The light in Sally's eyes dimmed, and she was visibly disappointed:

"That's right... I haven't told anyone about this yet, how could you know, classmate Mu En?"



Sally scratched her cheek, lowered her head and whispered:

"I'm going to drop out of school."

"Drop out?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, he pulled his hand out of Sally's hand without leaving a trace, and his eyes swept deeply over the girl:

"At this time?"

"Well, something happened at home, and I have to go back to help my father."

"This is too sudden."

"Things in the world are always changing, aren't they?"

Sally looked a little sad.

"Have you applied to the school?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have left through the main entrance."

"Is that so."

Mu En nodded, and then asked seriously:

"Didn't they ask you anything?"

"Eh? How did classmate Mu En know that?"

Sally exclaimed in surprise, and then pouted in dissatisfaction:

"I don't know why. I just went to handle the withdrawal procedures, but a lot of scary people showed up to ask me questions, and even took out some magic device that was said to be able to identify lies. It really scared me to death."

As she said this, Sally patted her chest with lingering fear. Even through the loose uniform, she could vaguely see the vast waves surging.

"In the end, did they ask anything?"

"Hmm? Classmate Mu En, do you think I would really do something bad?"

"Of course not."

Mu En smiled gently.

"I'm just worried about Sally."

"Is that so?"

Sally blushed and twisted her waist: "Of course there is nothing. I have never killed a bug in my life, let alone doing bad things!"

"Sally is really amazing."

"Hehe... I'm so happy to be praised by Mu En..."


Mu En's eyes swept over Sally again, as if he was confirming something, or looking for something.

But it was really hard to see anything special about this girl with simple clothes and ordinary looks.

And the one in my impression was even more unrelated.


"Then please ask your father for me, Sally, the food last time was really delicious." After thinking for a while, Mu En gave up the idea of ​​asking more deeply.

"Thank you... Thank you, I will pass it on."

"It's getting late, I won't bother Sally anymore, goodbye, go home early."

"Well, goodbye, Mu En."

After saying goodbye, Sally dragged her suitcase and turned away reluctantly.

But it seemed that she couldn't suppress some emotions in her heart at the moment. She turned back suddenly, stared into Mu En's eyes, and asked nervously:

"Mu En, can we meet again?"


Mu En also looked at the pair of true eyes through the black-framed glasses, without a trace of falsehood, and suddenly smiled.

The smile was soft and warm.

Just like the sunset that was about to disappear and sink into the cold night.

"Of course, I think we will meet again soon, Sally."

109, Coming Again

"Okay, Sally has a certificate from the school office and can go through the main gate, how should I go out?"

At the edge of the academy, Mu En looked at the patrolling teachers and golems and began to worry.

Even without the blockade of the second level of the Great Secret Ritual, perhaps due to the increasingly tense situation recently, the academy's vigilance is obviously much more tense.

Basically, as long as it is night, there will be many more teachers patrolling.

It is basically impossible to sneak out of the academy with my embarrassing state of the second stage in this situation, and those teachers are not vegetarians.

And I can't go through the normal procedures blatantly, after all, I'm not going shopping for gifts this time.

"It seems that I can only use my own tricks."

With no way out, Mu En can only take out his best method. He took a deep breath and looked at the patrolling and getting closer teachers, with a firm and fiery look in his eyes.

"Teacher Meila, help me!"


"Please, I'll buy you your favorite candy later!"

"Get lost."

There was a roar in the void with the tone of "How can I have such a shameful disciple", and a small white foot emerged from the void and kicked Mu En's buttocks fiercely.

Mu En felt a pain, and his eyes suddenly spun, as if he was stuffed into a drum washing machine in large-size mode.

When he rubbed his butt and got up from the ground, he found that he had come to the street outside the college.

Because it was a school day, this street that depended on the college seemed extremely deserted. The windows of the closed shops on the roadside leaked a dim firelight, reflecting on the spotless bluestone floor.

As night fell, the street was empty.

There was only a completely black carriage without any signs, waiting silently.

Mu En walked into the carriage.

The people inside had been waiting for a long time.


An rushed over and hugged Mu En's waist:

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Okay, let's act like a spoiled child later."

Mu En sniffed the familiar fragrance and rubbed An's head,

"Let's talk about business first."


An stood up, sitting straight as if measured by a ruler, and his greedy and happy expression also returned to its former solemnity.

Tap tap.

The carriage started to move automatically, heading towards the direction of the lower city.

"This is what the young master needs."

Amid the regular sound of horse hooves, An handed a document to Mu En.

Mu En took it, opened it, and quickly scanned it.

"Is this the information of all the large gangs in the lower city?"


An nodded gently: "As long as they have a name and territory, they are all on it."

"The number is less than I thought."

"After all, there are still a few who can stand out from the quagmire of the lower city. The most in the lower city are still some scattered organizations that rely on large gangs for survival, but I think those are of no use to the young master.

And for the lower city, what is important is not the lower, but the upper."


Mu En murmured.

"The information on it..."

"All that can be found is marked on it. The rest are just some cautious guys, and they really can't catch the clues." An said with a hint of self-blame.

"It's not your fault. If they were caught so easily, those greedy guys would have been wiped out by the royal family long ago, and they wouldn't be so arrogant until now."

Mu En sighed.

Although in his memory, his cheap father said that those nobles who only had money and desire in their minds were also disdainful, but there was one thing that even he had to admit.

-That is, when doing bad things, those people are really smart. Among the gangs in the lower city, I don't know how many of them are wearing layers of vests.

I don't know how much of the money that the rats earned from smuggling and selling banned drugs went into those people's pockets.

"But during this period, there should be no influence from above in the lower city." An suddenly said.

"Hmm? What does this mean?"

"Because now most of the nobles in the upper city have been summoned by His Majesty."


Moon frowned:


"I don't know. Maybe because the master is not here, the Campbell family did not receive the notice, but I visited several nobles. Most of their heads and able-bodied men are gone, leaving only a part of the elderly, weak, women and children.

After my inquiry, it was His Majesty's call for conscription. It seems that something big is going to happen."

"Big thing..."

The only big thing that happened recently is...

It seems that the moon's actions are bigger than I thought.

"But those nobles are so obedient? Don't they want to run away as soon as they encounter big things?"

"I don't know either," An touched his cheek and said distressedly.

"But generally speaking, if a knife is pointed at the neck, they will not tell lies, right?"




Did I hear something incredible just now? Are you really going to visit?

...I'd better pretend I didn't hear it.

"However, according to the information from the Duke's Mansion, Belland has recently begun to crack down on smuggling, and the city gates have been temporarily closed, basically only allowing entry but not exit."

"I think I know why those nobles are working so hard."

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched.

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