the whole world was covered in thick shadows.

"It looks like tonight will be a good day with dark and windy weather."

108. Before night

"According to the information I got from my seniors in the fifth and sixth grades, Anna Kaberlin was also very popular for a while at the beginning."

On the bench on the side of the road, Mu En sat quietly on the edge, listening to the information that was entrusted to Senior Sister Fanny to investigate.

"After all, she was good-looking and would often help people for free, so there were not a few people who had a crush on her at that time. Many young men born into noble families pursued her."

"Then...why is the senior's reputation so bad?" Mu En asked, "I remember you said that the senior class's evaluation of the senior is not very good."

"'s because she rejected everyone."

Senior Sister Fanny said:

"Although I haven't had much contact with Anna Kaberlin, from the information I collected, it seems that she is a very elusive person."

"I agree with this." Mu En nodded lightly.

"She is very interested in other people's love affairs, and often goes out of her way to match them up. However, she avoids other people's confessions like a snake or a scorpion, and will even refuse them with the strange reason of 'not believing in love.' Over time, those people become Feeling that she had been teased, she started to speak ill of her in anger, saying that she was a woman who looked good on the outside, but was as vicious as a poisonous snake on the inside, and took pleasure in playing with other people's emotions. "

"But those were just bad words."

"Yes, just bad words."

Having said this, Senior Sister Fanny suddenly stood up and apologized to Mu En:

"I'm very sorry. I said something bad about classmate Anna because of someone else's gossip. As you said, you shouldn't believe this kind of thing until you see it with your own eyes."

"Don't worry, you didn't say anything at the time, and even if you apologize, you should apologize to Senior Anna, right?"

Mu En smiled and waved his hand.


Senior Sister Fanny nodded, her eyes swept over Mu En's face, revealing a hint of suspicion:

"Classmate Mu En..."


"Why do I are very happy to hear this news."

"Happy? Well...a little bit. After all, I know something important, which makes me more determined about what I want to do next.

Senior Sister Fanny originally thought what would happen if I knew this news? "

"I thought you would be angry."

Senior Sister Fanny blinked and said:

"I will rush over impatiently and beat up those who say bad things about Anna Kablin."

"Well, I had this idea at first, but now is not the time. I have more important things to do." Mu En shook his head indifferently, "Some losers who have probably never even seen the smile of the senior sister. It’s just a dog, why should I care?”

"He is truly worthy of being a famous playboy in the academy. His legacy is truly remarkable."

"Haha, senior Fanny, please stop teasing me."

Mu En stood up from the bench and said goodbye to Senior Sister Fanny with a smile:

"That's the end of the chat. Thank you Senior Sister Fanny for your help. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me, and I won't talk about paying you as a reward."

"Well, bye then."


Behind the thick clouds, a stubborn ray of sunset fell, casting a soft halo on the shadow of the city in the distance, just like the shy cheek of a girl.

"Has evening arrived?"

Mu En moved forward along the familiar road.

On the wide road, students flocked to the cafeteria and dormitories after class. The hustle and bustle of vitality and vitality filled every corner of the campus.

Mu En, however, went against the flow of the crowd and walked towards the outside of the school.

On the road, people often cast curious glances at him, but they seemed to sense some emotion in him and did not say anything to disturb his contemplation.


"Mu...Classmate Mu En?"

A familiar voice came from behind.


Mu En turned around in astonishment and looked at the girl who was still wearing conspicuous huge black-rimmed glasses and braided braids.

She was struggling to drag the huge suitcase. She looked like she was going on a trip, and she seemed so out of place among the students.

"Classmate Mu En, why are you here?"

Sally's eyes showed deer-like surprise. She rushed over and grabbed Mu En's hand:

"Are you here to see me off?"


Mu En frowned slightly and looked down at Sally's gift box:

"Sorry, I just came out for a walk, but Sally-san, where are you going with such a big suitcase?"

"Oh, just...just a walk?"

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